

Well-Known Member
KOS-MOS, Biscuit Oliver, Shibukawa, Kiryu, and Ryo Hazuki could have been great guest characters instead of what we are having now in season 1! Characters from previous tekken series should have been available since day one! Bob, Miguel, Anna, and the other legacy characters sold to us as "GNU CHALLENGAHS!" is stupid.


Well-Known Member
Damn. That image was going good with the word guest, but then I saw what he listed so maybe now they shouldn't add guests lolol.

Guest characters are always super dope (but only because of the ones that make sense) so they have to pick the right ones if it came down to it in the future. Noctis and Negan were prime examples that just didn't look right in Tekken which may lead to negative connotations to actual great guest character entries. Geese imo was one of their best choices they made.

If you want to be more technical, you might include GON on that list because he came from an obscure manga back in the 90s. He didn't fit well in Tekken 3 because of his size (and hitboxes). At first, I thought he was another original character until I saw his origins. It's no wonder we do not see any re-releases of Tekken 3 because of that (exclude PS1 Mini Classic).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If you want to be more technical, you might include GON on that list because he came from an obscure manga back in the 90s. He didn't fit well in Tekken 3 because of his size (and hitboxes). At first, I thought he was another original character until I saw his origins. It's no wonder we do not see any re-releases of Tekken 3 because of that (exclude PS1 Mini Classic).

I just looked at gameplay of Gon and dear lord, it's the same detrimental issues of including Yoda in Soul Calibur. Even I have some limits of guest inclusions because they have to at the very least make sense in the end, there are some guests ideas that should just flat out not even come to someone's mind.

I simply can't continue to picture it in my head of this round table with devs chatting it out with one guy looking through the window and looking back at the group like "guys, I have an idea. I was just thinking about zombies and I saw some posts on social media, but what about Negan from Walking Dead? I think it's a great idea".

Everyone: "Well we haven't really kept trying to seek other characters so yeah let's go with that. It'll be awesome".


Active Member
KOS-MOS, Biscuit Oliver, Shibukawa, Kiryu, and Ryo Hazuki could have been great guest characters instead of what we are having now in season 1!
As much as I'd like to dunk on you for being (legally) criminally insane, I do have to admit that KOS-MOS was meant to be talked about rhetorically. I'm not on the dev team, so I can't force them to add her in if she doesn't fit the setting.

I did, however, tell them to their faces that I'd like to see Prophet or Nomad from Crysis (whoever's available to do the voiceover), but I can't be sure cuz it's Harada's decision to approve or deny the request. So think of that next time you wanna play armchair dev, asshat.


Well-Known Member

@TheHunterKiller692 I tend to have that effect on people. All this time I really can't answer why people are drawn to me. I guess its safe to say I am a super freak magnet. Sigh!​

Anywho, KOS-MOS aside, there are other guest characters that are within the Bamco banner that can be used in any of the fighting games. Lets take out the fighter Z part because everyone in the roster including Krillin and Yamacha are too OP for tekken.


Active Member
OMG. The perpetually perverted penguin is salty I called him out.

Yeah, cry me a river.

No wonder Harada doesn't bother with talking to you, cuz he knows your threats don't get past the smell test. I'll admit, I did see this coming cuz most of the 3D FGC are petulant children like you.


Well-Known Member
Yey congratulations you cracked the case.
At least I have nothing to hide rather than changing my story per week just to save face. The hylarious thing is it took you this long to have a dig on me. XD
But for you HunterKiller you can call me whatever as a bonus! *blows a kiss*
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Active Member
Lemme put it to you this way: Neither Harada nor TN give two shits about how horny you are and if you get mad about that, it's because you let it get under your skin. Now, in case I'm being too broadly harsh, I'll put it in simpler words for you: As much as I disagree with Master or Mikey Murray, they're just referees. I'm convinced that neither they or the people who care about them would badger the shit out of a developer cuz "Muh boobies.", which is what the whole controversy around DOA 6 was in the first place instead of coming to grips with the gameplay itself. The fact that you went after ZakkuRye over the game being better to him if it were also made with esports in mind (which is already petty as shit) tells me everything I need to know about how pathetic "#SaveTheJiggle" really is. And you're applying the same pretext to Tekken 8 instead of putting down your Jack Daniel's bottles and actually doing something that will help the community AND the devs, not harm it.

