Tomonobu Itagaki On Dead or Alive 5: “My Daughter Was Totally Ruined”


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Standard Donor
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm interesting in the Soft Engine that Team Ninja is working on. Even with the breast physics set to "Natural," the movement doesn't seem all that natural to me.


Well-Known Member
By the way the "Soft Engine" will not affect only the breasts (even if of course the focus for the game is overall there): I'm overall curious to see if and how it will be implemented in the next NG, I believe that the lacerations on the enemy' skin could benefit of a great effect if well exploited.


Well-Known Member
Dirt barely looks right, let's skip the lacerations, shall we? it's going to look like stickers and the directions won't make sense. I'm curious what the soft-engine even is. My best guess is a shading engine that affects the shadows so it looks like the clothes are tight enough on the skin to make indentations. But yeah, the breasts and clothes are too springy. The dampening effect on the movement is way, way too low. The divisor needs to be higher.

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
You see, i always saw the "sexiness" as part of strategy. I've known people to pick a certain outfit and fighter because they knew it was going to slow down their competition (hitomi's maid outfit was popular for this reason). However, the real tipping point is when the outfits are so copy-paste that they don't even fill THIS role anymore.

Wonder what I'm thinking about when I go Alpha? It's not: "I'm gonna distract my opponent cause I bet he or she is a perv and can imagine those 3 parts on Alpha's body and get horny!" If I don't get hot-and-bothered which is why she got past the ESRB radar and Dural, too! They knew how VF and DOA wouldn't shelf or stay on the shelf if these characters came with two teats and a clitoris (And I love how DOA "justifies" Alpha not having them *rolleyes*)

Yeah, i really do want to know how they managed to say she's not nude to ESRB. I've always avoided her for these 2 reasons. Calling her "Jell-O Monster" has helped a bit.

See above paragraph: Yet, there's more. No teats, no clit! Wait a minute though! She's just an outline/sihoulette of Kasumi! Now, after two updates, she has a costume, but this has nothing to do with the fact that she was always nude before now. Folks were just tired of using the recolor only options. I'm trying to figure out how folks may not see her as nude since she will always remain the Kasumi outline!

She is not Noob Saibot of MK! The transformation he went through from being the Valdez Oil Spill to now! Back then, they only had the option to do pallette swaps - Kitana/Mileena, Classic Scorpion/Subzero/Reptile/Smoke (Noob since he is Ba Han - the "first 'Subzero'") Understandable since they didn't have in 1992 what they have now in 2015! They didn't take forever molding Noob into his current incarnation. Hell, Oilspill Saibot can be used in MK9; then again, all the characters have classic outfits from previous entries.

Ten years and Alpha now gets clothes! I'm gonna play nude out of spite because it needn't have taken you two updates - 3 years - to do this! This isn't like the non-existent teats and clit at all!

You do realize that you show your "O-face" every time you sneeze, right? The Ryona thing was porbably unintentional in development until it happened.

haha, yes! But the Ryona thing to me makes matters worse because this goes deeper (bad choice of words) then the XBV series. Yet, I won't get into that because it just perpetuates the stigma. However, I see it as: "You want me to admit I'm a perv because I play DOA!" *You get grossed out by Ryona footage* Yet, you have my admission!

Alpha's costume is another thing. I think they tweeted how what we ended up with was a bad idea! Oh, really?

If it's not sarcasm, it's going to show more silliness in fatalities such as gaygalities or something like that. That said, DoA's sex appeal gets people interested. It is a little excessive at times, though.

I bet it is and yeah, you're right! Yet, I said, I was turned off immediately when I got DOAX2. If that's the case, I wonder how many would no longer play if they didn't "sex up," Mila? Argentus, agrees!

Everyone was like "Mila is wonderful or they went in the right direction keeping her modest. She's the only modest character in the game!" Question: Did it stop her from kicking your ass?" No! If they fully clothed Alpha, will that stop her from kicking or ass? No! Sex appeal is wonderful, but it will wear off! For alot of folks, I believe it has! IOW, the disensitization which leads to apathy! This is why folks are adamant about DOA being taken seriously. It's possible for it to have its cake and eat it, too! It can be taken seriously while keeping interest while not nixing the sex appeal. However, with the outright denial, lying, misleading done in just the tag line, then you do shit like this?

