DOA5LR Mod, but respect DOA


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Don't make a big deal about it and ignore it. Nude mods are inevitable. Focus on the mods that are actually worthy of being showcased.


I mean really, who cares about it. What exactly did Shimbori expect? Look at all those silly constant bikinis TN released. Even if it's the last game, you don't really need a sequel to it. The possibilities can be expanded with just that game alone.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i can definitely agree. You can't stop a perverted modder from doing nude mods for ANY games. The developers however could try to take certain measures to prevent them. Nintendo has that brick console feature on 3ds that happens if you try to play a bootleg or pirated game via SD card or game files. So why can't TN do a less harsh but similar measure? The warning itself most likely hasn't scared away modders itching to hack and uncloth the females, and the males themselves aren't safe either from that.:( i'm going to be bummed out when i see what the modders are going to do to Kasumi...
Yeah why can't TN just ignore DOA's nude mods like EA and Maxis ignore The Sims' nude mods?

EDIT: and your profile pic bro dayum


Well-Known Member

I mean really, who cares about it. What exactly did Shimbori expect? Look at all those silly constant bikinis TN released. Even if it's the last game, you don't really need a sequel to it. The possibilities can be expanded with just that game alone.
Yeah. In the meantime I hope people can visit the mod concept thread and contribute there. I think we can give ourselves a solid name in the modding community. Instead of whining at TN for a costume we can now make our own costumes. I'm really excited. I personally won't be available to mod this game until summer 2015 but when I finally get the chance I'm hoping that the someone will already have tools available for us :)
I'm sorry, but PC users might as well kiss DOA on pc goodbye. There's nothing that can be done to stop modders making nudes and other dirty mods to the game. Hopefully the delay is because of something that will be done to prevent this, because on day one, there will probably already be over 1000 dirty mods worldwide.
No, it sounds more like a bad excuse for TN if they see that the numbers don't support another PC version. I really don't think that TN would not make another PC game if they make good money with it. I don't believe in any way that TN is so moral and upright that they'd not take the money over some mods that don't really disturb them in any way.


Well-Known Member
No, it sounds more like a bad excuse for TN if they see that the numbers don't support another PC version. I really don't think that TN would not make another PC game if they make good money with it. I don't believe in any way that TN is so moral and upright that they'd not take the money over some mods that don't really disturb them in any way.
I totally agree. This all feels like some sort of test, because EVERY games gets modded. If it weren't for "modders" there would be no Counter Strike, League of Legends, Rocket Arena to name but a few. TN don't want their characters to be pushed too far, or for their DLC (lets face it one of key sources of income this day and ages when it comes to most games), getting ripped for free.

IF DOA5LR is used to create its CS counter part, I don't see how it would upset TN. You needed to buy Halflife for the CS mod anyway...


New Member
Don't make a big deal about it and ignore it. Nude mods are inevitable. Focus on the mods that are actually worthy of being showcased.
I completely agree. TES games and various others have nude mods. I simply don't download them. The only reason people are making a big deal about this is that the DoA series already has a stigma because of the media. If it was simply a matter of the fighters being objectified then every fighting game(and just about every RPG) is guilty.