The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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Are you talking about how there is less vegetation in the Xbone version?

Isn't that obvious? ;) Yes, the LOD (level of detail in the distance) is way lower. Especially in the two last pics with the game logo on them. Open both images in new tabs and click back and forth. It is like comparing GTAV on PS3 and PS4.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see that the vegetation just stops by the time it gets to the rocks in the distance but there is still vegetation in the ps4 version. At least its very minor and won't stop any enjoyment for people playing the game.


Well-Known Member
The way things are going PS4 version is gonna partially melt your system every time you play it as os, Xbox One would probably catch fire lol

FFXV really seems like it'd be better on Neo and Scorpio or even PC


Well-Known Member
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The way things are going PS4 version is gonna partially melt your system every time you play it as os, Xbox One would probably catch fire lol

FFXV really seems like it'd be better on Neo and Scorpio or even PC

If it at least looked like it was close to partially melt the consoles, like Uncharted 4 (I sometimes think my PS4 turned into a helicopter. XD) but overall the game looks imo considerably worse than lets say the Witcher 3 or even GTAV on PS4/Xbone/PC. And that is a cross gen title...
They really messed up by developing the game in the very demanding Luminous Engine on high end PCs and then porting everything to consoles, having to downgrade it so much in the process that it looks worse than older and less technically advanced games. They wanted too much, now they get very little.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually worried about that, that the ps4 might damage the console while playing it. Also I'm surprised they haven't shown the Neo yet since I want to know just how much better it will be than the ps4. It needs to be a direct descendant of god for me to buy it.

Edit: Really god how loud was your ps4 then playing uncharted 4 because every time mine makes a noise I get scared.


Well-Known Member
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I'm actually worried about that, that the ps4 might damage the console while playing it. Also I'm surprised they haven't shown the Neo yet since I want to know just how much better it will be than the ps4. It needs to be a direct descendant of god for me to want to buy it.

They can't show the Neo version yet because the console is not even announced and because they said just a couple of weeks ago that plans for the Neo version aren't set yet. They also just had to delay the game for two more months to get the regular versions in order... The Neo version is the least of their concerns right now.


Well-Known Member
Oh no I know that I mean I don't know why they haven't shown the Neo itself yet since there was talk that they might show it at gamescom.


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Oh no I know that I mean I don't know why they haven't shown the Neo itself yet since there was talk that they might show it at gamescom.

There was never such talk. They are going to unveil the PS4 Slim and the PSNeo on a Sony event in September. I think it is the 7th. Let's see if the Neo even arrives this year. ;) Which I would find strange when they also want to sell PSVR and the PS4Slim this holiday.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I hope it doesn't come out this year since I want it to come out as klate in this generation as it can. I don't think I'm getting a VR either.


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Honestly I hope it doesn't come out this year since I want it to come out as klate in this generation as it can. I don't think I'm getting a VR either.

I agree. The PSNeo imo does not bode well for the optimisation of the regular console versions. I also don't always want to worry if a PS4 game they are showing off is the Neo version or the shittier regular PS4 version that in fact 95% of all PS4 owners will have to play.


Premium Donor
The console developers actually said a while back that Neo and Vanilla PS4 will play the same games, the Neo will just provide better resolution, frame rate, and possibly graphics if you choose to play on that system. Just wanted to say that for anyone interested so I wouldn't be worried. Final Fantasy will probably run completely how it was envisioned on the Neo system to be honest, the hardware seems really good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm hoping that the developers will still push the ps4 to its biggest heights its just that the neo will have better resolution etc. Also the fact that there won't be games exclusive to the neo makes me a lot more okay with it. I still prefer just a console coming out and then 7 years later the next one comes out. I hope in advertisements they'll use the graphics of the regular ps4 as default cause that would get confusing if a trailer comes out and you don't know if its the neo version or the ps4 version.

Also on another topic does anyone plan on getting a Sony VR or just a VR in general?


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Also on another topic does anyone plan on getting a Sony VR or just a VR in general?

I'm actually not interested at all. None of the games announced for it seemed remotely interesting to me. They just felt gimmicky. Notify me again when we are able to freely explore a world like in the Witcher 3 with VR, then I might be on board but not earlier.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's the way I feel about it as well right now, there's nothing that's caught my eye and I also don't know if its going to stick around or if its just a fad. If some fantasy openworld in first person VR come out though that would be amazing and I'd need to get VR then! Especially if it was multiplayer with dozens etc of players.


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@Jadeinchains, someone made a gif for me so I can show the difference better to you. :)



Well-Known Member
Wow that was nice of them! :) was it someone from Neogaf?

I feel like the shadows look better in the ps4 version looking at that gif, and its really obvious now that the vegetation is a lot better on ps4 as well.


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Yep, Neogaf. Awesome people there. :)

I by the way really wonder what is up with that weirdly shaped mountain/crystal that is towering above all else in that frame.
Here you can see it closer:


In some footage it has a big plume of smoke:


Lol, I hate those smoke plumes...but this one looks way better than the ugly thing the Witcher 3. XD


Well-Known Member
( I still love the airship ) yeah the plume of smoke in the witcher was annoying but at least the one in XV looks better, Also at least its natural and not just post destruction. I've been what it is as well. Maybe its a volcano as well as some magical power source where the sacred crystals the country's had came from?

PS: Thanks to the person who made that gif! :)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
( I still love the airship ) yeah the plume of smoke in the witcher was annoying but at least the one in XV looks better, Also at least its natural and not just post destruction. I've been what it is as well. Maybe its a volcano as well as some magical power source where the sacred crystals the country's had came from?

Whatever it is, it looks awesome! :) The game world really gains much from these unique landmarks. Similarly to the shard of Duscae and it's surrounding stone arches:


Or that rock in Galdin Quay:


It makes everything so much more interesting. I hope there are much more of these landmarks in the world because -let's face it- Eos seems a little too realistic and dull at times...

They could even go Xenoblade X crazy:




Even if technically very limited it looks almost better than FFXV in some cases... Imagination and a great art style really go a long way.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not quite as crazy as Xenoblade though the middle picture looks like it could fit. XD I have to admit I actually do enjoy the realistic areas of the world of Eos from what we've seen since it makes it feel more down to earth, especially since the animals are very fantasy like and bring it to life. At the same time if the whole world is ordinary I might be wishing for some amazing place so I definitely wouldn't mind some areas being sort of Alien like. Sort of like when you go to Gran Pulse and there is those trees that look like cotton balls! :D Plus its set on a different planet so they might as well make some crazy locations.