It's what we asked for. The sex appeal in DoA isn't the complaint, it's the fact that it's not even creative anymore. Honestly, i don't think i'm gonna slow anyone down with the christmas outfits. Sure, it was Christmas time, but we already had ugly christmas outfits, we didn't need new ones.

Originality? What the fuck is that? Who knows it doesn't exists? It can interpret that anyway you wish!

Don't be too idealistic...

I'm not, but I'm like: This game is more than tits & ass! I was amazed at how deep he went with the Activision games. My point is, he was trying to get us to take them both seriously, but see them separately. With and without flaws. I mean, COD gets criticized for being a "run-of-the-mill' stale shooter; yet, people love it! I just thought it be nice to see something like that. You rarely see anything looked upon objectively. Not many are being objective here with this situation! It's just: "Itagaki's just butthurt! Go sit in a corner and cry!"

I would agree it didn't help. To anyone who didn't get a hard-on in the first 5 minutes playing the game, you could just be oblivious to this fact. I remember going to gamestop and seeing DoAX, thinking it was this awesome fighting game that i kept hearing about. I picked up the box, and within 2 seconds i put it back down. I didn't buy dimensions until it was at the end of it's lifespan, but only because i read more reviews that it was actually a fighting game and one that you employ realisitc strategies to win. Been with it ever since, but that didn't stop me from looking at the game cases in horror wondering why it would even be in the game cases at walmart. I know i'm not normal, but i've had similar reactions from other people in my area. If you want to advertise your game, the perverts will notice that Tina has big tits when they see her doing her stage intro: that'll get the perverts buying the game, those 3 or 4 seconds. With the rest, show your gameplay, the humor of Marie and and nyotengu. Maybe then i could show the youtube advertisements to someone without them freaking out. The games aren't nearly as sexy as they're trying to advertise them to be.

I keep asking myself the same question! Why did I get DOAX2? Because the sexiness? Please! That shit wore off quick! I got Rumble Roses (passing on XX), too; yet, you can probably guess I own WWE games, too. It's just those games with only girls (and the diva division there is terrible, but that's something else). And here, they tried the same shit to "complete" with DOA. Dixie Clements = Tina; Lady X = Lisa. However, in comparison to where RR drew inspiration from, folks probably would play the WWE series as well despite their reservations.

I certainly didn't get it for the costumes, but even they couldn't save the ho-hum nature of that game. The misadvertisment thing: well, they shot themselves in the foot with 5's tag line, but how are we all rationalizing it? I want them to take the game seriously, so we can, too; however, I don't want them to take it too seriously. Folks already do that and then rag on the ones who "just play for fun." See where I'm going?

I think this is a case of: While trying to go in a new direction, we're having trouble finding it! But DOA (like MK and other fighters) has been around for twenty years? Multiple consoles and generations! I don't think we can look at DOA5 as a reboot (Tomb Raider) or IP that has franchise potential (Destiny). As the series progressed, it become less and less about how the girls fought and more and more about how gratuitous they can look and act! And you wonder why this game is not taken seriously! Everyone is not interested in sex and sexual shenanigans 24/7.

You think I'm being idealistic, but with DOA being glorified as a wet boy or girl's sexual fantasy ... I'm done! This is how DOA established itself; it ought not be surprised about the backlash it receives whether it be from Itagaki or us!
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
In my experience, choosing a pervy outfit only hinders the spectator(s). Whenever I'm playing a match I overlook the breast physics and skimpy outfit. I can only really take that view in when I'm spectating and not actively trying to win the match.


Well-Known Member
Wonder what I'm thinking about when I go Alpha? It's not: "I'm gonna distract my opponent cause I bet he or she is a perv and can imagine those 3 parts on Alpha's body and get horny!" If I don't get hot-and-bothered which is why she got past the ESRB radar and Dural, too! They knew how VF and DOA wouldn't shelf or stay on the shelf if these characters came with two teats and a clitoris (And I love how DOA "justifies" Alpha not having them *rolleyes*)

I haven't heard this one. Please tell.

See above paragraph: Yet, there's more. No teats, no clit! Wait a minute though! She's just an outline/sihoulette of Kasumi! Now, after two updates, she has a costume, but this has nothing to do with the fact that she was always nude before now. Folks were just tired of using the recolor only options. I'm trying to figure out how folks may not see her as nude since she will always remain the Kasumi outline!

