DOA5LR On PC version online ranking points are locally stored


Active Member
Not even kidding.
I had to do a clean install of Windows 10, I backed up the game files folder, but I probably didn't backup some game-saves folder somewhere else.
When I relaunched the game I found myself without all of my unlocked stuff (titles, costumes, voices etc, which is fine) but also my rank reset to LR.

At first I thought it was just a temporary thing. I said to myself "as soon as I go online things will allign themselves again".
But I was wrong. My name had disappeared from the Leaderboards as well.

I mean... how can you even conceive something like that in 2015? I don't get it.


Active Member
Someone else pointed out to me that all of this data is resident in a local file (crypted) in the c:\user\my documents\tecmokoei folder


Active Member
It's not stored on servers on console as well? You sure?
So if I delete my file on console I'm gonna restart from rank LR?
How stupid is that? o_O


Well-Known Member
You can back up save files on console. Rank is saved within the save data.

You win? Back it up to flash drive. You lost? Grab the backup data back. lol


Active Member
that's so stupid. Is it something new with LR or has it always been like that?
Wasn't like that on DoA4 I think, or DoAU.

So basically the "servers" read your data when you login from your HDD, and they stay there for some time? And they refresh each time you login?


Active Member
It did matter to me, I worked hard to obtain those stats, those titles, blahblahblah.
But I wasn't trying to discuss about it from this point of view, I was more surprised a company would store offline data required for online rankings, it's the first time I see something like this happening.