

Well-Known Member
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My stages of interest in the DLC as told by months old Tekken screenshots:

Optimistic and hype when the trailer was shown
View attachment 23879

Trying to remain patient
View attachment 23880
Can we talk about how shit the women look compared (emphasis on "compared") to the men in this game xD
I can see every pigment in the dryness of Jin's skin but Lili has 6 strands of paper hair xD

dgmw, they both look good but god damn


Active Member
Well after the deluge of bikini costumes/DLC we got from DOA, I find swimsuits pretty dull now. I just hope the tops and bottoms are separate pieces instead of a set so I can at least try to do something interesting with them by mixing with other costumes. Idolmaster costumes are also kind of meh. The BV costumes are probably the ones I'm most interested in.

The bowling seems alright and I remember playing a good amount of it in Tag 1, but I don't know how much it will keep my interest this time around.

Unfortunately with no new character or stage, this DLC is a dud.


Premium Donor
Does Paul have a idol master costume ingame?? And the pack is ok since it gives Lili back her old TTT2 bikini and I like her idolmaster outfit in the same color palette as her iconic dress


Well-Known Member
Yeah poor Katarina... :x I was gonna say it really doesn't suit her in anyway, It definitely doesn't help that the outfit colour she got is really ugly lol. And now that you mention it I actually kind of remember Him wearing an idol outfit in a trailer too! >:eek: I wonder if this is the Mandela affect lol. :p


Premium Donor
I think they did it as a joke although tbh it looks genuine enough to be in XD and yeah most of the idol master gear sucks, only Lili imo seems to pull it off naturally imo


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I think it's safe to say i'm done with Tekken 7 Ranked play until they fix the fuckery that they included this patch. Why you may ask. I'll give a list:
  1. They've gone back to TTT2 fuck-shit days where you can't see the name or rank of the person you're fighting, so you cannot avoid any laggy players, rage quitters, and people you simply do not wish to play again. We can only see the disconnect ratio, which is purely incorrect because every promotion chance I get, someone quits on me; denying me of my promotion. Because the game sees it as a DC, i have to win at least 7 consecutive games to get the chance again. WHY? Surely, if I lose one, it should take 2 or 3 to get the chance again.
  2. You now get matched with people who are outside of your region. See, this wouldn't be a problem if these people had good connections. Well they do. When it shows that they have a good connection in the first pairing. You get in game and they have 5 bars for a grand average of 6 seconds, before it becomes a large stuttery mess. I'm UK, why the hell am I fighting George from Africa??? (That happened to me last night xD)
  3. It appears as if latency has been added instead of stutters sometimes when you do lag. I'd rather have stuttering rather than my moves coming out hella late, and the inability to correctly block attacks.... which I see coming from a mile away.
  4. Demotion chances are HELLA frequent now? I got demoted 3 times in a row, from losing 5 games? I was a Warrior as one character, but now I'm Fighter rank. Go figures. But i see people with 10 straight losses with no signs of demotion coming. T7 doesn't like me.
  5. It doesn't matter what rank you are, everyone is trash. The EU skill gap doesn't budge a single bit until you get to Orange levels ffs xD
  7. Why is everyone playing only Claudio and Paul? It seems to be that they're the only to characters I am fighting against, and I'm winning far too much for my liking. Almost every session I have results in a 10W-2L situation, and then the single time I go on tilt I get demoted 3 times.
I'm not complaining because I am losing (Because I'm not really). I have a very positive W/L ratio. But something needs to be done about these rage quitting, mashing, lag switching players. Ranked isn't fun anymore because nobody wants to fight me fairly. They get perfected twice and then they rage quit. They get whiff punished on the last round, RQ. Outplayed, RQ.

I want to find friends who are good and will play in lobbies though. If anyone is tryna play on PC hit me up lmaoooo

This DLC pack is also trash, but I'm buying Eliza so i can study her correctly, and "feel" her frames.


Premium Donor
Eliza will be nerfed by December, I bet you that XD she's basically like Akuma before he was nerfed imo, she's just imo too much with little drawbacks


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Eliza will be nerfed by December, I bet you that XD she's basically like Akuma before he was nerfed imo, she's just imo too much with little drawbacks
I'm not even gonna play as her like I legit want to use her as a training dummy. I hope she gets hit with the nerf bat though. I've never lost to one yet, but she's pure foolery. T7 is very balanced *at the highest level* but man, there's some shit in it balance-wise that makes me question Bamco xD


Premium Donor
I'm not even gonna play as her like I legit want to use her as a training dummy. I hope she gets hit with the nerf bat though. I've never lost to one yet, but she's pure foolery. T7 is very balanced *at the highest level* but man, there's some shit in it balance-wise that makes me question Bamco xD
I'm saying XD they nerf Lili who's slow as fuck and make her linear yet Xiaoyu is fast, evasive and arguably safe with very little weaknesses. Basically if you're Xiaoyu or a Mkshima you magically avoid a nerf. Eliza tho I'm confident she's gonna get alot, my ex friend before we stopped talking would always hype her up and say she's OP this and could do all these combos but I was never impressed to be honest since I knew her time to get hit with the post launch nerfs are near, I smile whenever someone posts ridiculous combo vids of her since as soon as Bamco sees all that they'll tone her down

