Might DOA6 be PS4 exclusive?


New Member
i actually hope it will be on fewer platforms. They seem stretched kind of thin. A lot of updates failed to go off without a bump of some sort that broke the game too often.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Exclusive? No.

Development console and optimized for? Yes (just like LR. I heard a rumor that the XB1 version wasn't in the works until late into the PS4 version's development).


Well-Known Member
Being exclusive most likely only get Sony to make the title in the front line like "omg guyz look itz Dee Ow Ay 6- best fughting gaem evvr! Buy now for $$, bonus 3 months PS+ trial"

So, nah. Let's not forget our friends in Xbox side and considerably on PC too.


Premium Donor
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did make the next game PS4 exclusive....I would hope not howeve. I own a Ps4 myself now, so although I'd be disappointed that half the community wouldn't be able to advance forward, I'd feel at ease knowing that I chose the right console.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did make the next game PS4 exclusive....I would hope not howeve. I own a Ps4 myself now, so although I'd be disappointed that half the community wouldn't be able to advance forward, I'd feel at ease knowing that I chose the right console.
The right console is all of them. Be a gamer, not a fanboy.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
It was your word choice I was poking at. Don't think anything of it. I just enjoy messing with people.


Premium Donor
It was your word choice I was poking at. Don't think anything of it. I just enjoy messing with people.
Oh, that's fine. I should've probably worded it a little differently. :p Still, I really hope DOA doesn't go the console exclusive route...that's seriously gonna alienate several thousands of players who own different consoles. I don't want to even think about the outrage that a lot of players on FSD will feel. Don't do it TN:(


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
the only way it would be exclusive is if Sony foots the bill like with Street Fighter, but the only reason they did that was because it was well, Street Fighter. DOA doesn't have that sort of pull.

otherwise KT is doing very well so they can afford to make an xbone version
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Well-Known Member
If they only release it on PS4, they'll only get me to buy it through a proper PC release. I'm not getting a console for one game, and I'm definitely not going to pay two subscription services to play online.

PS4 started as the better console, but the Xbox One is gaining ground. The Xbox got a lot of bad PR, but now they've been really listening. So much so, that they've even started with backwards compatibility, which was my requirement for me to buy an Xbox One. Things have been quite quiet on the PS4 side. Slowly but surely, the focus will shift towards the Xbox One. It would not be wise for Team Ninja to omit DOA6 from the Xbox One. For as bad as DOA4 was as a competitive game, it brought in a lot of players on the Xbox platform, and that should not be forgotten.
The best is still both platforms.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how TN reads the market, especially regarding which console is seen as the one which attracts more fighting game players. Right now, odds do seem to be in favor of the PS4 as almost all of the fighters this generation are on it, with at more exclusives (2 GG games, SFV and possibly KoFXIV) over the XBox One which only has KI.

Of course, I wouldn't mind if they took they followed in SFV's footsteps, took the same deal with Sony, and made it for PS4 and PC with cross play, guaranteeing that the PC version will have parity with console.


Well-Known Member
I can see why some would think that though, Koei Tecmo tend to favour PS over other things how many console games they have that are PS3/PS4 exclusive? Not to mention their more newer games Ni-Oh, Nights of Azure, Toukiden II and DOAX3 are all PS/PS4 exclusive too.
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Well-Known Member
While focusing development to only one console sounds sensible, a multiplatform release will always be more profitable. In the event that they do choose to go exclusive, the PS4 definitely will be the priority console. Then again, if every other fighting game goes exclusive to PS4, the game would face immense competition for player attention.

Of course, Microsoft could always pull a rise of the tomb raider on us and set up a timed exclusivity deal, the series has been associated with the system since 2001 so ms could probably make the attempt, they could probably even do what they did with NG II and publish the game themselves.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Of course, Microsoft could always pull a rise of the tomb raider on us and set up a timed exclusivity deal, the series has been associated with the system since 2001 so ms could probably make the attempt, they could probably even do what they did with NG II and publish the game themselves.