Fights really well for a shadow.

She is not Noob Saibot of MK! The transformation he went through from being the Valdez Oil Spill to now! Back then, they only had the option to do pallette swaps - Kitana/Mileena, Classic Scorpion/Subzero/Reptile/Smoke (Noob since he is Ba Han - the "first 'Subzero'") Understandable since they didn't have in 1992 what they have now in 2015! They didn't take forever molding Noob into his current incarnation. Hell, Oilspill Saibot can be used in MK9; then again, all the characters have classic outfits from previous entries.

Yeah, there's no exuse for her.

Ten years and Alpha now gets clothes! I'm gonna play nude out of spite because it needn't have taken you two updates - 3 years - to do this! This isn't like the non-existent teats and clit at all!

Yeah, i seriously didn't get that at all.

haha, yes! But the Ryona thing to me makes matters worse because this goes deeper (bad choice of words) then the XBV series. Yet, I won't get into that because it just perpetuates the stigma. However, I see it as: "You want me to admit I'm a perv because I play DOA!" *You get grossed out by Ryona footage* Yet, you have my admission!

Alpha's costume is another thing. I think they tweeted how what we ended up with was a bad idea! Oh, really?

I want to say it's really bad, but i honestly have no better solution than what they came up with. The alternative is a knockout, or worse, blood pool a la GTA?

I bet it is and yeah, you're right! Yet, I said, I was turned off immediately when I got DOAX2. If that's the case, I wonder how many would no longer play if they didn't "sex up," Mila? Argentus, agrees!

Everyone was like "Mila is wonderful or they went in the right direction keeping her modest. She's the only modest character in the game!" Question: Did it stop her from kicking your ass?" No! If they fully clothed Alpha, will that stop her from kicking or ass? No! Sex appeal is wonderful, but it will wear off! For alot of folks, I believe it has! IOW, the disensitization which leads to apathy! This is why folks are adamant about DOA being taken seriously. It's possible for it to have its cake and eat it, too! It can be taken seriously while keeping interest while not nixing the sex appeal. However, with the outright denial, lying, misleading done in just the tag line, then you do shit like this?

Mila is modest? Kokoro is more modest. Now i do want to know why the hell Marie Rose is getting one of those videos.

Originality? What the fuck is that? Who knows it doesn't exists? It can interpret that anyway you wish!


I'm not, but I'm like: This game is more than tits & ass! I was amazed at how deep he went with the Activision games. My point is, he was trying to get us to take them both seriously, but see them separately. With and without flaws. I mean, COD gets criticized for being a "run-of-the-mill' stale shooter; yet, people love it! I just thought it be nice to see something like that. You rarely see anything looked upon objectively. Not many are being objective here with this situation! It's just: "Itagaki's just butthurt! Go sit in a corner and cry!"

It is more than tits and ass. He was the one pushing the tits and ass, though. When they talked about toning down the sexuality, the community got butthurt so TK changed their minds in a hurry. It's clear that tits and ass are important to these people (i argue it's why people listen to have the artists like Lady Gaga). Sex appeal scares some people away, but it's all most people want. The problem people have right now with the DLC is that it's too plain. I want colors, not overalls.

I keep asking myself the same question! Why did I get DOAX2? Because the sexiness? Please! That shit wore off quick! I got Rumble Roses (passing on XX), too; yet, you can probably guess I own WWE games, too. It's just those games with only girls (and the diva division there is terrible, but that's something else). And here, they tried the same shit to "complete" with DOA. Dixie Clements = Tina; Lady X = Lisa. However, in comparison to where RR drew inspiration from, folks probably would play the WWE series as well despite their reservations.

It's WWE, though. DoA comes from TK. TK is a source for this kind of stuff. It has a reputation. People who watch WWE don't feel that way because it's the WWE. It's normal, it's ok, it's good. Context is everything, and let's face it, TK doesn't have the right reputation to get away with things unscathed. Though, the same people complaining are also most likely the biggest perverts.

