RISE UP! Street Fighter V on PS4 and PC


Well-Known Member
Lack of release date worries me. Either they made the trailer long ago and weren't sure when she'll be ready, or they made it just now and still aren't sure

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Looking at the model...I can say both.

I'm not a fan at all for the Schoolgirl/Ninja combo as it just looks like a terrible hodge-podge of her two outfits. And looking at her face in the victory screen...she's the same damn victim of a really dumb face just like Karin is...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I tried not to say anything about it but that slowdown at about 0:50 seconds in the trailer worries me.


Premium Donor
Honestly, why do people still go to that loser forum?
That's why I stopped going, it's stupidly bias and unwelcoming. They practically ate me up when I tried defending Harada in the Tekken 7 forum, I doubt I'll ever go back anytime soon. There are very few if any genuinely respectable members I actually befriended.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, Urien! Will get back to this when he's out.

Also, new stage and a new outfit for Karin



Mmm, Karin's new outfit sure tightens the pants. If there's more swimsuits to come, hopefully Urien gets a speedo as well.


Premium Donor
Fuck yeah, Urien! Will get back to this when he's out.

Also, new stage and a new outfit for Karin



Mmm, Karin's new outfit sure tightens the pants. If there's more swimsuits to come, hopefully Urien gets a speedo as well.
OH. MY. WORD. I need this game...NOW.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
hopefully the water effects are done well i haven't been too impressed by the level details so far.

Balrog looks pretty sick he's not Akihiko by any means but he looks like he put all his stats into strength instead. the effects coming off his punches really give them a strong sense of power so even when he's juggling somebody in the air it still looks like he's hitting like a truck.

Juri looks better than i thought she would was not really a fan of her Bengus art work so
im glad she looks better. im sure some will be upset that she has more clothes, i just don't care.

Urien remains to be seen. well we do see him, but he doesn't really look much like himself right now. maybe a V-trigger transformation will fit that. after witnessing the Pillar Men it would be disappointing to miss out on Mr.loincloth


Well-Known Member
V-Trigger is likely Aegis and it should work like Ibuki's bomb where you can throw out two with one bar. This would allow him to play close to his 3S style (similar to how Guile still plays like Guile). After all, it's Aegis that makes Urien what he is, more than his thong.