Miscellanous DOA Thoughts


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Standard Donor
I think up DOA suggestions during to weirdest times. Today I was running to the gym and listening an old episode of the podcast and new ideas for DOA were going through my head for some reason. Some of these have been fueled with my recent dealings with the original DOA on the PSX and its guide, which the frame data from will be up on the wiki shortly.

:Link: Does every character need six counter-holds?
People on here have been suggesting that the current counter should become a four or six double-direction hold system. In DOA1, there's a single hold, the mid-kick hold, and not every character has it. Sure, every character has a high-mid and low parry but they typically don't do damage as they're a defensive measure. So why is it that the counter-hold in DOA2-on does both defend you and gives damage? It does it for all characters to boot. Why do strikers have access to defensive option that does significant damage? Not having played DOA1 before, I hadn't questioned it but now that I've dabbled in it a little the whole idea seems ludicrous. Does every character need six counter-holds? I'm not referring to a three or four point hold like you may think. What I mean is that you technically have two holds for highs, they just happen to have the same input but they're still two separate holds. You have six holds, not including the ones for air specific moves. Cut all of those for striking characters. Give maybe one, two or maybe even three (though that's pushing it) to grapplers. Bring back the defensive measure that makes sense: the DOA1 parry. I would suggest as far as to increase it to three levels; one for high attacks, one for mids and one for lows. In addition, have it leave you at an advantage of one or two frames or something like that. For grapplers? The frame advantage plus like 10 points of damage. Isn't this exactly how it was done before? Anyway, in addition to that. Give Gen Fu or Bass a mid-kick counter and maybe another. You see where I'm getting at here? A big issue with DOA4 was that every character played the same with the string mix-ups and counters. Take away the counter-hold from most characters and give a few of them to a handful of characters. This would make each character much more unique. How was Hitomi unique in DOA4? She had a parry that caught both high and mid punches, did damage and left her at an advantage. How many other characters had that? None. It made her unique.

:Link: I often read about other fighting game communities complaining about inescapable throws in DOA. Aren't they escapable as it is? I'm still a fairly scrubby player to be perfectly honest. Mr. Wah once mentioned that certain grapplers or throws they had in DOA1/++ had a one frame advantage so that, with proper timing, they would be guaranteed. This should be explored further.

:Link: "The Breaker" :F+P+K:
I sort of talked about this idea in my last podcast; what if you had the DOA3 wall game but you could tech the bounce? Give the opponent a one or two frame window where they could tech the wall bounce into the foreground (:2::F+P+K:) or background (:8::F+P+K:). It's hard enough to still give the attacker an advantage while still not destroying the usefulness of the wall. Should this also be able to tech ground bounces a la DOA1 or is that too much? Mr. Wah has also mentioned his frustration with the lack of an air tech system. This could be potentially used for that, sort of like the combo-breakers in MK. Of course, those have a meter associated with them and I don't quite like the idea of implementing any more meters into DOA but being able to break a combo every time is stupid. This idea needs to be explored carefully.

:Link: Slow-Escaping and Stuns
This idea kind of conflicts with the idea of limiting the number of holds but anyway, humor me. Picking the wrong counter-hold during a stun gives you the opposite effect of slow-escape. That is, it increases your stun length. Punish people for just guessing.

:Link: "Replay Mode"
"How did I just lose? How do I beat that?"
What if immediately after an online match you and whoever in your lobby could go right into a replay of your match? Not just replay it but pause, move frame-by-frame and take control of either character or even both? The people that want to participate in the replay hit a button to signify that while in the lobby and the people that aren't interested continue on to their matches. It doesn't disrupt the flow of play and the loser has an opportunity to learn how to get around areas they're lacking in rather than crying "Cheap!" Use this same feature for tutorials in the sparring mode to teach people how to perform the more difficult items.


Well-Known Member
Yes, every character needs counter holds. Universal access to the mechanic is a distinctive and accessible feature of the game.

How good they are and whether they have advanced holds or parries however, is another story.


Active Member
Grapy makes an awesome point in his 1st statement. I am also advocating for less COUNTER and more PARRY. It used to be a major part of the game, had advantages that went beyond simple damage and kept the game at a solid pace for longer. They could use the :F: button for soooo much more than they currently are.


Well-Known Member
:Link:I don't know too much about doa1 and ++ with its parry system, but with how current doa's play and how the stun system is designed, the game sort of needs defensive holds to be universal. If stuns worked like other 3D fighters like VF for example, then yes, I'd say make that tool unique to defensive characters. The hold itself isn't really the problem in doa though, its how its setup currently. DoAD took strides in correcting this, and they need to go a step further with making defensive holds more of a risk and less of a "I'm just going to spam holds." Currently, I prefer the 4 point system because of how the game has been designed as of late, and even with the changes made to the hold in doad, we saw that a 3 point hold sucks in its current design because mids are way more common than high attacks. If DoA5 implements a 3 point hold, I hope they add some sort of frame advantage that does not allow the hold in certain situations, or make it a very risky tool that should definitely be a last resort type thing.

:Link:Outside of combo throws and 5 frame throws (excluding DoAD which made them 7 frames and unbreakable) many of the standard throws are not breakable and make a lot of people from other fighting games scratch their head. When you look at throws like Ryu's Izuna and Kasumi's 6k? (I think thats the right input. Her 11 frame that throws you in the air) they are unbreakable, and I think situations like that confuse players from other fighting games that are used to throw breaks by pressing the input of the throw the player used.

:Link:This really depends on how DoA5 is going to be designed. Currently, in doa4, getting a decent bounce with a lot of characters requires a lot of risk, and being able to tech the bounce kind of just throws all of that out of the window. For example, for Hitomi to get a high enough bounce on one of her strings, the opponent is given like 5 chances to do a defensive hold because of how the stun system works. Currently, I don't like the idea of teching a bounce.

:Link:This is an interesting idea, but whats to stop people from just throwing out a low hold after a mid hold? I certainly like the idea, and I think it could be doable if maybe they added a longer recovery to the defensive hold. If not, the weakened slow escape tool means nothing if they can just throw out another hold immediately like in doa4.

:Link:I like the idea of a theater mode that can be viewable by several people, but not in the same room as people playing. DoA already has an iffy net code. A feature like this could potentially kill a game with lag if its in the same room that a match is already being played in. Maybe an invite feature inside the lobby that moves the players that voted to watch the replay moves them into another lobby that does not affect the other players that wish to continue playing. When the replay is finished, the players can opt to go back into the other room?


Active Member
Hey, fairly off topic question but idk where else to ask. Where can i get some nice DOA wallpapers? Something that people could see and not think im sum kinda pervert. Just cool pics that dont focus TOO much on boobs and stuff