Online multiplayer is a complete disappointment


Well-Known Member
I don't understand people having shoddy connections/gameplay online.

I live in a small town surrounded by farming communities in Ontario. While granted within my town I do pay for the best internet that can be provided here, I am sure it is nothing compared to what you can get in a big city. I am ultra sensitive to netcode and I would drop this game if it did not meet my expectations.

I find the netcode to be better than sc5/on par with vf5:fs, to those with problems I will continually ask, are you on wireless? are you behind a firewall or a really elaborate router setup?

Just last night I had a great set against a guy from california, and from me to Cali is literally the entire distance of the United States, people need to make sure their online setup is optimal before judging.
I'm connected directly to my router, I've never had problems with anything else.


Active Member
The bunch of online matches I've played this week have been really smooth. There's been a few times where I've ran into someone with a shit connection and it's lagged a bit, but 95% of the time it's been really good. At PowerPlay, I've had no lag, but that's because he's on T1. At my sister's house this weekend, I've had a few small yet hard lag slowdowns, but it's been fine otherwise, and they've got the slowest cable internet package (I believe it's 6MBPS, though I'm not sure).

I'm more upset my holds aren't going off despite being input WAY before my opponents move hits. It's pretty ridiculous. I think 4 was better in that aspect. There is such a thing as too tight. ;)


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I'm not sure if it is the new timing of counters, or the lag, but I get incredibly frustrated when I get hit by crap I know I'm holding. The game is random enough I don't need my countering to be inconsistent as well.
They have really tightened the window up for countering during stun. Offline, it feels like you have to make the decision to counter or not.

I've only played one online game.


Well-Known Member
They have really tightened the window up for countering during stun. Offline, it feels like you have to make the decision to counter or not.

I've only played one online game.
They did, but the difference between online and off is pretty drastic.


Active Member
Hello everyone, I am from SRK. I have come to also share my experience with the netcode. The ones who have good connections simply don't understand our situation.

I am also getting unplayable lag with this game. I never had one single good or smooth match with a person just yet. I've played games like Blazblue, SF4, SFxT, and other games that ran perfectly fine. But with DoA5, I get this crappy unplayable lag that just frustrates me.

I've checked my NAT type which is Type 2 so its fine. I've forwarded my ports just in case as well, and updated my router's firmware. Still no luck. The game runs like ass online, and I feel like I wasted my money by buying a broken game.

I'm really disappointed with this, and I hope they are able to fix it soon.

Here's a video I recoreded:



Most people don't play rank matches they are likely in lobby matches or they can be like me and set up private lobbies lol.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Just switche to a wired connection on my PS3 and the online got MUCH better. Almost perfectly in fact. I played like 30 matches and only one of them had minor lag. This is a relief. But the problem is still present since I can play VF5FS wireless with zero problems and DOA5 required me to put a 3mt cable from my router to the PS3 in the middle of the room.


Well-Known Member
the constant pausing in lobby matches when someone joins the room is bullshit. nothing like dropping crucial juggles because this trashy netcode freezes up when someone joins the room. sticking exclusively to simple matches unless playing with friends in a private lobby

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I added you weeks ago but you refused the request. I want to play someone who is actually good with Eliot. Been waiting 7 years to do it.


Well-Known Member
I added you weeks ago but you refused the request. I want to play someone who is actually good with Eliot. Been waiting 7 years to do it.

I don't got a 360, i keep my live tag for pc games that forces me to use game for windows live. add me on psn if u have it for ps3

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I am talking about PS3. I added you some time ago and you seem to have refused the request because I can't see you there.
Hello everyone, I am from SRK. I have come to also share my experience with the netcode. The ones who have good connections simply don't understand our situation.

I am also getting unplayable lag with this game. I never had one single good or smooth match with a person just yet. I've played games like Blazblue, SF4, SFxT, and other games that ran perfectly fine. But with DoA5, I get this crappy unplayable lag that just frustrates me.

I've checked my NAT type which is Type 2 so its fine. I've forwarded my ports just in case as well, and updated my router's firmware. Still no luck. The game runs like ass online, and I feel like I wasted my money by buying a broken game.

I'm really disappointed with this, and I hope they are able to fix it soon.

