DOA5LR New character expectations (Spring 2016)

Who is the new character?

  • Genra (or his inheritor)

  • VF Character

  • Shiden

  • Irene

  • Ms. Monday

  • Rio

  • Niki

  • New male

  • New female

  • Other (Donovan, Miyako, etc.)

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Lol this thread is such a mess right now!
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New Member
really? people are still on the "eliot looks feminine so he must like dicks in the ass" garbage? in the series eliot is one of the few males who actually shows interest in the opposite sex with the clear and obvious thirst he has for christie and his interactions with ayane who TN are greatly hinting at shipping together unlike jann lee, hayate/ein, bayman, or rig who i'd say are more likely to be gay

It's not so much the feminine look as it is his fashion choices... He's probably an appealing character in the gay community. People simply detect that in him.
Personally, i don't even think it would be a bad idea if the game developers simply stated that he actually is gay. Would be pretty progressive.


Well-Known Member
Well the girls I've known to dress like this generally didn't like guys as much as girls. Mila's always given off a lesbian vibe to me, I think she was TN's failed attempt to appeal to SJWs. And Rig, idk. Can't see him with a girl

I really do think you're giving them too much credit. I'll be honest, I don't think TN is capable of writing (or even hinting at) a lesbian in a subtle, nuanced way. They love to sexualize things and play to anime tropes. If they had intended her to be a lesbian, they probably would've had her drooling over the other girls and trying to grope Tina. And since they went with the spunky tomboy archetype, they gave her that one outfit that's overtly-masculine and a couple other gender-neutral costumes. As for Rig, well, it felt like they were throwing a lot of sexual tension our way during his interactions with Christie.

To keep this from going farther off topic, this is also why I don't think the new character is likely to be homosexual as some are suggesting. Japan isn't a very open-minded country. If they did go that route, the newbie would likely be of the stereotypical, comically over-the-top variety, which I get the feeling would cause a bit of a stink (in the West, at least). Having said that, whether played straight or as comic relief, I guess that still fits the bill as something that they've never tried before, but I don't think it's likely to happen.
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Well-Known Member
Well the girls I've known to dress like this generally didn't like guys as much as girls. Mila's always given off a lesbian vibe to me, I think she was TN's failed attempt to appeal to SJWs. And Rig, idk. Can't see him with a girl
Tomboy doesn't equal butch.

I've known a lot of girls who dress like that and its more just a redneck thing than a lesbian thing.

I mean she COULD be but its just people jumping the gun over a girl wearing regular clothes over something skimpy. There's nothing implying her being homosexual.

Also how Mila dresses isn't the same as the typical "Butch" attire. The style she wears is more young fashion. Note the decals in the sleeves and long sleeve shirt. Its more "hot topic" than "butch lesbian"

Rig....seems more of a Daken style technical asexual who would be willing to use sex as a tool for his schemes with either gender. Yaknkw seducing whoever he needs to rather than actually being interested.


Well-Known Member
I really do think you're giving them too much credit. I'll be honest, I don't think TN is capable of writing (or even hinting at) a lesbian in a subtle, nuanced way. They love to sexualize things and play to anime tropes.

I don't want fuel the off topic but I disagree about this point, the tag ending of Momiji and Rachel seems just to hint to a such thing in a subtle way: the pose assumed from Rachel (that I know is one of her usual ones) and the way how she approaches Momiji and end to stare to her seems just to recall a sort of sexual tension (of course if this is right it's just a "yuri" moment for fanservice matter and nothing more, Rachel canonically is attracted from Hayabusa in NG1).

If Team Ninja sexualized and played anime tropes with 5U and 5LR it's because this is definitely what the Asian fanbase want see. DoA5 Vanilla (at least in the original concept) gave evident examples through the kind of fanservice and the characters of Mila and Rig that they know how to create things very different. Also you have also to consider that the DLC characters appear anime tropes not only for the obvious basis used for their designs and concepts, but even because they haven't a deep characterization through the relationship of the story mode. Rig and Mila would appear much more plain without the DoA5 story mode, indipendently from how good or bad people consider it.
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New Member
Hmm Mila did "accidentally" leave her video camera on in the girls locker room... But thats none of my business.

Yeah, every time i play storymode, and that scene comes up and she comes out of the shower and puts her dirty old clothes on, i'm always like ew! put on some clean clothes after you take a shower!


Well-Known Member
Hmm Mila did "accidentally" leave her video camera on in the girls locker room... But thats none of my business.
Isn't she recording herself though? I haven't played story mode since vanilla came out.

Yeah, every time i play storymode, and that scene comes up and she comes out of the shower and puts her dirty old clothes on, i'm always like ew! put on some clean clothes after you take a shower!



New Member
I think you guys are like. Highly mistaken with the whole gay thing. An lgbt character/person doesn't need to be extremely open about it or flash their sexuality every ten minutes for them to be "a real gay". Hell, I'm bi, and there's literally no way that you would be able to tell by looking at me. There's like, what, 31 characters in doa at this point? What are the chances of ALL of them being completely heterosexual?? Straight, while it is the majority, shouldn't be the default.

In any case, I don't want TN to make a "gay" character; seeing how they do things, the only thing we'll know about them is that "they're gay". They'd have no personality otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are like. Highly mistaken with the whole gay thing. An lgbt character/person doesn't need to be extremely open about it or flash their sexuality every ten minutes for them to be "a real gay". Hell, I'm bi, and there's literally no way that you would be able to tell by looking at me. There's like, what, 31 characters in doa at this point? What are the chances of ALL of them being completely heterosexual?? Straight, while it is the majority, shouldn't be the default.

In any case, I don't want TN to make a "gay" character; seeing how they do things, the only thing we'll know about them is that "they're gay". They'd have no personality otherwise.
Its annoyance at declaring she's gay just due to being a tomboy. Whether she's actually gay or not is irrelevant to both the game and me.

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
"This fan base is boring!"
Like fuck you want a tenetical monster? XD Complete the DOA hentai fantasy of yours? Lol but I would like a monster, maybe Nine tails like Kyubi from Warriors Orochi?
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