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Lili being compared to Nikki Minaj? Nikki Minaj? I'm scared.

It's Nicki. And they look nothing alike. Any unwarranted Minaj hate on this here website gets a sideeye from me.


ANYWAY... Here's some great quality videos.

Knee also has like 3+ hour long footage of him playing with friends on his channel.


Well-Known Member
Hasn't it been stated before that Yoshimitsu is just human? he just has REALLY elaborate armours alot of the time.
Hell, actually in Tekken 2 you actually see most of his haid and hair it's just covered by the Hanya mask.


Active Member
Oh my fucking god Namco is killing it with these milfs. TN, please take note. Her being a Mishima is nothing but good news, guaranteed high tier
I prefer mishimas over shotos (streetfighter), may be kyokugan (KOF), ninjas (DOA), and who else i cant think of that are like mainstay characters in their own games, since mishimas are ruthless on paper but not in competition due to friggin learning how to whiff electric 100% of the time.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Some stuff I typed on SRK...
(Note. Some of the notes that are presented here may already be showcased due to other experiencing her boss battles).
- Kazumi has a seemingly useful SS3... 1+2? ... I couldn't tell. Because she was side walking rather than side stepping but whatever the move was, it left her with some frame advantage on the Heihachi practitioner.
- Summons an actual tiger to attack for her, acting like a projectile... this would imply that Kazumi can threaten opponents from longer distances if the said opponent is being too reckless (or stupid).
- Kazumi can fly backwards... it looks like Astral Projectile done in reverse. This can potentially annoy aggressive players that rely on zero-range strategies.
- Clearly has the tradition i10 frame 112. Good punish. Knockdown. Unsafe on block. Hit confirmable. Leads to potential mix up... and... you know the deal.
- Appears to have a safe(ish) mid punch string for two hits (it would have probably been a unfinished part of a string).
- Has a string that "acts" like Kazuya's df12 but it starts with a 3 (kick) input. The second hit is probably a high that is plus frames on block. The second hit will knockdown. The notation for this move is probably df31...
- Apparently, Kazumi's little tiger buddy can be used to kill people for staying on the ground for too long (lol, it was spinning around like Sonic the Hedgehog). This move is more than likely linear as well and should probably be used against opponents who lie on the ground.
- On with the subject of tigers, it seems like her tiger buddy has several situational uses.
- Has a very nasty looking ws2 launcher... or a different sort of cd2... (it looked like a ws2) ... so if she blocks a low that is obviously unsafe, you can kiss your health bar goodbye.
- In that juggle combo she performs after that ws2/cd2, it looks like a 32 input and by the way she "hops" towards the opponent, it could possibly be a low crush string... not too sure about this.
- Kazumi's has a rather unorthodox ws44 and she used it to (somehow) "punish" the second hit of Heihachi's CD44

- ... Minor note about Heihachi... what's going on with his Hell Sweep? The second hit of CD44 was actually safe(ish) on block (specifically, the second hit of Heihachi's CD44 was -10 on block). But, I guess it got nerfed at some point. Because, Kazumi punished it. Unless, the Heihachi practitioner just refused to block Kazumi's ws44. As a Hei player myself, I'm a tad confused by this. Because, the second hit of Heihachi's cd44 low was safe. The first hit of Hell Sweeps was supposed to be launch punishable!

- The tiger was used as a Power Crush... same one that was used for okizeme earlier in the video.
- Well... looks like Sagat has competition. She has a "Tiger Uppercut". In her case, she actually summons a REAL tiger while smacking the opponent with the leaping uppercut.
- Based, on how that "Tiger Uppercut" works, that would imply that she does have a crouching dash... but it may not "function" the same way as the other Mishima's do. This is not confirmed yet. Or... she does have traditional CD but the moves from it are not orthodox or similar to the Mishima players.
- Ha, ha, ha... insult to injury, she can combo after her "Tiger Uppercut".
- Rage Art is moderately fast but does not seem to have that much range.

Nothing Follows

There are some things I need to confirm in relation to her crouching dash and moves that come out from them. I would look at some older footage of the Mama Mishima boss fight but... uh... the CPU sucks. DX


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize she had an actual tiger. That is the best thing ever. Sold, forgive me Lili but you just aren't good enough anymore.