Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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Gameplay 1.21 Opinion:

Tamaki is awesome. Would have benefited from like a few more moves, but for what's here I'm having a good time. Easily the best new character since Nyo-Tengu. I love her twisty throws, and I do like that a lot of them end with some type of pose as a response from Tamaki. Break Blow is extremely disappointing, but ah well.

I'm not sure I like the new environment break mechanic. To me it just looks extremely awkward.

Costumes 1.21 Opinion:

I've seen way too many good comments to not let this one go: what are people seeing about the Mila outfit that I'm not? It doesn't fit on her body right to me or look that good. I actually find Bass to be an attractive man, but not in that sadist tomato cage thing. I'm not trying to take shots at the designers but IMO they are rubbish compared to some of the other ones.

Team NINJA took the easiest ones to do let's face it. I mean the three pack one almost made me laugh out loud. How the fuck do you choose three costumes for one designer. Run out of prizes? I've been wanting to say this since DOA festival. They aren't bad but they were far away from being the best.

Phase 4's is great - but what else is new.
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@deathofaninja Great points, and some things I hadn't considered before. It sucks, but it's the truth. Oh, except Mila's outfit... I just like it, lol. I've seen people decide to start playing her now just because of it, including @Awesmic who's considering her as a 2nd main... I mean, has he done that before? :O

I'd like more opinions about that weird addition to breakables where a person getting hit into one falls down... I'm thinking it was just an aesthetic addition more than a gameplay one, kinda like the slow mo from dodge counters.


Active Member
I really, really didn't expect Tamaki's inclusion to be this earnest! I'm loving her gameplay, and she's got some nice costumes too.

The hearts in her subtitles are a bit much, and the zoomed-out Break Blow makes me roll my eyes - I wish they could've left the VV references at her wearing different bikinis under every outfit, to be honest, but whatever.

I actually find Bass to be an attractive man, but not in that sadist tomato cage thing.
I enjoy the BDSM aspect - it brings a sexual energy to the design, which is extremely rare for male characters in DOA, and IMO much-needed. :oops:

(I mean, you have the undone button on Ein's C3 too, but that's about it LMAO)


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I enjoy the BDSM aspect - it brings a sexual energy to the design, which is extremely rare for male characters in DOA, and IMO much-needed. :oops:

(I mean, you have the undone button on Ein's C3 too, but that's about it LMAO)

There's imo not much sexual about that Bass "costume". Looks more like a really silly/comical exercising contraption or, and someone else mentioned it and gave me that idea, one of those horror contraptions they in the past put children with muscle or bone deformations in.
And there have been a good number of sexualized costumes for males since Ein's C3, lol. If you think that and this Bass costume are the only ones you must've been living under a rock since DOA2 when Ein's slightly unbuttoned pants were first seen. ;)


Active Member
There's imo not much sexual about that Bass "costume". Looks more like a really silly/comical exercising contraption or, and someone else mentioned it and gave me that idea, one of those horror contraptions they in the past put children with muscle or bone deformations in.
And there have been a good number of sexualized costumes for males since Ein's C3, lol. If you think that and this Bass costume are the only ones you must've been living under a rock since DOA2 when Ein's slightly unbuttoned pants were first seen. ;)

To be fair, I am probably reading a personal bias into it. It's pretty clearly just a visual reference to Bass' strength, with all those spring bars - but I do get a bondage vibe from it... o_O

(that's true, there's Eliot's C4 in DOA4 as well - but I honestly can't think of many other costumes like that, aside from some of the more generic Halloween outfits from DOA5)


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I mean, I have to remind people that games (especially fighting games) do like to take references from other games or having similarities. If that's the case, technically Aoi would spit on both Tekken and DOA if that card is played, or any games before Aoi. Everyone is copying off of someone else or taking reference in some form when it comes to gameplay or design etc. So that in actuality isn't exactly a bad thing.

But yeah Aikido isn't patented by anyone so even then, it wouldn't exactly be copying if it's following how the base form is in real life including the attacks. Just like the small chunk of DOA communities, the other small chunks of the Tekken community follows the same boat where they are in their own little world without knowing that a fighting style has actual moves that's actually applied in real life, which gets applied in video games. Tetsuzankou is a real life move that's also performed by Yun, Yang, Akira, Bayonetta, Kokoro, and Julia. BuT ObViOuSlY iTs CoPyInG oF CoUrSe.

Ryu Hayabusa's Izuna Drop is ObVioUsLy copied from another video character.

Harada can pay one ticket per move to inspect it and extra for the frame data to compare to Asuka. Pretty funny Twitter beef starting here

To be fair, as much as I want to shit on the practices of Bamco on putting a price tag on it. You pay for frame data despite how scummy it is from Bamco, it's there forever. You pay for hair colors, it pops up again like whack-a-mole. One is a worse justification. Overall, Harada actually respects DOA though. That guy literally owns a copy of DOA6 and 5 vanilla. If he wrote "Wtf", then it's likely from his surprise how TN can pull it off too, it's his fans under him that make it look worse. If it was any other cheap company, they'd probably make Aikido look wonky.
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At first I was going to be like:
Oh, shut up Harada, aikido is a fighting style that has been around longer than Tekken or Virtua Fighter. >__>° Then I did take a closer look at the footage and most of those moves are in fact not rooted in real life aikido, all of the kicks and jumps and many of the direct strikes for example. So even if one wants to at first jump to TN's side out of pure habit (even I still automatically wanted to, it's mainly KT I started to loathe), the people that noticed those very strong similarities are not wrong. And let's be honest, the team working on DOA6 is an often lazy, uninspired bunch (probably by KT's direct instructions), I'm not shocked they'd help themselves to moves from other fighting games instead of coming up with their own fantasy version of aikido.

Can we also point out that the VF footage still looks the nicest and most fluid in there, lol? Where's VF6, Sega? D:
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I highly recommend reading the responses to the tweet!
The drama of it all


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That entire twitter thread is sad. Tamaki has a few similar moves to Asuka and Aoi and suddenly it’s an issue. Tamaki is way different gameplay wise than Asuka and Aoi. TN is lazy, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t get why they get called lazy because Tamaki shares some similar moves to those characters. 2D fighters don’t get called lazy when they share the same animations or very similar ones, so why is it an issue with DOA??


Well-Known Member
Eh as dumb as DOA6 is this is as petty as it gets..

Fighting games have been doing this shit forever, no one plays DOA the same way they play Tekken so who gives af if they have near identical animations? It’s not some unique Tekken fighting style to begin with lmao. But I guess the game is an easy target right now.


Premium Donor
That entire twitter thread is sad. Tamaki has a few similar moves to Asuka and Aoi and suddenly it’s an issue. Tamaki is way different gameplay wise than Asuka and Aoi. TN is lazy, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t get why they get called lazy because Tamaki shares some similar moves to those characters. 2D fighters don’t get called lazy when they share the same animations or very similar ones, so why is it an issue with DOA??
Yeah and on top of that Tekken took animations from DOA as well too xD Lili's WR3,4 is literally Brad wong's 7KK and 6H+K iirc correctly and Lucky Chloe's f4,4 is literally Kasumi's 9KK, they use and take from each other all the time xD

Plus the moves arent original in game either, they use motion capture to often times replicate the irl style's moves. Plus people have been fighting for years, Aikido moves have been done even long before the style was even a style since moves are learned, they're not just from a tied style. Anyone can perform Asuka's moves if they wanted to. So DOA isn't supposed to have Kasumi have her 66K~K all because Lili has it in Tekken as ff3,3+4? XD