I certainly didn't get it for the costumes, but even they couldn't save the ho-hum nature of that game. The misadvertisment thing: well, they shot themselves in the foot with 5's tag line, but how are we all rationalizing it? I want them to take the game seriously, so we can, too; however, I don't want them to take it too seriously. Folks already do that and then rag on the ones who "just play for fun." See where I'm going?

Oh yeah, i see. I agree with what Itagaki is saying for the most part (except he's blaming TN), i just find it to be very ironic if he's being genuine. He has been the problem for a long time when it comes to sexuality. It's what the fans want, however. He sees people complaining about the "DLC fetish outfits" as we call them, but we're not upset with them being fetishy. It's the fact that the selling point is the fetish, not anything to it. We have plain bunny outfits, get us a full body suit for Marie. Give one of the girls whiskers to go with it. Put some effort into it.

I think this is a case of: While trying to go in a new direction, we're having trouble finding it! But DOA (like MK and other fighters) has been around for twenty years? Multiple consoles and generations! I don't think we can look at DOA5 as a reboot (Tomb Raider) or IP that has franchise potential (Destiny). As the series progressed, it become less and less about how the girls fought and more and more about how gratuitous they can look and act! And you wonder why this game is not taken seriously! Everyone is not interested in sex and sexual shenanigans 24/7.

The only thing DoA needs is to spice up the ground game. We experimented with Mila, now teach people how to fight from the ground. Get us some original characters. We don't need Ultra Combos (power blows). DoA is pretty good as it is, the only it needs is more characters (and styles) and stages. The outfits are meh, but the fact that they put so much effort into everything except what we feel is important. It feels like we're being given a used chevy and told that it's a brand new ferrari. Oh boy! I can't wait to figure out what i'm paying 20 bucks for next month! Oh, more of the same thing that was already included for half the characters. Theoveralls were just really bad designs for overalls, but at least they weren't already there like the bunnies or maids, though the maids were all kinda different so i didn't mind theme.

You think I'm being idealistic, but with DOA being glorified as a wet boy or girl's sexual fantasy ... I'm done! This is how DOA established itself; it ought not be surprised about the backlash it receives whether it be from Itagaki or us!

The backlash is not what the real issue is, however. If the others are just as guilty, then why is DoA taking the flack? When a man or woman cheats on their spouse, or suspects cheating, rather than confront them outright, they take out all their stress on something unrelated that's not nearly as big of a deal, to keep that person from keying in on what they're really upset about (for obvious reasons). All the sudden, "you don't hug me as tight anymore" is a big deal, even if the guy has shoulder problems. DoA has other problems reasons for being hated, it's just no one has the gonads to be honest about what it is (we could go on for hours about what all the possibilities are).

In my experience, choosing a pervy outfit only hinders the spectator(s). Whenever I'm playing a match I overlook the breast physics and skimpy outfit. I can only really take that view in when I'm spectating and not actively trying to win the match.

You'll find the people that do that the most are people that are most susceptable. Nightpup, for example. Everyone's different, some people are much more vulnerable than others.

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
"I haven't heard this one. Please tell."

Something to the effect of: She was just an infant - HA, she's still an infant! Comparing her to a barbie doll. Take off her shirt, bare breasts, no teats! Take off her pants, open her legs, you get the idea. Again, I don't know the reasoning verbatum, but that's in-game universe! It's outside the universe, I take issue with. DOA didn't want to be slapped with an AO rating!

"Fights really well for a shadow."

Mila fights well for someone completely dressed, but look what happened to her.

"Yeah, there's no excuse for her."


"Yeah, i seriously didn't get that at all."


"I want to say it's really bad, but i honestly have no better solution than what they came up with. The alternative is a knockout, or worse, blood pool a la GTA?"

You're right! It could be worse, but they set themselves up from the get-go! Ed Boon set himself up for backlash with MK, but that has lasted 20 years. How when it can also be seen as outright comical. (ie: The humiliation move known as a babalitiy) Has that series had its downs? Yes. But maybe that's the issue. DOA is experiencing it! Again, how many put the previous entries on a pedestal?

"Mila is modest? Kokoro is more modest. Now i do want to know why the hell Marie Rose is getting one of those videos."

