Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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As cringe as it may be at least they are explaining what they are doing and why they are doing it. I call it transparency. I want Leon, I want Genfu, I want Ein and I want a new male that isn't as plain and generic as Diego. The sad reality is that the people that do want males do not speak up like "the other side" and they also don't fork out cash like "the other side." Infact - a lot of the players that want male characters have dropped the game so there is no place for their opinion to go and no place they care to put it.
Just because people drop the game, doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to form an opinion. Just like everyone else they can request male characters, in order for them to return. Like JCA for example, he would return to the DOA scene if Akira returned.

The other side that mainly plays for the fanservice and panty shots don’t play the game neither. Most of them barely manage to beat arcade mode. I don’t think it’s very transparent that they market the shit out of the female cast just because of some stupid poll.

The poll was unfair to begin with. The females got their own spinoff game, have more costumes and frequently get DLC. Whereas the males don’t even get 5% of what they’re having. Of course the female cast outvotes the Male cast so they can use it as excuse to pump out more girls and DLC for them. To me that’s not transparency, to me that’s pushing an agenda.

Yes, you are because I'm not the one that said that. I asked why they only included only two options and why they don't have any trans characters, two separate questions, if you could read.
Why does DOA need a trans character? For the representation? I’m all for the LGBT+ representation, but I can’t help but wonder what good that would do for the series and the cast in general. And what would a trans bring to the series what a guest or cis character can’t? How would a trans character look like? So far from all the trans people that I’ve seen they all look like cisgender men and women, except the ones that are in the middle of transitioning. Honestly it wouldn’t make any difference wether a character is trans or not.

I don’t think a trans character will ever be added to the game because they barely already put people of colour into the game. Let’s also not forget that sexual orientation and sexual identities are very personal and private in the Japanese culture. They won’t make an openly gay character or a trans character.


Premium Donor
Just because people drop the game, doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to form an opinion. Just like everyone else they can request male characters, in order for them to return. Like JCA for example, he would return to the DOA scene if Akira returned.

The other side that mainly plays for the fanservice and panty shots don’t play the game neither. Most of them barely manage to beat arcade mode. I don’t think it’s very transparent that they market the shit out of the female cast just because of some stupid poll.

The poll was unfair to begin with. The females got their own spinoff game, have more costumes and frequently get DLC. Whereas the males don’t even get 5% of what they’re having. Of course the female cast outvotes the Male cast so they can use it as excuse to pump out more girls and DLC for them. To me that’s not transparency, to me that’s pushing an agenda.

Why does DOA need a trans character? For the representation? I’m all for the LGBT+ representation, but I can’t help but wonder what good that would do for the series and the cast in general. And what would a trans bring to the series what a guest or cis character can’t? How would a trans character look like? So far from all the trans people that I’ve seen they all look like cisgender men and women, except the ones that are in the middle of transitioning. Honestly it wouldn’t make any difference wether a character is trans or not.

I don’t think a trans character will ever be added to the game because they barely already put people of colour into the game. Let’s also not forget that sexual orientation and sexual identities are very personal and private in the Japanese culture. They won’t make an openly gay character or a trans character.
I wouldn't say that tbh, it depends on the game, like Nier Automata is full of lesbian characters and A2 was lesbian, and Kuja and Emperor from Dissidia Final Fantasy are both pretty flamboyant enough to be gay, and SF has Juri who pretty much bisexual and Poison's gender is left up to the player. DOA I feel would make a gay character but only if they're a female since they always kinda teased the idea of yuri relationships like in the extreme series and various dialogue with the characters


Well-Known Member
Representation just for the sake of it is fucking trash and so annoying. Give me a well developed interesting gay character or gtfo, I don't want a character that it's either "Hi eye is gay and that's all eye hazz when it comes to me pershunaleetee" or "I've existed for literal years with nothing that linked me to being an actual homosexual character but I'm being outed as gay just now (cofcofshirofromvoltroncofcof)". Both extremes are equally as bad, one is forced inclusion and the other is gay baiting.


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Tamaki from XVV gropes girls and comes onto the male owner, so she's probably another great example of bi representation as aggressive nymphomaniacs. Thanks again TN!

