News Team NINJA Costume Contest


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yeah aint no way in hell thats legit. but sadly, TN won't even notice, most likely, and just o "we have a winner!"


Well-Known Member
hmmm...honestly think i woulda gotten more likes if I stuck with original submission, if only for first impressions, because the new version needs to be viewed full size to really see anything, and i doubt most do anything more than glance.
but I also woulda been cursing myself if i didn't change that underwear. Why did this contest have to happen while I don't have access to PhotoShop?

Stop torturing yourself Argentus! The most liked costumes have now hundreds and hundred votes.
Your costume is great but it is what it is, no matter the quality of the drawing.
Sometimes, when we do some shopping, we can see some nice outfits... but we don't buy them. They don't have this special thing that, I guess, only fashion creator (and a few people) can find.
Maybe you can have some more votes with a better/different details or quality level, but I think it wouldn't change the huge gap between the 10 first costumes and all the others (I'm a part of them, I sympathise!).


Well-Known Member
Or it's an internal mistake of Facebook or someone used high cheats on it. In no way we could get 3000 fans of DoA/NG voting for an entry of the contest, at least not in a so little time.

I really hope that the last isn't the case because would be extremely silly: this outfit was already one of the top ten of the contest, and I'm pretty sure that would have remained in a such placement until the end. To use a way to push up the votes for it, risking to see their own outfit excluded by the challenge, would be a stupid move in addition to a shame.


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Can someone alert Team Ninja? Also, how did this one get in at the last minute? I thought, we've seen them all on Facebook and Twitter?

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David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Can someone alert Team Ninja? Also, how did this one get in at the last minute? I thought, we've seen them all on Facebook and Twitter?

It's all shady for sure but it's odd b/c the design is very good. Not sure why someone would risk being eliminated when they already had a decent shot? o_O


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Tyaren don't make other double or triple posts, otherwise the pages will become 3000 also here XD I think that someone is using some hacks, but maybe couldn't be the author of the entry (considering like this hack is too much obvious): maybe some envy rival?


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Can someone alert Team Ninja? Also, how did this one get in at the last minute? I thought, we've seen them all on Facebook and Twitter?

as long as you say "you "forgot" to add mine" TN takes your word for it and accepts the entry.

i think someone might be trying to screw that rachel one over by getting it disqualified

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Maybe, it is the hayashi entry?

Thought the same thing (not necessarily Hayashi but a TN member who was told to enter it) since the beginning I saw it. It's very suspicious a beautifully drawn and well designed outfit sneaks under the radar and just happens to have been added to the contest without anyone ever seeing it. Then all of the sudden the likes just sky rocket.


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Well-Known Member
Stop torturing yourself Argentus! The most liked costumes have now hundreds and hundred votes.
Your costume is great but it is what it is, no matter the quality of the drawing.
Sometimes, when we do some shopping, we can see some nice outfits... but we don't buy them. They don't have this special thing that, I guess, only fashion creator (and a few people) can find.
Maybe you can have some more votes with a better/different details or quality level, but I think it wouldn't change the huge gap between the 10 first costumes and all the others (I'm a part of them, I sympathise!).
*grumbles in defeat* not a whole lotta reason for me to care about the costume contest then, no offense to anyone. I only use mila and Leon. if Leon gets a dlc outfit, it'll be Forks, which is awesome, and if Mila does, it'd be the aerobics or military outfit, neither of which I would even get a compatibility pack for, because I honestly REALLY don't like them. At all. Not on mila, anyway. tthe metal slug outfit would be good on Hitomi, and the aerobics on Tina. good luck to others, my second and third votes may change for each part by the 6th, but I refuse to vote for any Ninjas, they get enough already.