Raidou gameplay discussion


I <3 Jesus...and coffee.
Premium Donor
Any tips on how to do his Saifu-Sho? 6 2 236P, its so hard >.>

Was that a typo? I think that you are talking about his 623P.

Try doing the move very quickly and pressing P a little sooner that you think you should. Also, hold down P after you press it and make sure that you are ending at 3 (check your inputs). There is actually alot of wiggle room in the input with the exception of pressing 3 and P at the same time. I was pressing 33P and getting it. You could try that as well. Best to get used to the formal input though I suppose.

Hope that helps!

I have a harder time doing his regular To-sho. Can't get that to come out on command for the life of me!

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Was that a typo? I think that you are talking about his 623P.

Try doing the move very quickly and pressing P a little sooner that you think you should. Also, hold down P after you press it and make sure that you are ending at 3 (check your inputs). There is actually alot of wiggle room in the input with the exception of pressing 3 and P at the same time. I was pressing 33P and getting it. You could try that as well. Best to get used to the formal input though I suppose.

Hope that helps!

I have a harder time doing his regular To-sho. Can't get that to come out on command for the life of me!

Ill try again


Well-Known Member
So how are people finding Raidou so far. I only played against a couple with my scrubby Honoka but he seems like a Bass/Hayate hybrid without Hayate's strings or Bass's pressure... I wonder how his stun launch damage compares


Well-Known Member
I was good with Raidou in Dimensions. He seems largely unchanged aside from receiving the necessary DOA5 buffs. I'll probably keep him as a pocket character for Last Round.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
He's surprisingly fast for his size. The first gameplay trailers made him look like he was gonna be really slow. Glad I was wrong. His strongest throws have pretty retarded commands though.


Well-Known Member
If you do 623p x3, 8k, then 4k is unholdable and safe if they tech, and force techs if they don't.

I don't like any of his jab strings, and his crushes are super weird. Not sure how to get in with him yet... I'm having a hell of a time doing 623p consistently on the PS4 dpad, too.
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
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If you do 612p x3, 8k, then 4k is unholdable and safe if they tech, and force techs if they don't.

612P? Did you mean 623P? Otherwise good stuff.


Obviously I think one of his strong points is he has very good stuns for his moves. I mean some of the best: Limbo, Lift, Trip, Blind to name a few.

Also, yeah he's a "slow" paced character but his animations jump. Like he'll hang for a second then be at attack frame so it's very difficult to reactionary hold his attacks. You're forced to guess and his throw punishment is on the good but not great side.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, fixed it. 8k is the most useful combo ender I've found for those purposes. The unholdables for things like pk are super unsafe.


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He has pretty good combo carry, especially when using 214K after a CB, as well as his deep stuns. He only needs two hits to put you in lvl2 stun as well as putting you in a must-hold situation.

I suggest ending that 214K CB route with 236P instead of 7K because 236P has great pushback so anywhere near a wall is where they're going lol
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Well-Known Member
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Dat 5hit CB set-up though.
He can do a CB with less hits that'll give the opponent less chances to counter, but the point of that combo was to show off how much he could get with the right followup after the CB.


Well-Known Member
If you're in decent range of a wall, then yes, but that isn't always the case.

33k launches higher, and recovers faster than 214k; 214k a little more damage though.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If you're in decent range of a wall, then yes, but that isn't always the case.

33k launches higher, and recovers faster than 214k; 214k a little more damage though.

If 4k hits someone trying to hold, 2t, then anything 13i is unholdable if they tech. 2p is the safest option; it still hits on the ground but it doesn't FT.

33K launches higher and recovers faster, but does less damage than 214K like you said. On lightweights, you can do CB > 214K > EWGF x3 > 4PK. Deals quite a bit of damage.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Yes and Yes. 5 more points but have to used as a juggle instead of being led up to. So 214K launch then KK. As a ground gtfo it is good but you can get more damage with just 214K 3P 6KK. Probably really good against Alpha but I can't EWGF consistently at all so I opt for other juggles.