Online Servers: Are they regional or global? (PS3 related)


Hey guys,

So I just realized one of the problems I've had with Mortal Kombat 9 is that the servers are regional, and when I imported my copy into New Zealand, I only see lobbies from South America, because that's where the disc came from. I believe MK9 implements a disc-regional server thing, and I cannot connect with my friends from NZ/AUS.

I was wondering if Dead or Alive 5 also implements some sort of regional server thing for imported discs. I can't find anyone in simple match or ranked match, and when I did, the game was laggy as hell. In lobby, when I set to 'any' region, I see peeps from Japan, USA, and Latin America. No one's on the 'same' or 'nearby' regions. Is it because of the aforementioned disc-regional server stuff, or just lack of people giving a toss about DoA 5 online?

If anyone knows for sure, it'd be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
There is no region locking in terms of servers (there are no dedicated servers to begin with, just P2P servers, mind you). You can play with anybody no matter where your disc is from.

In 360, you can set your console to a determinate country and that is the point of reference when you use the search filter in DOA5. For example, let's say I'm from Argentina, but I set my console as UK. Then search within the 'same' area and lots of UK guys show up in ranked. If I set it to ARG, then I got to find nobody (because nobody plays here). Anyway, the thing is no matter if your XBL account is from Argentina, USA, or Taiwan. What matters is the locale settings in your console (not to be confused with DVD regions = NTSC (zone1), PAL (zone2), NTSC-J (zone3), etc) Btw, the very same happened with Dimensions and the 3DS.

Now in PS3 you can't change your locale. So I believe it's based on the account origin. Is you PSN account from NZL? Also, bear in mind that maybe there is nothing wrong with the search filters. Maybe is just that there is no people to find.

Hope you find this somewhat useful.


Yeah my PSN account is NZL. I think there really is no one playing down here, lol. To be fair, most people are on the Xbox system so....


Active Member
Yeah my PSN account is NZL. I think there really is no one playing down here, lol. To be fair, most people are on the Xbox system so....

What kind of connections do you get to Japan? And it would be strange if there was nobody playing in Australia, you should get 3-4 bars there?