The Funny (Thread)


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This is strangely addicting...

And this is weirdly exciting and almost satisfying when she gets all that stuff out, lol:

Oh god, I can't watch that >.> I'm squeamish about stuff going in ears and large bumps being popped


Well-Known Member
This is strangely addicting...

And this is weirdly exciting and almost satisfying when she gets all that stuff out, lol:



Her hair is basically just Karin hair but up in pigtails and longer XD

Also I refuse to go through another deja vu incident so here's a video that cracks me up...this lady eating pickles had me DEAD XD

Omg lol I love her! XD I just sat here for almost 9 minutes watching someone eat a pickle! I can't with asmr sounds though.


Premium Donor


Omg lol I love her! XD I just sat here for almost 9 minutes watching someone eat a pickle! I can't with asmr sounds though.
She's popular on Twitter too XD she's like the go to reaction girl, my favorite is one where she's typing and while eating something crunchy I think XD


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East Asians have different ear wax from us Europeans (or descendants of Europeans), it's drier and more flaky, also usually darker.
The different texture of it, which is half as gross as the wet and mushy European earwax, lead to a different approach to it and ear cleaning. It isn't considered something disgusting there. Couples actually affectionately clean each others ears there:


Is it strange that I would be so knowledgable about that? XD


Well-Known Member
East Asians have different ear wax from us Europeans (or descendants of Europeans), it's drier and more flaky, also usually darker.
The different texture of it, which is half as gross as the wet and mushy European earwax, lead to a different approach to it and ear cleaning. It isn't considered something disgusting there. Couples actually affectionately clean each others ears there:


Is it strange that I would be so knowledgable about that? XD

kween of knowledge lol. :p
And omg lol I didn't know about that last bit! :eek: No thanks to that.

Also here's this beautiful youtube poop. xoxo



Well-Known Member
Trump's transphobic but I guess gays aren't known for sticking by the LBT part of LGBT

Funny and incredibly sad at the same time:

Gays for Trump.


Yes, this rally was held just now, months after the election.


(Well, luckily not even dozens, more like a dozen.)
Okay, this goes to both sides, left and right, conservatives and liberals, and even centrists like myself. But I really don't want this thread to become political, it just turns into arguments and not 'funny' and then it summons the forum babysitter (that sounds way better than moderator). I should've called it out earlier on the 'LGBT for Trump' post.

Also who remembers Totally Spies!? Well, I watched it again after a couple of years and realised how fetishy it was at times >.> And how annoying Clover was, and she used to be my favourite! Show is still so funny though, and a guilty pleasure at times.

Actually, TotallySpies sounds like something @KasumiLover69 would like, especially if he's seen the spy outfits xD
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