Mila vs. Kokoro is a cultural thing. Though the US could learn a thing or two about keeping its women modest. AFAIK, there are strict rules about women showing even the slightest bit of skin. However, I understand because when they see how women over here are treated (and alot of them ask for it) - by that, I mean, not raped, but getting dirty looks, cat calls, wolf-whistled - essentially asking to be "harassed" (which I don't condone) - I mean, objectified and bitch about being objectified.


The lack of originality claim in general, but I do understand what yu mean. However, that's like saying: I should get new Xmas decor every year instead of putting the ones I already own back up. How many do the former vs. the latter?

"It is more than tits and ass. He was the one pushing the tits and ass, though. When they talked about toning down the sexuality, the community got butthurt so TK changed their minds in a hurry. It's clear that tits and ass are important to these people (i argue it's why people listen to have the artists like Lady Gaga). Sex appeal scares some people away, but it's all most people want. The problem people have right now with the DLC is that it's too plain. I want colors, not overalls."

This would be no different than Boon pushing B&G - oh, wait He did! But you said the key thing: the community! I still remember that LR Community Division thread. I wonder if CyberEvil took it down or the thread he consolidated it into. Both were intensity heated, but very good threads. But it's the same thing over here with tons of software not named DOA, too.

Alot of people say that devs can't win! And yes, we all know it's TK and not TN, but think back to the ME3 shitstorm I told you about or the AW/Destiny comparison. Folks are jumping on Bungie for Destiny's problem, but they're only doing what Activision tells them. When things go awry in the business world, it's far too common to attack the middleman since well, poor him for being caught in the middle! However, only few seem to be ballsy enough to go straight to the top! Even if Itagaki did such immediately, people would still want him to stfu!

"It's WWE, though. DoA comes from TK. TK is a source for this kind of stuff. It has a reputation. People who watch WWE don't feel that way because it's the WWE. It's normal, it's ok, it's good. Context is everything, and let's face it, TK doesn't have the right reputation to get away with things unscathed. Though, the same people complaining are also most likely the biggest perverts."

The WWE has done some stuff (and still does), but if you think it's their reputation that saves them? The owner is probably one if not the most criticized individual - then you bring his family into this: Daughter, Son-In-Law (I really feel for these two) Son, Daughter-In-Law, his Wife (before the left the company for good).

Folks complaining about the maligned "PG Era" vs. "TV-14 Era."

Ironically, I bring WWE up because of their dev team being Yukes. FWIK, aren't they a Japanese based company? They been apart of the WWE series since Smackdown and here we are at 2K15!

Notice how both of these franchises have lasted longer than DOA. Shit! Tomb Raider has last longer and the original game came out the same year Dead or Alive did!

"Oh yeah, i see. I agree with what Itagaki is saying for the most part (except he's blaming TN), i just find it to be very ironic if he's being genuine. He has been the problem for a long time when it comes to sexuality. It's what the fans want, however. He sees people complaining about the "DLC fetish outfits" as we call them, but we're not upset with them being fetishy. It's the fact that the selling point is the fetish, not anything to it. We have plain bunny outfits, get us a full body suit for Marie. Give one of the girls whiskers to go with it. Put some effort into it."

True! However, since they have run out of ideas, it'd be better if they stopped! If I only am going to use one costume out of 20-30 for Helena and the "So many costmes! So little time!" deal! Hence, why I neglect to buy any DLC. Yet, I have not bought DLC for alot of my purchases! (Purchases with DLC included don't count and I don't own alot of those titles either)

"The only thing DoA needs is to spice up the ground game. We experimented with Mila, now teach people how to fight from the ground. Get us some original characters. We don't need Ultra Combos (power blows). DoA is pretty good as it is, the only it needs is more characters (and styles) and stages. The outfits are meh, but the fact that they put so much effort into everything except what we feel is important. It feels like we're being given a used chevy and told that it's a brand new ferrari. Oh boy! I can't wait to figure out what i'm paying 20 bucks for next month! Oh, more of the same thing that was already included for half the characters. Theoveralls were just really bad designs for overalls, but at least they weren't already there like the bunnies or maids, though the maids were all kinda different so i didn't mind theme."

The ground game? What ground game? That shit doesn't exist! Know what does exist? The air game! It's so easy to play in the air -- too easy! I'll stop there! I would quit with the new characters, honestly because the same chain of events occurs - every damn time! I'll let you devise your own chain! Anyway, I so get it! But does it go back to them running out of ideas? If they had to steal an outfit from Kasumi, put it on Alpha and call it new? Again, this is not the seven folks I mentioned from MK - not in the slightest!

