The Last Round Photography Thread


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Some pics I took last night.





The Enforcer

Well-Known Member
At least with the aliasing, even if not much was changed with the engine, I feel that the resolution helped a ton.

Since, @Jyakotu posted Momiji's alt, anyone else think that it has some resemblance to Tekken's Anna Williams. I'm highly doubtful that some of these choices are by accident considering MKX's release around the corner and T7 on its way.


Well-Known Member
At least with the aliasing, even if not much was changed with the engine, I feel that the resolution helped a ton.

Since, @Jyakotu posted Momiji's alt, anyone else think that it has some resemblance to Tekken's Anna Williams. I'm highly doubtful that some of these choices are by accident considering MKX's release around the corner and T7 on its way.

If something imo should be argued if Christie's alternative hairstyle was inspirated to Tekken's Anna Williams, considering that they have partially similar personalities (and both of them are assassins).
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The Enforcer

Well-Known Member
If something should be argued if Christie's alternative hairstyle was inspirated to Tekken's Anna Williams, considering that they have partially similar personalities (and both of them are assassins).
Good point, those two are definitely closer in personality. I hadn't detected that before mostly since Christie's hair is white & I think 'slightly' longer than current Anna. For Momiji's ninja costume, the hairstyle cut, dark hair and base dress color plus dress accent colors are quite similar.

If anything her hairstyle reminds me of her older sister Kureha
I do see that resemblance too, but the dress colors with the Ninja costume specifically look close to Anna


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Never noticed how much better the graphics are on ps4. The soft skin does actually make a pretty noticeable difference and there appears to be much worse anti aliasing on ps3.
The aliasing is definitely less noticable with the higher resolution. The soft skin however is...sort of a sham actually. XD I posted comparison pics of the Xbox360 version and PS4 version earlier in this thread and the only obvious difference on the skin is the defined self-shadowing on PS4 and the guys have actually less muscle definition on the PS4.
I'll quote myself:

A while ago I promised you guys (in another thread) some comparison shots of Last Round on current generation consoles and on last generation consoles. So, let's have a look at how they hold up to each other. :) The first screen of each set is from PS4 LR and the second screen of each set is from Xbox360 LR. I resized the PS4 Screens to 720p for a better and fairer comparison. To best compare them, open each image in a new tab in your internet browser and then click back and forth. :)





Sorry, to break my own rule, of just posting 3 images outside of the spoiler. >__<
To see the rest, click here:












So, what do you guys think? :)

All in one, I would say, the soft skin texture/shader and lighting are a little bit different on the current gen generation...but not really an actual improvement. In some cases, I find, the last generation consoles have the better skin look. :/ It comes down to taste... (Resolution, aliasing, self-shadowing and even some stage textures are of course clearly and improvement on PS4.)
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Well-Known Member
The aliasing is definitely less noticable with the higher resolution. The soft skin however is...sort of a sham actually. XD I posted comparison pics of the Xbox360 version and PS4 version earlier in this thread and the only obvious difference on the skin is the defined self-shadowing on PS4 and the guys have actually less muscle definition on the PS4.
I'll quote myself:

All in one, I would say, the soft skin texture/shader and lighting are a little bit different on the current gen generation...but not really an actual improvement. In some cases, I find, the last generation consoles have the better skin look. :/ It comes down to taste... (Resolution, aliasing, self-shadowing and even some stage textures are of course clearly and improvement on PS4.)
I wouldn't call the soft skin a sham. Just look at those Hitomi pics and it's clear that the better self shadows make the skin look less flat and plastic, with a much more realistic looking depth and it just looks all round a lot better to me.


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I wouldn't call the soft skin a sham. Just look at those Hitomi pics and it's clear that the better self shadows make the skin look less flat and plastic, with a much more realistic looking depth and it just looks all round a lot better to me.

The self-shadowing however has nothing to do with the "soft skin" shader, it's a seperate effect. ;) But as I already said, it really comes down to taste. I like the more saturated and more contrasted look of Hitomi's Xbox360 skin. Most apparent it's with the guys however:



I like the Xbox360 version (second one) much more. It's just not true, that the guys have better defined muscles with the "soft skin" shader, as Team Ninja stated. They look less defined. :/ The PS4 version is also missing bouncing light (that soft glow, that's visible within shadows in the second picture), which is technical step back.

The Enforcer

Well-Known Member
It's got to be a preference / perception thing then....

I've worked with enough rendering stuff, and seen DOA on a variety of screen types, and I can definitely see a difference between last gen and current gen. There are certain areas that have more/less shadowing now even on models that may not have changed.


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literally the only difference is the collar bone

That's literally not true. :/ You are not very perceptive...

First of all, look at the background. See the different lighting on the pillars and stones? Do you also see, that the Xbox360 has the sharper background textures?
Now for the missing bouncing light: Remember, that there are several light sources in this stage. Two holes in the ceiling and the large opening with the metal bars and last but not least the torches. Look at the back of Jann Lee's head. No light in the PS4 version. Look at the sash around his waist. Also no light in the PS4 version. Look at the light reflected along the base of his pectorals in the Xbox360 version. Look at Jann Lee's averted side of the face. Pretty much flat in the PS4 version, but much more 3-dimensional lit in the Xbox360 version and so on...

It's got to be a preference / perception thing then...

I agree. There are differences, but not all the differences are objectively better on a technical level. It comes down pretty much to taste. Do you like the softer skin more or do you like the better defined skin more? Do you like the flatter lighting or the one with darker contrast? Do you like your textures blurred in the background or do you like them sharp...? The PS4 version for example is lacking anisotropic filtering (keeping the floor background textures sharp), which the PS3/Xbox360 could do:


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I really don't like the change in lighting they did to sakura. It looks like all they did was move the source from going right to going back but it made the stage look all... yellowy



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This change seems to be very close to what happened with the new "Forest" and "Lost world" compared to the original versions of DoA3. But actually I think that the new lightining in "Sakura" suits better the atmosphere of the stage, so I prefer to see it more lighty.

Seeing that they acted on the source of the light, someone could check if during the victory poses in the Desert stage the shadow is correctly placed compared to the position of the sun (in DoA5U the shadows are exactly in the wrong place XD)? Actually I don't think so because I believe that the shadow during the ending poses are pre-calculated and are always in the same places.


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I really don't like the change in lighting they did to sakura. It looks like all they did was move the source from going right to going back but it made the stage look all... yellowy


Great example! Could you compare some more stages like this? :)

Another example for a drastic change in lighting is the Primal stage:

Last Round PS4:

Last Round PS3:

I like the PS3 version better to be honest. :/

The Enforcer

Well-Known Member
I'm PS4 all the way. In the case of the Primal / Hitomi shot.... last gen had terrible shadows on the stage which is noticeable on her hand. I see that the shadow is lost on the hat, but I prefer the trade off of having more smoother / defined shadows where they are visible.


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I'm trying to figure out exactly what Helena and Lisa are supposed to be wearing. Are those just tattoos? Or is there actual fabric? I can see it in Helena, obviously, but for Lisa, the swimsuit looks tattooed on her body. Lol


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I'm trying to figure out exactly what Helena and Lisa are supposed to be wearing. Are those just tattoos? Or is there actual fabric? I can see it in Helena, obviously, but for Lisa, the swimsuit looks tattooed on her body. Lol

It's fabric, as if there is lace glued on their bodies.