The Hair Thread


Long hair looks awful on characters who dont have it as defualt. Kokoro's looks great but then in contrast Helena's looks....just awful. I really like Elliot's trendy hair and even though I don't really like short hair on the girls, Christie's really works. I also have a ponytail fetish when it comes to Kasumi and Hitomi!


Well-Known Member
Long hair looks awful on characters who dont have it as defualt. Kokoro's looks great but then in contrast Helena's looks....just awful. I really like Elliot's trendy hair and even though I don't really like short hair on the girls, Christie's really works. I also have a ponytail fetish when it comes to Kasumi and Hitomi!
exact opposite for me, love short hair on women. like Milas, lisas and christies hair, and these woman's hair.
for me its to the point that long hair can be and usually is a turnoff, unless its styled really well. this last pic came up in the Google images for women's hair and it is hilarious. bBayman maybe?


Well-Known Member
Who would do that to Bruce Willis's sexy bald head D:

I like long hair, I like short hair, and I like medium length hair. But to me there's usually just one length for each character that 'fits' them. Kasumi with short/medium hair makes me squirm and Mila with medium/long hair does too. I think the only character that's an exception for me would be Ayane who might look interesting with Kasumi-length hair.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, alternate hairstyle works better than the default though.

Pai looks great with short hair than the double bun braids with her bangs hidden.


Well-Known Member
Who would do that to Bruce Willis's sexy bald head D:

I like long hair, I like short hair, and I like medium length hair. But to me there's usually just one length for each character that 'fits' them. Kasumi with short/medium hair makes me squirm and Mila with medium/long hair does too. I think the only character that's an exception for me would be Ayane who might look interesting with Kasumi-length hair.
I think it also depends on if they changed style with length. like I prefer mila with short hair, I could see long hair on her working ONLY if it was a huge wild main like Risty.
only yaknow, twotone black with red highlights.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some but I think the short hairstyle she has now seems the best for me. If we were to based on what is practical (if her hair wasn't cut short), something like this should have been the option.



Well-Known Member
Kasumi's DOA5 ponytail is glorious. Hands down best ponytail in the entire history of gaming.
I hate the high ponytail, her low ponytail from DOA3 2U and 4 was alot better, in 5/5U I always use loose or braids.

I like long hair but not every character would work with it Ayane, christie and Momiji to name a few that would look terrible with long hair.


Well-Known Member
I like loose hair, not so much on Kasumi but I prefer Helena's loose hair to that weird ponytail.

They need to give Rachel & Momiji loose hair. Rachel's stance isn't hunched like Helena's so it wouldn't look as bad, and Momiji could easily get Kokoro's hair from a cut & paste.... since none of the ponytail to loose hair ratio is accurate it wouldn't matter too much if it was shorter than her ponytail ( I mean, just look at Kasumi. ) so I hope they find a way to do it in an update, or in the next DOA game.

They really 'hyped' the hair options for 5U... and it turned out only 4-5 characters got different hair options.

I was also expecting Sarah to get something... but nope. I assumed all girls with long hair would get some alternate hairstyle cause with long hair, the options are pretty endless. But... nope.


Well-Known Member
All the loose hair options are just so flat from behind. :|

Wish they could amped up the hair products to give it more volume, waves or bounce. I mean, they were able to do it on Helena when she was still a little girl in her ending at 4.


I was also expecting Sarah to get something... but nope. I assumed all girls with long hair would get some alternate hairstyle cause with long hair, the options are pretty endless. But... nope.

Well... She had that short hair from the Halloween costume. It could have been nice if it was given to her as an option already. Probably on the next patch updates?


If it ever was option, I'd probably used it on a lot in almost every costume she has.


Well-Known Member
I'm aware my inability to draw hair isn't doing the idea any justice, but this is the only way I can imagine Mila with long hair. a wild mane.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of those traditional Japanese Kabuki guys. At most, Mila's unimaginable with long hair but if she were outgrew it longer, I can see her sporting one-side shaved hairstyle.



Well-Known Member
Reminds me of those traditional Japanese Kabuki guys. At most, Mila's unimaginable with long hair but if she were outgrew it longer, I can see her sporting one-side shaved hairstyle.

ewewewewewewno. not shaved, never, no. short sure but never straight up shaved.