"The backlash is not what the real issue is, however. If the others are just as guilty, then why is DoA taking the flack? When a man or woman cheats on their spouse, or suspects cheating, rather than confront them outright, they take out all their stress on something unrelated that's not nearly as big of a deal, to keep that person from keying in on what they're really upset about (for obvious reasons). All the sudden, "you don't hug me as tight anymore" is a big deal, even if the guy has shoulder problems. DoA has other problems reasons for being hated, it's just no one has the gonads to be honest about what it is (we could go on for hours about what all the possibilities are)."

Now, that would be fucking awesome! If somebody can rant for hours on why Destiny sucks or be objective on why it sucks - or get deeper into the issue like the guy in the video I showed, but you said it was too idealistic. Yet, he got down to levels I didn't think possible thus why I was amazed and I own both games! My cousin has BOII and another one and plays AW occasionally, but I see what he meant when he said CoD is goal driven whereas Destiny isn't - not to CoDs scale! I really want somebody to do this for DOA.

I could see Master, maybe since he's poured everything into this series and still pouring his heart out! Mad props, Manny Rodriguez!

"You'll find the people that do that the most are people that are most susceptable. Nightpup, for example. Everyone's different, some people are much more vulnerable than others."

True! Speaking of Nightpup, where is he? I miss him! Hope he's doing well!


Well-Known Member
Something to the effect of: She was just an infant - HA, she's still an infant! Comparing her to a barbie doll. Take off her shirt, bare breasts, no teats! Take off her pants, open her legs, you get the idea. Again, I don't know the reasoning verbatum, but that's in-game universe! It's outside the universe, I take issue with. DOA didn't want to be slapped with an AO rating![/quote]

Which makes no sense. Babies have tits and their parts, but usually not the boobs.

Mila fights well for someone completely dressed, but look what happened to her.

What happened to her?

You're right! It could be worse, but they set themselves up from the get-go! Ed Boon set himself up for backlash with MK, but that has lasted 20 years. How when it can also be seen as outright comical. (ie: The humiliation move known as a babalitiy) Has that series had its downs? Yes. But maybe that's the issue. DOA is experiencing it! Again, how many put the previous entries on a pedestal?

This one isn't, either. TN is trying, because they put alot of effort into making the characters real. The problem was, they abandoned that effort once it was achieved.

Mila vs. Kokoro is a cultural thing. Though the US could learn a thing or two about keeping its women modest. AFAIK, there are strict rules about women showing even the slightest bit of skin. However, I understand because when they see how women over here are treated (and alot of them ask for it) - by that, I mean, not raped, but getting dirty looks, cat calls, wolf-whistled - essentially asking to be "harassed" (which I don't condone) - I mean, objectified and bitch about being objectified.

It's funny, because no one follows those rules. Japan doesn't believe in low cuts, yet they're common here. I think it has alot to do with why there is a good proportion of asian fetishes among white american men. American men like women who are slutty exlusively toward them, not towards everyone. Alot of women can't figure that out. But that's not something we should be talking about publicly. I'd be more than happy to talk about it on skype or something, but that's all the deeper i'm going to get on this topic (ladies, if you want tips, i'll talk to you about it in an academic way, as well), as i usually only discuss this in closed groups (it's alot more lengthy than you can imagine).

The lack of originality claim in general, but I do understand what yu mean. However, that's like saying: I should get new Xmas decor every year instead of putting the ones I already own back up. How many do the former vs. the latter?

I'm not putting up a new one to solicit money out of someone. It makes sense, but it's also why the community feels shafted. It's like our parents talking to us now telling us they'll give us a dollar to do the laundry. We're not 5 anymore, a dollar is no longer special. We're harder to exploit, because we've been spoiled. Granted, the copy-pasta outfit thing doesn't cost nearly as much. It's just milking, and we're not stupid enough to continue falling for it. We're just upset that they continue trying.

This would be no different than Boon pushing B&G - oh, wait He did! But you said the key thing: the community! I still remember that LR Community Division thread. I wonder if CyberEvil took it down or the thread he consolidated it into. Both were intensity heated, but very good threads. But it's the same thing over here with tons of software not named DOA, too.

