Online Lag


I can't find a match that isn't a slideshow with massive delay. Some better than others, but nothing true to the 4+ bar connection signal. Is this a common thing atm? I was convinced it is since my internet has never been one to fail in this department often, but I'm at the point of not touching online or at least ranked until there is a fix


Well-Known Member
I'm at the point of not touching online or at least ranked until there is a fix
There's your problem, lol

Seriously though have you tried playing lobbies too? or just ranked? because Ranked is known for being populated by boosters and lag switchers trying to boost to high grade ranks.

It can also depend on your location as well


There's your problem, lol

Seriously though have you tried playing lobbies too? or just ranked? because Ranked is known for being populated by boosters and lag switchers trying to boost to high grade ranks.

It can also depend on your location as well
That is all I've been playing. It's why I'm scared to even touch ranked. My location shouldn't be a problem for the majority since I'm on the east coast, but I never had such a problem like this when I played DOA5 on xbox 360. I was curious if this was just a PS4 problem with Last Round


Well-Known Member
That is all I've been playing. It's why I'm scared to even touch ranked. My location shouldn't be a problem for the majority since I'm on the east coast, but I never had such a problem like this when I played DOA5 on xbox 360. I was curious if this was just a PS4 problem with Last Round
Ahh then in that case I can't help you.
I'm on Xbox One where the online doesn't even work lol

But, from what I hear from everyone else is that PS4 online is smooth as butter, so I have no idea why you're having that problem.

I know how you feel though, I had the exact same thing in DOA5 vanilla on 360 no matter who I played it was always 1 bar screenshot lag. Only the PS3 version played online fine for me.


This is so upsetting v.v

I really wanted to enjoy online. I know others were complaining about lag in lobbies so I'll just hope it's an in-game problem that will get fixed. Otherwise I can't imagine anything I can do right now to try to fix it


Well-Known Member
Problem with LR is that it's F2P on PS3/4, so you have a bunch of casuals who only do lobbies and on the rare occasion you find someone in ranked he's usually halfway across the world. That's if he doesn't refuse to play you or has rematch turned off.

In other words you might as well pretend there's no ranked mode.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Online has gotten considerably better in Last Round, connectIon quality is especially better on current gen (significantly noticeable). I don't know if it is the netcode that was improved or the fact that current gen can render/display everything out so much better/faster but people I've played in the past on PS3 that I now play on PS4 has had a significant improvement. Playing some people that are a couple hundred miles away before wad barely tolerable but now I don't know if i want to hop on my PS3 to see if it had improved at all. I'm extremely impressed with how it turned out.
Whatever TN did they did something right.


Any of you play wirelessly? Has never been a problem for me and my signal is excellent with no packet loss, but I'm just curious if it's a problem only with wireless


I've never been a fan of playing online, but I did try one lobby match the other day, and although it wasn't terrible, it wasn't that good. Was playing on PS4.


I've never been a fan of playing online, but I did try one lobby match the other day, and although it wasn't terrible, it wasn't that good. Was playing on PS4.
Thanks for sharing. Whenever I'd join a new lobby I'd ask people if they were experiencing lag in every lobby they joined and it seems quite a bit of people are


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
I've been playing on wifi just about the whole time I've been playing and aside from the 1 bar players who willingly fought me it more or less has been no different than if I were wired up (the only time I would get a Ethernet chord going would be if I was downloading something while playing). Even now with my connection it really wouldn't be much better than if I was wired all the time. More or less it is all up to the service you are paying your ISP for.


Any of you play wirelessly? Has never been a problem for me and my signal is excellent with no packet loss, but I'm just curious if it's a problem only with wireless

I played DOA5U on Xbox 360 on wireless with a mother f'ing signal extender, and never had ANY lag issues with ranked or lobby matches.

My brother bought me LR as a late Christmas present for the PS4, and the game is not only a slide show, but it out right lies to me.

I see throw downs or ranked matches that say "This guy has 5 bars of signal strength!!!!"

I accept the fight, and they ALWAYS have a red, eye-poking (1) next to their name once the match starts.

I don't think they're lag switching, because I have yet to lose to one of these guys, leading me to believe they are just as confused as me.

Still, it's very obnoxious that all my other games work fine online except the one game I REALLY want to get back into.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I played online yesterday, since I'm back on campus, and the connection is a bit more faster and stable. I use an Ethernet cord when I play, however, I still ran into some laggy players, most of them playing with wireless connections. The netcode seemed a lot better, but people just need better Internet.


I played online yesterday, since I'm back on campus, and the connection is a bit more faster and stable. I use an Ethernet cord when I play, however, I still ran into some laggy players, most of them playing with wireless connections. The netcode seemed a lot better, but people just need better Internet.

I think that's a fairly lame excuse a lot of people give about online issues, and is a real cop out.

Street Fighter runs fine, Tekken runs fine, all my FPS games run fine, but now i need to rewire my house or change ISP's for certain games? That's hardly a good fix.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think that's a fairly lame excuse a lot of people give about online issues, and is a real cop out.

Street Fighter runs fine, Tekken runs fine, all my FPS games run fine, but now i need to rewire my house or change ISP's for certain games? That's hardly a good fix.
It also depends on location as well. But people should realize that if their Internet package is below 15Mbps, then online gaming is going to be laggy.


Well-Known Member
DOA had bad netcode and it isn't about how good your internet is. I can play with Europeans in soul calibur and the average match is still better than what I've come to expect from doa.


It also depends on location as well. But people should realize that if their Internet package is below 15Mbps, then online gaming is going to be laggy.
please explain why you need 15mbps when games don't even use close to that. the only reason to need +15mbps down is for extra bandwidth if you have many devices in use

though i agree about the latency form peer-to-peer gaming, i think the games netcode is more of a problem. i noticed with the netcode patch the game has been smoother