But what do I know? I'm talking to a brick wall, and Master knows it (even though I'm pissed at him for keeping practically everything a secret, instead of just saying one or two things that most players would need to know). Quite frankly, the only constant in the past 5 years is how entitled you guys are. Now, yes, I'm glad Tekken 8 is finally going to add more defensive options for the player, but that should've been considered from the start. And as much as I love Harada's commentary, all the clout Tekken has won't last forever, and that's why DOA 6 only made TN stronger than you think they are.


Premium Donor
Kinda irritated Tekken hasn't shown any pictures of the shinobi/ninja pack coming this week or Lili's legacy costume -_- Guess we'll have to wait till it actually drops


If it's Lili's signature white dress, I hope they overhaul it and throw that reused Tekken Tag 2 model they used in Tekken 7 in the trash and redo it since imo it wouldn't look as good in game based on the one mod that ported it in. They need to make it better accentuate her figure and they could benefit from making the heels less clunky and more like in the CGs. They'll definitely have to shave down some of the bulk anyway since Lili has sidelocks now and I don't want the dress to make them clip outright

Tekken_7_Lili_Preset_5_outfit (1).png

If it's this I'd be content since they already improved the assets from Tekken 6 already. They'd just have to fix the fur a bit so it doesn't look so choppy like in Tekken 7

ET50fmcXkAIEz4i (2).jpg

Highly doubt we'll see this but if they do bring it back it'd definitely do very well, they'd just have to improve the model and the veil since it was quite fuzzy back then but I don't think we'll ever get this again unless someone mods it in. It's still one of Lili's best looks imo


Active Member
Kinda irritated Tekken hasn't shown any pictures of the shinobi/ninja pack coming this week or Lili's legacy costume -_- Guess we'll have to wait till it actually drops

View attachment 39158
If it's Lili's signature white dress, I hope they overhaul it and throw that reused Tekken Tag 2 model they used in Tekken 7 in the trash and redo it since imo it wouldn't look as good in game based on the one mod that ported it in. They need to make it better accentuate her figure and they could benefit from making the heels less clunky and more like in the CGs. They'll definitely have to shave down some of the bulk anyway since Lili has sidelocks now and I don't want the dress to make them clip outright.

View attachment 39157
Highly doubt we'll see this but if they do bring it back it'd definitely do very well, they'd just have to improve the model and the veil since it was quite fuzzy back then but I don't think we'll ever get this again unless someone mods it in. It's still one of Lili's best looks imo
A man can dream.


Well-Known Member
Lemme put it to you this way: Neither Harada nor TN give two shits about how horny you are and if you get mad about that, it's because you let it get under your skin. Now, in case I'm being too broadly harsh, I'll put it in simpler words for you: As much as I disagree with Master or Mikey Murray, they're just referees. I'm convinced that neither they or the people who care about them would badger the shit out of a developer cuz "Muh boobies.", which is what the whole controversy around DOA 6 was in the first place instead of coming to grips with the gameplay itself. The fact that you went after ZakkuRye over the game being better to him if it were also made with esports in mind (which is already petty as shit) tells me everything I need to know about how pathetic "#SaveTheJiggle" really is. And you're applying the same pretext to Tekken 8 instead of putting down your Jack Daniel's bottles and actually doing something that will help the community AND the devs, not harm it.

