
Well-Known Member
When you think of old school, you are thinking of players that played DOA 1,2 or 3 and maybe 2U. I started picking up and playing on DOA4 competitively on the last cgs qualifier. Making me play DOA4 late makes me a old school player? If that's so then Eman and Kwiggle shouldn't be in this list either.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If you started playing DOA4 in 2008 or beyond (as a newer player in the community, not an older player within' the community), you should be considered new school.


Well-Known Member
Air Gear considers himself new school @NukNuks because he feels players who are known from DOA4/5 are new school players and those known from 2U/3 is old school. Which I actually agree with him with this concept. Also if that's the case Kwiggle should be considered old school juging by this logic. He competed at DiD in DOA4. So wouldn't he be old school judging by the rules?
If Air Gear is considered New School that makes Sweet Revenge New School too (he's already chalked up as Old School in the between thread. We need an official judge cuz that messes up my votes in both threads.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
My list:

SomewhatMental: Probably our strongest Helena player on the west coast. He's new to DOA, and yet he's so much better than a lot of players that have played for awhile and newer players. Still has a bit to improve on but he's very solid.

Air Gear: My sparring partner in SoCal, and always gets my blood boiling when we play. He's a pure adreneline rush and will wreck face once he gets going (think Juggernaut from X-Men). Plays a solid Jannlee and loves competition.

Xcalibur Bladez: New and practically our youngest consistent tournament player in the community. He's proven himself more than a few times that he's a dangerous force to be reckon with.

Emann: I've enjoyed watching this guy play in tournaments he's attended. He plays Kokoro, Christie and Helena all solid. And he's been proving he has what it takes to take the strong down and out.


Active Member
Air Gear. Power blow specialist. He knows and has mastered all of them I swear!
Somewhat Mental. Lookie at Hajin's list.
Emann. Cool guy. Wanna see what he has in store for us this time.
Kwiggle. Kwiggle is Kwiggle. Dat little KwigglyPuff haha.

Steady G

Well-Known Member
In all honesty, I just wanna see who they will pick. If I don't get picked, no worries. I still feel like this team tournament will be interesting to watch regardless. HYPE HYPE HYPE! :)


Well-Known Member
When you think of old school, you are thinking of players that played DOA 1,2 or 3 and maybe 2U. I started picking up and playing on DOA4 competitively on the last cgs qualifier. Making me play DOA4 late makes me a old school player? If that's so then Eman and Kwiggle shouldn't be in this list either.
Broham, you're 5+ years deep in the game with a top 3 placing in a major tourney dating back to 2007. Call it whatever you like but all I'm saying is this has fucked my vote.
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