The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
Maybe I will shock you, but I like ALL the costumes in pack. I even think that Momiji's and Hitomi's ones are nice. Momiji looks good in her swimsuit and I think Hitomi will look good too with ponytail and glasses on. AND RACHEL'S ONE... MY GOD! Even if every other swimsuit would be ugly as hell and buying the whole pack would be the only way to get amazon Rachel, I would do this!
I personally like them all except I do really think Hitomi's and Momiji's are boring. Momiji's definitely would look better to me if she had her hair down. Or at least a low ponytail.


Well-Known Member
She'll probably received them once she's released.

By the way, to those who got the patch, can Blood Ties Remix be found on the music selection?


Well-Known Member
Momiji's definitely would look better to me if she had her hair down. Or at least a low ponytail.

Being a rather rabid Momiji fan, I appreciate this sentiment. Although think of how low her hair would get...

Anyways, aside from Ayane and Lisa, I like this set. Ayane's looks like lazy body paint and Lisa just doesn't pull off the strings like Helena. It's a shame it's also a La Mariposa choice, too. She does need more.

Personal winners are Tina, Kokoro, and Helena. Christie's isn't bad, either.

As for Private Paradise mode... well...

Not pleased... well... okay, maybe Momiji, Helena, and Kokoro... but mostly not pleased.

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
Mila's costume looks very nice. Tina's one was ruined by the shoes just like Fang's was ruined by the LACK of shoes. Oh well. I'm not paying for Private Paradise either.

Are you saying you would have preferred Tina to wear different shoes, or that the outfit would have been better if Tina was bare foot?
I dont think any of the girls should be bare foot, because TN messed up all the girls lower legs (in case you missed my gif).


Tinas shoes are a significant part of what make her new outfit so great, IMO.


Well-Known Member
There needs to be a Private Paradise movie clip of Ryu climbing a palm tree and doing an izuna on a coconut just to drink the juice + sensual saxophone 5U trailer music

I am curious to know it me too, but personally I think that the answer is not (Blood Ties Remix will be very likely the stage music for Lorelei).

Normal Lorelei isn't included yet? :/
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Well-Known Member
Normal Lorelei isn't included yet? :/

No, very likely because normal Lorelei is thought for being the personal stage of Marie Rose (just like Haunted Lorelei was thought related to the Halloween outfits DLC).

So, is it true, that Kasumi got two more victory poses? Not just one? :confused:

I had already posted her fourth victory pose: the animation is the same of her new third one, but she say her classic "You can't defeat me". This is a special winning pose that should act only winning a match against Ayane.
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