The Art of Stagger Escaping:


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
Just frame Holding

As soon as you are Staggered, Hold out of the stagger. This will allow you to get out of the stagger quickly, and recover before your opponent can attack. On the Bad side, you are vulnerable to a high Counter throw if your opponent is fast enough.

Advanced Slow Escaping:

After you SE, you are able to do a lot of other defensive offensive techniques. This will allow you to open up more options, that were once inaccessible.
  • SE~ Fuzzy guard - This will allow you to Escape the stagger while defending against a 2 choice guessing game.
  • SE~Parry - This will allow you to escape the stagger, and flip the advantage in your favor(where your opponent is forced to hold out of the Stagger).
  • SE ~ Side Step - Depending on the character you are using, You can SS many of your opponents attacks after being placed into this disadvantage.
  • SE ~Crush - Depending on your opponents attack choice, you can use a crushing attack to avoid his attack, and hit him with your own attack.
  • SE~ Attack - Escaping particular staggers will give you the advantage. With this advantage, you can force your opponent into the same situation you was just in.

Addendum:Slow escaping During recovery frames

There are times when you do an attack and it whiffs. Your opponent capitalize and hit you with an attack that stagger you which lead into the stun game. Once in the stun, most players proceed to SE. SE during this time will allow you recover before your opponent can attack you with slower executing moves, with Jabs and other fast attacks still hitting you. Slow Escaping during your recovery frames(before you are hit) will increase the amount of SE inputs, which result in you getting out of the stagger faster, allowing you to block many of the more faster executing attacks in the game.