The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Dude, next time you have to make your statement a little more passive aggressive and once somebody shows a hint of anger, you end it off with "LOL You got trolled!" You'll get off scot-free I promise ya



Well-Known Member
I think either of these will be fine. Not too much, nor too little.

Be careful. That gif has strong powers lol
Its not just those two, those are just doubles that stupid mobile would not let me delete. Those plus the rest are behind the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Dude, next time you have to make your statement a little more passive aggressive and once somebody shows a hint of anger, you end it off with "LOL You got trolled!" You'll get off scot-free I promise ya


That doesn't work on this site. Passive aggressive is nothing but a method of ways. Either they ask if I was trolling or simply just ignore it. Props to those that ask if I am trolling because I would of told them the truth. "Yes I am trolling".

In other words, it works. It works because they dive into it. So yes, trust me. It works.


Actually, it does work. Look what just happened lol. But yeah, It was more-so a joke then anything else Bomb... Don't look too hard into things.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Actually, it does work. Look what just happened lol. But yeah, It was more-so a joke then anything else Bomb... Don't look too hard into things.

No no, you are missing the point lol.

There is a concept to the way I do it. To the point if they choose to ask If I'm serious or not. Brute, FP, Fork, Hajin, Requiem and a few others know exactly how I do it. People just automatically assume one thing without knowing I've been doing it for awhile because it has never come to them on that inclusion.

The problem is, no one asks if I am serious and It won't stop till they ask. Putting me on a name is simply one of the ways to know that they actually digged into what I said and thus is what I enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Wrong answer.

A new character is always big news and there's always going to be some controversy surrounding it. This one is particularly sensitive for reasons that have been repeated numerous times. Some are excited, some are disappointed and some are both. Tensions are very high and it's perfectly understandable to be passionate about your position.

It is not okay to audaciously declare others to have intercourse with themselves in a less verbally creative manner, and it is certainly not okay to blatantly ignore a very generous moderator who asked you very kindly to tone it down a notch in a display of flippant apathy.

You're one stupid decision away from the point of no return. Restrain yourself or I will restrain you.

What exactly did he do wrong by liking the characters design rather than the original Tengu. You're also complaining that people are bandwaggoning because everyone seems interested, why the fuck does it even matter in the first place.

The more people who play the character the more people find out more tech why complain. Who cares if people are interested in this character now and not before, you guys technically got the character you wanted in the game in one form, then cuz people suddenly like the new design all I hear is oh man people like her because tits what a bunch of hipsters and faggots they are not like US OGs

Why cant people here just respect each other as a fucking community instead of picking on every little thing that pops up.

One last thing, why do you have to refer yourself as a mod, makes it look like you have a massive Ego.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
What exactly did he do wrong by liking the characters design rather than the original Tengu.
There's nothing wrong with liking the new character better than the old one.

There is something wrong with telling someone to "Go Fuck Themself." When I asked him politely to tone it down a notch, he said he didn't care. That is what he did wrong.

One last thing, why do you have to refer yourself as a mod
Because I am a mod.

Pink Nitro

Well-Known Member
I kinda like the new Tengu character, I was super salty at first but then got over it.
Oh Brute's a mod now? Right on, dude, congrats.


No no, you are missing the point lol.

There is a concept to the way I do it. To the point if they choose to ask If I'm serious or not. Brute, FP, Fork, Hajin, Requiem and a few others know exactly how I do it. People just automatically assume one thing without knowing I've been doing it for awhile because it has never come to them on that inclusion.

The problem is, no one asks if I am serious and It won't stop till they ask. Putting me on a name is simply one of the ways to know that they actually digged into what I said and thus is what I enjoy.

First off, when did I say I was specfically talking about you Bomb? You wasn't the only troll here and your post was not "aggressive" at all.

Secondly, It was a joke! Nothing to take seriously and not to be mean or anything, but I don't give a damn about (Tengu) you ways of trolling. Trolling is all the same to me

Lastly, You guys surely know how to derail a thread quick. Mods and all...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
First off, when did I say I was specfically talking about you Bomb? You wasn't the only troll here and your post was not "aggressive" at all.

Secondly, It was a joke! Nothing to take seriously and not to be mean or anything, but I don't give a damn about (Tengu) you ways of trolling. Trolling is all the same to me

Lastly, You guys surely know how to derail a thread quick. Mods and all...

You "Quoted" me.

Where did you get the vibe I was being rude to you.

This thread does indeed break at some point. But then it fixes itself...somehow...someway...I find it fascinating though.

EDIT: Whoops, he didn't quote me. Someone else did. But his post does have depth subliminal messages to how I write in the boards.
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Still Seems a bit off-topic to me with two "mods" in here... But hey! Who knows? I could be wrong...

Anyway! How about that there Boobgu? Is she brand new or what???
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