Here's a video I recoreded:

What system are you playing on and are you hard wired or wireless? All the other info is cool and all but if you are on wifi then that's one problem there, if you are on PS3 and on wifi that might be the issue. People seem to have had bad lag on the PS3 on wifi.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I am speaking from experience here. Do NOT play the game with a wireless connection. I just plugged my PS3 to the router and I'm playing almost perfectly with a shitty Latin American connection.
I am speaking from experience here. Do NOT play the game with a wireless connection. I just plugged my PS3 to the router and I'm playing almost perfectly with a shitty Latin American connection.

There you understand what I have been preaching.

For other games everything can be fine and dandy, but for FG's wireless is the fucking devil. Even the smallest amount of packet loss (which wireless can never, ever, avoid) can destroy your experience.
There you understand what I have been preaching.

For other games everything can be fine and dandy, but for FG's wireless is the fucking devil. Even the smallest amount of packet loss (which wireless can never, ever, avoid) can destroy your experience.

The Truth, this man speaks it. I'm wired and have never had issues with Fighting Games except for King of Fighters XII (poo), King of Fighters XIII (which was better but still poo) and MK9 (Gutter Trash)


Active Member
After playing dozens of matches during the weekend I can say the netcode is OK for me (XBOX360 + Wireless only used by me). Some minor input lag/slowdown at times but 90% of the time very good. I have mainly played Quick matches (also one ranked match but there aren't many people in ranked it seems, it's easier to find matches in Quick match). Haven't tried lobbies yet. I have fought people from all around the world no problem.


Hello everyone, I am from SRK. I have come to also share my experience with the netcode. The ones who have good connections simply don't understand our situation.

I am also getting unplayable lag with this game. I never had one single good or smooth match with a person just yet. I've played games like Blazblue, SF4, SFxT, and other games that ran perfectly fine. But with DoA5, I get this crappy unplayable lag that just frustrates me.

I've checked my NAT type which is Type 2 so its fine. I've forwarded my ports just in case as well, and updated my router's firmware. Still no luck. The game runs like ass online, and I feel like I wasted my money by buying a broken game.

I'm really disappointed with this, and I hope they are able to fix it soon.

Here's a video I recoreded:

Yeah, online looks the same for me.

I am wireless, so I could try wired, but that still wouldn't really excuse them, seeing as how I can play games like SSF4 and SFXT perfectly fine wirelessly.


Well-Known Member
There you understand what I have been preaching.

For other games everything can be fine and dandy, but for FG's wireless is the fucking devil. Even the smallest amount of packet loss (which wireless can never, ever, avoid) can destroy your experience.
I guess it just doesn't matter because my connection is too slow. I live in nowhere land, too, I can't get anything faster than DSL. I REALLY need better netcode to play.
Yeah, online looks the same for me.

I am wireless, so I could try wired, but that still wouldn't really excuse them, seeing as how I can play games like SSF4 and SFXT perfectly fine wirelessly.

I'm not saying that It excuses them, but you really should do your best to insure you have the best online experience possible. Wifi gaming will NEVER be as constant as wired gaming online. Honestly I think it was a mistake for Sony and MS to put the wifi option in their machines in the first place. They should have included a disclosure saying that you may experience more lag while using wifi instead of a wired connection, that way people wouldn't expect wifi gaming to be as good as wired in the first place.


Hello everyone, I am from SRK. I have come to also share my experience with the netcode. The ones who have good connections simply don't understand our situation.

I am also getting unplayable lag with this game. I never had one single good or smooth match with a person just yet. I've played games like Blazblue, SF4, SFxT, and other games that ran perfectly fine. But with DoA5, I get this crappy unplayable lag that just frustrates me.

I've checked my NAT type which is Type 2 so its fine. I've forwarded my ports just in case as well, and updated my router's firmware. Still no luck. The game runs like ass online, and I feel like I wasted my money by buying a broken game.

I'm really disappointed with this, and I hope they are able to fix it soon.

Here's a video I recoreded:

I have never, ever, ever been in a game that was bad like that. Now I'm not saying its your fault, especially if other games are running just fine for you and you've already gone out of your way to check your router settings. This game does have a wonky netcode sometimes... and there is definitely something the game is disliking about your specific connection.

Out of curiosity, have you tried unplugging your console from your router and just run a straight line to your modem? Not saying you should do that all the time of course, but if you try it once and see if the game works decently or not so you could at least help narrow down the problem as to whether or not its a router issue or a modem issue.