Should We Have A Member Photo Thread?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Given the track record of how often people don't insult people's looks in the DOA community, I don't see a problem with it.

So I'm voting "Yay".

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I'm so not photogenic but seeing people's actual faces help out at events. All I know is that my gut says "maybe".


I'm going to be the dissident person and say "no" simply because it either turns into every guy making comments on the one girl, or every girl making comments about how "pretty" and "cute" everyone is, even when it's a mugshot of a complete troll (like myself). The photos don't even bug me, it's just the two-dimensional banter.

Granted its the unpopular opinion and most people will want the thread anyways, so I guess ill be there to browse through for any hotties (and mostly ignore the rest of you, no offense).


Well-Known Member
^ Lol! Those cute comments are like fuel, I need to get them on a regular basis to keep functioning T-T

I vote YAY.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
TagYouRPregnant is one. The other is Arlyss.

God please give me the strength to keep my fingers in my underwear and away from the combination of keys that will hurt someones feelings.

Anyway, like I was saying, I haven't seen a shred of P**** on this site since I joined - The chickens are not clucking around here.

Edit: Why don't we do a "Mug Shot' thread instead where everyone makes an ugly face. That way, none of us are getting compliments and everyone looks like they where born inside of a dirty rectum.