The exclusive or timed exclusive deals are only done, if a game is considered a system seller. If it has a big name, is considered an equal rival of a similar game on another system and/or if it is set to sell like hot cakes. Dead or Alive is far from being a system seller nowadays. It was at the time of DOA2 and DOA3, but this has changed. In recent years I mostly got "Uhm...okay...? o . O" when I mentioned to someone that I like DOA. Only when I specify, that it is similar to Tekken or Soul Calibur, everyone goes: "Yeah, I know Tekken/Soul Calibur! My brother/friend/cousin/room mate used to play it." If someone in a very rare case knows DOA, I get to hear: "Lol, that titty fighter! XD They play volleyball too, right?"


Well-Known Member
The exclusive or timed exclusive deals are only done, if a game is considered a system seller. If it has a big name, is considered an equal rival of a similar game on another system and/or if it is set to sell like hot cakes. Dead or Alive is far from being a system seller nowadays.

great point, this is likely the best argument against exclusivity; why severely limit your playerbase especially when faced with major competition?

if nothing else, its practically guaranteed that any new DOA game will NEVER release on PC; after all the nude mods (even after TN naively asked players not to make such), theyll wisely avoid such things


Premium Donor
Thinking about what Tyaren stated, I doubt DOA will be PS4 exclusive. While the game is more notable nowadays, it isn't mainstream enough right now to make it console exclusive. All making it console exclusive would do is just split the fanbase, and TN does not need that right now. Roughly 1/2 of the community including FSD members would be angered and drop the game, because not everyone is gonna be willing to buy a PS4 system just to play a game that was previously on multiple consoles. Plus they'd lose revenue and money, with the DLC and other resourses concerned. They've already lost PS3 and Xbox 360 DLC buyers as cash stock, so if I were them I'd play my cards carefully.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Roughly 1/2 of the community including FSD members would be angered and drop the game, because not everyone is gonna be willing to buy a PS4 system just to play a game that was previously on multiple consoles.

Is it really half though? I don't have the actual numbers, but from my experience I'd say considerably more people play DOA5 on PS3 and PS4 than on Xbox360 and XBone. For the current generation I could imagine 65% playing it exclusively on PS4.


Well-Known Member
The exclusive or timed exclusive deals are only done, if a game is considered a system seller. If it has a big name, is considered an equal rival of a similar game on another system and/or if it is set to sell like hot cakes. Dead or Alive is far from being a system seller nowadays. It was at the time of DOA2 and DOA3, but this has changed. In recent years I mostly got "Uhm...okay...? o . O" when I mentioned to someone that I like DOA. Only when I specify, that it is similar to Tekken or Soul Calibur, everyone goes: "Yeah, I know Tekken/Soul Calibur! My brother/friend/cousin/room mate used to play it." If someone in a very rare case knows DOA, I get to hear: "Lol, that titty fighter! XD They play volleyball too, right?"
But does that mean KoFXIV is a system seller? Because from what we've heard so far, it's going to be PS4 exclusive.


Well-Known Member
Is it really half though? I don't have the actual numbers, but from my experience I'd say considerably more people play DOA5 on PS3 and PS4 than on Xbox360 and XBone. For the current generation I could imagine 65% playing it exclusively on PS4.

35% to 40% is still a significant number to lose if they do go exclusive. TN making doax3 a ps4 and vita exclusive is not a sign of going exclusive for future doa games since the move is obviously because the xbone isnt popular enough in asia to make it worth releasing there as well (though a worldwide release would make a port viable since the first 2 games were xbox only)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
But does that mean KoFXIV is a system seller? Because from what we've heard so far, it's going to be PS4 exclusive.
Most system exclusives are not exclusive because of a system exclusivity deal between the developer and Sony (or Microsoft). Street Fighter V is exclusive because of such a deal, it is considered a system seller. KOF XIV however is exclusive because the developer decided to make the game for one platform, for whatever reasons. Sony didn't pay them one cent.