But what do I know? I'm talking to a brick wall, and Master knows it (even though I'm pissed at him for keeping practically everything a secret, instead of just saying one or two things that most players would need to know). Quite frankly, the only constant in the past 5 years is how entitled you guys are. Now, yes, I'm glad Tekken 8 is finally going to add more defensive options for the player, but that should've been considered from the start. And as much as I love Harada's commentary, all the clout Tekken has won't last forever, and that's why DOA 6 only made TN stronger than you think they are.
You know instead of assuming why not ask me directly! My posts and through word of mouth has gone past "muh boobies" at this point. There are more deeper issues than that and it should be bought into the light. You are correct. Harada nor Capcom, Tecmo Koei, and other triple a devs dont care about me anyway since they have my money. What makes you think they care about you?

I ll give you an example! If you read the tekken 8 EULA, they are against cheating online. They also used an anti cheat software which is and I quote.

a) EasyAntiCheat. Bandai Namco is using EasyAntiCheat anti-cheat service (“EAC”), which is operated by a third-party service provider. EAC has a client software that is integrated into the Game. When you start the Game, the EAC client software will automatically load and install its latest version to the Hardware. EAC will monitor the Hardware, analyze the Game binaries and scan Hardware memory for the purpose of detecting and preventing cheating in the Game (“Purpose”). For the Purpose, EAC stores information regarding cheating methods used in the Game (“Cheat Data”). By agreeing to this Agreement, or otherwise using this Game, you give your consent that EAC may gather, store, share, and publish Cheat Data for the Purpose. The Cheat Data will be used solely for the Purpose, including but not limited to identifying and banning players who are cheating in the Game, analyzing cheating behavior and cheating codes, as well as sharing data about cheats with affiliates of EAC.
You can find more information about the privacy practices of EAC by viewing their privacy statement at www.easyanticheat.net/privacy. If you deny EAC the ability to process your personal data in accordance with their privacy statement or request EAC to remove or delete your personal data, we have the right to block your access to the Game and prevent your use of the Game.

So how come people have found ways around this? Tekken 7 still has cheating amok and I m sure it has the same EULA as tekken 8 with minor differences.

If this is present in tekken 7, how much more 8?
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Active Member
At least I have nothing to hide rather than changing my story per week just to save face.
That's a lie, and you know it.

What I can say is that, yes, I'm glad someone is curious as to how I actually feel, so I might have to cut the pretense: I don't believe you should be a hardcore fan of anything if it means your arguments will come off worse than normal. Or they turn into the Dramatic Reading episode of my dreams. Either way, the reality is as such: The FGC is both volatile and untrustworthy. But do have solace in how much I HAVE tried to advocate on all of your behalf, despite my personal differences. "I'm not doing this for you."

You know instead of assuming why not ask me directly! My posts and through word of mouth has gone past "muh boobies" at this point.
Yeah, I don't believe you, and you're not worth asking jack or shit.


Premium Donor

ninja costume looks like the one from SC mixed with Kasumi xD love the new ponytail xD

The dress looks reused from the previous game for Lili but at least her sidelocks won't clip.

Asuka, Lili, Claudio, Leo, Lee, Azucena and Steve all got their own avatars skins too

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Premium Donor
Something must be wrong on PC, because now I can't select any upper or lower body gear in customization mode, it has that red cross circle symbol on pretty much all of the items and selecting them causes the game to basically get stuck loading nothing xD

If this isn't a simple error and it turns out that this is an anti mod measure I'm going to be pissed beyond belief


Premium Donor
I'm not trying to be rude because I love Lili's rich entitled ass; but that outfit is dead to me. I've moved on.

I took some pics of it in game, I like the dress since it's always been my favorite dress outfit for her but I really wish they would have threw away the old TTT2 model and made it closer to how her Tekken 7 CG art depicted her, with the better fitting dress that fits her figure more and more dainty heeled boots. Some Lili player who blocked me(don't ask me why, it's always people I don't know/care anything about who do that xD) also got Harada to notice the frills at the ends of the skirt were missing, and based on his reply we'll be getting a fix for that although tbh it's unnecessary. They need to just trash the current dress model and remake it, Huchi had a dress mod in Tekken 7 that made the dress look alot better and the frills and the fitting of the dress was perfect. Namco needs to take notes xD

Also its possible to make Mai using the items like I did:

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