More seriously, people do tend to underestimate Japanese companies when it comes to having LGBT characters. Even Yakuza has a lesbian side character, yuri media in general is getting more popular all the time. And if Diego was to start chasing after Jann it would be the most interesting thing about him lol.


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Japan has been more open minded about LGBT stuff in their media than anywhere else for quite a while. The question of whether they implement such things into a game like DOA is entirely about publishing. Gay and Bi themes are super common in Japanese culture as well as androgynous characters, and crossdressing. Anime is RIFE with this stuff.
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You guys are taking that poll too seriously lol

That was just a shitpost. If they wanted validation they would open a poll in the Japanese account as well. Mainly because they probably give a shit about what people says to the bakagaijin twitter account.

Their marketing approach since a few months ago is obvious. They are pushing controversy to stay relevant in social media and keep people talking about the game.

This one was a really easy bait to people to bite.


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My God... are you saying that I’ve... been trolled by Team Ninja’s English social media team?
Also, you meant that they *don’t* care about Baka Gaijins right?


Well-Known Member
Tamaki from XVV gropes girls and comes onto the male owner, so she's probably another great example of bi representation as aggressive nymphomaniacs. Thanks again TN!

More seriously, people do tend to underestimate Japanese companies when it comes to having LGBT characters. Even Yakuza has a lesbian side character, yuri media in general is getting more popular all the time. And if Diego was to start chasing after Jann it would be the most interesting thing about him lol.
Yeah, Yakuza itself has lots of LGBT-friendly things on it and Kiryu is a clear LGBT supporter:



The team also said they removed the transphobic quest in one of the remakes after the team documented more on why it was something offensive for trans people.

But still, even with some franchises having well developed LGBT characters with no ill intentions (Granblue Fantasy has a lot of them) there's also LOTS of media in Japan where they either use LGBT characters as a fetish (Yuri and Yaoi) or as a joke. So while I understand that underestimating Japanese companies' treat with LGBT characters is a mistake since there's GOOD representation out there, I don't blame anyone thinking most of the time Japanese devs use LGBT for comedic or fetishistic themes, with no intention on normalizing it in a good way.


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I want that my favorite character would be a lgbt and like girls instead of her half brother . But that's impossible and uncanonical. But who knows? A scene with Nyotengu is quite gay


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Yuri and yaoi aren't just fetish stuff. Most yuri is written by and for women after all, and Yagete Kimi ni Naru (Bloom Into You) certainly has more artistic merit than "50 Year Old Salaryman Throws Himself at a Car after the Divorce and Has a Harem In an Isekai Now?! Volume 5"
Personally I think Nyotengu would show Ayane what a real tengu can do if you catch my drift :oops:.


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I want that my favorite character would be a lgbt and like girls instead of her half brother . But that's impossible and uncanonical. But who knows? A scene with Nyotengu is quite gay
Well... the movie pushed that storyline, in the regular bio’s she looks up to Hayate and wants to be as strong as him.


Well-Known Member
Yuri and yaoi aren't just fetish stuff. Most yuri is written by and for women after all, and Yagete Kimi ni Naru (Bloom Into You) certainly has more artistic merit than "50 Year Old Salaryman Throws Himself at a Car after the Divorce and Has a Harem In an Isekai Now?! Volume 5"
Personally I think Nyotengu would show Ayane what a real tengu can do if you catch my drift :oops:.
Of course there's always exceptions, Yaoi also has things like Yuri on Ice where they don't take the gay representation to a fetishistic way, but the numbers are still pretty low compared to the vast quantity of fetish material these 2 genres have.
I want that my favorite character would be a lgbt and like girls instead of her half brother . But that's impossible and uncanonical. But who knows? A scene with Nyotengu is quite gay
Ayane doesn't like Hayate though. She sees him as a reference/idol, and this is quite a common troupe on Japanese media where the little sisters have this kind of admiration towards their big brothers. I don't see Ayane liking someone, they even trashed out the Ayane x Eliot ship in 6 afaik with no mentions of it at all lol


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I don't like the idea of existing characters changing their sexual preference to fit a narrative. Why not create new lgbt characters that are relatable yet badass? Look at Zato 1 and Venom in guilty gear X2 and onwards! Hell! Kung Jin is another example from Mortal Kombat X! Jin Kisaragi and Amane from blahblue! The list goes on!