Today's The Day!


Active Member
i have preordered the ce just got curious...

And ttt2 from uk came this monday after over a week since the confirmation email that my game has been shipped... So yeah i d like to know where he got his so i ll know for future preorders for exclusive content and stuff... (i hated the fact that the "we are tekken edition" was a game only kinda deal, only to see it pop up in other sites, and it even came to some shops here...)


Active Member
I am waiting for friday also... But it would be so easy to just buy the game online at this point lol ;) ;)


Active Member
Well i ve been waiting for soo long (actually i thought the series died with doa4) so just a few more days arent gonna kill me...


Well-Known Member
For you American DOA players, the release of DOA5 was the most important day in your lives, for Europe it was Tuesday.

(Unless it appears on the US psn soon, and i'll download a copy)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm from the UK and been wondering iff I could get an early copy, so been looking around and found a site that claims to have it in stock. So.. bought it, and its been shipped on the same day lol could 1-3 days shipping so could get it before its release.

I've heard this site sometimes has stock early and just sends it out to you regardless of release date. So we will see if I get it early. Fingers crossed.

D Glock

Well-Known Member

I'm ready! So is my Mind, Body and Soul. :)
Figure I'll post this here since my netcode thread got closed.

Got the game earlier today and finally got to the online play, only got about 25 games in over 9 opponents, I just want to say outside of one person the games netcode (I have not played before the patch, I had to wait on retail) is at least for now, day one, comparable to Final Showdown. I am pleased right now but here are some hot tips for those who want to maximize your online experience!

- Turn off yer dang torrents
- Play wired through your 360/ps3, wireless is always subject to packet loss no matter how good you think it is.
- Headsets and the like while not bandwith killers, still take up a small bit of your upstream to talk, kill them unless you are just in a friendly player room.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I spent the whole morning driving around the city going from one store to the other. No luck. Fifa is everywhere but when I ask about DOA5 they don't even know what I'm talking about.



Well-Known Member
Awesome just received an email saying my CE copy is in. I will pick it up first thing in the morning, we get ours a little later here in Australia compared to most of you guys.

My PSN is nevik258 so anyone who has the PS3 copy please feel free to add me, I'd love to play against some people from this site. But be gentle eh, I am going to be a little rusty ;)


I'm ready! So is my Mind, Body and Soul. :)

Just saw this. You lucky, lucky man :)