New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.


Hey all you guys/gals, I came here from DOAworld and I, until recently only played DOA2&4 ULTRA casually. However, the bug bit while I was sick and I now have 80+ hrs. in 5+ (only reason I picked up 5+ was that I needed a new vita game and it was the same price as just 5 new)


Hello I'm SolemnSaturn, I came from Doaworld forum and I hope to learn more about Doa game and become a better player.

Hey all you guys/gals, I came here from DOAworld and I, until recently only played DOA2&4 ULTRA casually. However, the bug bit while I was sick and I now have 80+ hrs. in 5+ (only reason I picked up 5+ was that I needed a new vita game and it was the same price as just 5 new)

to the both of you, hello! nice to meet you dudes. i'm still kinda new here myself...great to see the site growing. the veterans on this site are really knowledgeable and friendly. they've helped me improve dramatically, i'm sure you will like it here too.


Well-Known Member
Wad up. I'm Marty and I've been playing DOA since like the first one but I've just gotten really invested in 5 and focused on being an actual competitor online. So, I joined this site and I mostly just read like if I were in a public setting with friends, I'm usually the one listening and observing. I don't really say much sometimes and even though I've written a passage almost right now, this is very rare. Okay, I'm done. I just hope to become a better player.

okay, bye :D


Hello everyone. I thought I would post here first of anything. I play different fighting games and DOA is one of them. I have a profound knowledge of some characters (I mean about strategies, combos, untechables etc.), so if anyone wants I'll be happy to help. Nice to meet you all. (:

King Gampo

New Member
This is King Gampo here. Been playing fighters since i can remember. DOA since part 3. It instantly became my fighter of choice as far as 3d fighters go. I would say im a high intermediate player. Looking to get into tournaments and maybe eventually start some local ones. So i want to up my game by training and by playing the best opponents I can. I am on the east coast in Virginia. The Sho-Ryu-Ken article about supporting your community inspired me to join this site. So you will see more of me in the future.


New Member
Hello everyone! Newbie here. DOA5 is my first game from Team Ninja and, though the back story is a bit confusing, I love this game. Can't wait for the DOA5U release.

I play all sorts of video games but, as far as fighters, I also enjoy SF4, UMvC3, and Injustice. I'm not very good at any of them though b/c I have a bad case of video game ADD....cannot ever focus on one game or one main character. As far as DOA, Tina is my favorite but I also really enjoy Leifang, Lisa, and Christie. Hopefully this site will help me better compete online w/ whoever my character of the week is.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Welcome, Merlin. This is definitely the best place to level up your game, online or offline. Head to the character forums for more specific strategies.


Well-Known Member
This is King Gampo here. Been playing fighters since i can remember. DOA since part 3. It instantly became my fighter of choice as far as 3d fighters go. I would say im a high intermediate player. Looking to get into tournaments and maybe eventually start some local ones. So i want to up my game by training and by playing the best opponents I can. I am on the east coast in Virginia. The Sho-Ryu-Ken article about supporting your community inspired me to join this site. So you will see more of me in the future.

Hey man, are you far from Northern Virginia or DC?