Also speaking of buffs I played T6 yesterday and Lili had some good tools back then. Her WR df+1 used to launch on NH and CH.... I can understand them nerfing the NH but I wouldn't mind it being a CH launcher again, and when you did df3+4>d1>WR df+1 The launch was higher and actually let you finish with 3,2,3, now you can't do much except for 2,4 and that's strict timing. Her back+1 was also so much better too since it knocked back on CH and 2,3 had way more forgiving timing unlike T7 where you have to damn near mash the final button or else nothing will come out >.> I normally don't care about lili being limited but she suffered pretty unnecessary nerfs imo


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I'm saying XD they nerf Lili who's slow as fuck and make her linear yet Xiaoyu is fast, evasive and arguably safe with very little weaknesses. Basically if you're Xiaoyu or a Mkshima you magically avoid a nerf. Eliza tho I'm confident she's gonna get alot, my ex friend before we stopped talking would always hype her up and say she's OP this and could do all these combos but I was never impressed to be honest since I knew her time to get hit with the post launch nerfs are near, I smile whenever someone posts ridiculous combo vids of her since as soon as Bamco sees all that they'll tone her down

Also speaking of buffs I played T6 yesterday and Lili had some good tools back then. Her WR df+1 used to launch on NH and CH.... I can understand them nerfing the NH but I wouldn't mind it being a CH launcher again, and when you did df3+4>d1>WR df+1 The launch was higher and actually let you finish with 3,2,3, now you can't do much except for 2,4 and that's strict timing. Her back+1 was also so much better too since it knocked back on CH and 2,3 had way more forgiving timing unlike T7 where you have to damn near mash the final button or else nothing will come out >.> I normally don't care about lili being limited but she suffered pretty unnecessary nerfs imo

What I think they did with T7 is that they listened to online scrubs for tips on what to do with the balance and "nerf" characters, focussing on what the stoners wanted and forgetting to touch up on the other chars. This is why Lili, Lars, (Bruce got deleted lmaooo), Eddy and characters who are frequently complained about got hit the hardest in the balancing. The characters that they forgot to do anything with are now the ridiculous chars imo like the new characters because they used to be underplayed, Xiaoyu, Paul and characters like Hwoarang (has always been good but) and Dragunov got buffed beyond means lmao. Mishima characters will never be hit with the nerf bat because the most time went into them in terms of gameplay and the TK community gasses them up like they're the hardest thing to touch because of a single essential move.

Lili is still "solid" dont get me wrong, but the problem with balancing someone like her is you do one thing she's gonna be broken and do another and she'll be trash.


Premium Donor
What I think they did with T7 is that they listened to online scrubs for tips on what to do with the balance and "nerf" characters, focussing on what the stoners wanted and forgetting to touch up on the other chars. This is why Lili, Lars, (Bruce got deleted lmaooo), Eddy and characters who are frequently complained about got hit the hardest in the balancing. The characters that they forgot to do anything with are now the ridiculous chars imo like the new characters because they used to be underplayed, Xiaoyu, Paul and characters like Hwoarang (has always been good but) and Dragunov got buffed beyond means lmao. Mishima characters will never be hit with the nerf bat because the most time went into them in terms of gameplay and the TK community gasses them up like they're the hardest thing to touch because of a single essential move.

Lili is still "solid" dont get me wrong, but the problem with balancing someone like her is you do one thing she's gonna be broken and do another and she'll be trash.
Yeah you're right there, if Lili actually had good tracking and was faster she would be broken XD she was at her prime in Dark Resurrection since if I recall she was high tier then but was still below Mkshimas and her tier and solidity standing has slowly decayed since then. Plus I think tekken intentionally makes the schoolgirls flawed since apparently a Mkshima should never lose to Lili. It's also why they kind of made them distant from the mishima plot regarding the younger girls since it would be quite controversial for Lili to actually best a mishima

I'm also excited for Anna whenever she comes but I'm worried about her too...i played her a bit on Friday and realized she has so many highs and not a lot of good mids besides df1 and WR1, I think she's gonna be very vulnerable to having her highs crushed but she's pretty safe already which I guess is a trade off, plus she's WAY easier than Nina to use XD


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Yeah you're right there, if Lili actually had good tracking and was faster she would be broken XD she was at her prime in Dark Resurrection since if I recall she was high tier then but was still below Mkshimas and her tier and solidity standing has slowly decayed since then. Plus I think tekken intentionally makes the schoolgirls flawed since apparently a Mkshima should never lose to Lili. It's also why they kind of made them distant from the mishima plot regarding the younger girls since it would be quite controversial for Lili to actually best a mishima

I'm also excited for Anna whenever she comes but I'm worried about her too...i played her a bit on Friday and realized she has so many highs and not a lot of good mids besides df1 and WR1, I think she's gonna be very vulnerable to having her highs crushed but she's pretty safe already which I guess is a trade off, plus she's WAY easier than Nina to use XD
Nina is just fucked lmaooo she is definitely the BIGGEST oddball in Tekken xD I never looked at Anna but i did always have trouble fighting against the good ones in 6 omg. Then again back then I never really studied the game but I knew she was hella good. I'm really looking forward to when these significant characters make a comeback (Lei, Anna and Julia) and how they work in T7 with the screws and what not. Especially Lei, the amount of screws he would have in T7 is actually crazy. Julia i loved playing against good Julia mains, they always messed me up back in T6 days lmaooo. Her combos in T7 would long as hell, but hard to do as the perfect trade off.

However, I do want to see Christie come back in T7, but with a movelist that makes her almost completely different to Eddy. So her basic stances (Relax and Handstand) will be the same, but she'll have different moves that come from them. But we already know the fanbase will say no to capos so lets just rule that out lmaooo