Boon? B&G?

Alot of people say that devs can't win! And yes, we all know it's TK and not TN, but think back to the ME3 shitstorm I told you about or the AW/Destiny comparison. Folks are jumping on Bungie for Destiny's problem, but they're only doing what Activision tells them. When things go awry in the business world, it's far too common to attack the middleman since well, poor him for being caught in the middle! However, only few seem to be ballsy enough to go straight to the top! Even if Itagaki did such immediately, people would still want him to stfu!

It's true even in non-profit. The little guy who's at the bottom who can't make the decisions. It's not his place to punish his boss for making a bad decision. If Itagaki actually had a plan, actually worked with the community, we'd care, and we'd just say he had a change of heart. We're skeptical, however, that he's just trying to rally support. He's made a fool out of himself once before: fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice, then shame on me.

The WWE has done some stuff (and still does), but if you think it's their reputation that saves them? The owner is probably one if not the most criticized individual - then you bring his family into this: Daughter, Son-In-Law (I really feel for these two) Son, Daughter-In-Law, his Wife (before the left the company for good).

That should just tell you how much worse it probably is for TK.

Folks complaining about the maligned "PG Era" vs. "TV-14 Era."

Silent majority, loud minority. As part of the loud minority, i am willing to admit this.

Ironically, I bring WWE up because of their dev team being Yukes. FWIK, aren't they a Japanese based company? They been apart of the WWE series since Smackdown and here we are at 2K15!

Notice how both of these franchises have lasted longer than DOA. Shit! Tomb Raider has last longer and the original game came out the same year Dead or Alive did!

So why is DoA so special? =p

True! However, since they have run out of ideas, it'd be better if they stopped! If I only am going to use one costume out of 20-30 for Helena and the "So many costmes! So little time!" deal! Hence, why I neglect to buy any DLC. Yet, I have not bought DLC for alot of my purchases! (Purchases with DLC included don't count and I don't own alot of those titles either)

They could always ask the community. It's not like they haven't before. This is the problem with TK right now, they think their automatic fanservice can take place of customer outreach. Game companies right now are having a major issue with this concept. Capcom being the most notorious offender, forsaking their own mascot.

The ground game? What ground game? That shit doesn't exist! Know what does exist? The air game! It's so easy to play in the air -- too easy! I'll stop there! I would quit with the new characters, honestly because the same chain of events occurs - every damn time! I'll let you devise your own chain! Anyway, I so get it! But does it go back to them running out of ideas? If they had to steal an outfit from Kasumi, put it on Alpha and call it new? Again, this is not the seven folks I mentioned from MK - not in the slightest!

There are so, so many mainstream arts that have gone unrepresented in games, let alone dead or alive. Where's Non-Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do? What about Krav maga? Silat? Savate? Traditional boxing? Wing Chun? Shaolin styles? Yet something like Ba Ji Quan gets represented. No, we an have more character no problem. And the lack of a ground game is what i mean. Many arts actually have a way of fighting from "sitdown stun." The art I do, for example (though that would make stuff really hard, because an offensive hold out of sitdown stun would just ruin everything [brad actually has the throw, but it's not an offensive hold i don't think, and he can't do it from sitdown stun]).

Now, that would be fucking awesome! If somebody can rant for hours on why Destiny sucks or be objective on why it sucks - or get deeper into the issue like the guy in the video I showed, but you said it was too idealistic. Yet, he got down to levels I didn't think possible thus why I was amazed and I own both games! My cousin has BOII and another one and plays AW occasionally, but I see what he meant when he said CoD is goal driven whereas Destiny isn't - not to CoDs scale! I really want somebody to do this for DOA.

The reason being, the reason people hate DoA is among reasons they won't be honest about. For some people, it turns them on and makes them feel uncomfortable. For some, it's too difficult to understand the concept of having to use one move to access another (strings). DoA also takes alot of knowledge to get confident in. There's no general tips you can use, like "Hitomi is Karate, and karate comes from empty handed fighters fighting against armor so they prefered longer range strikes and suck against people who come in close." Or with smash bros, "little mac sucks in the air, so try to stay off the ground platform to beat him." No, to beat Zack, i have to know all of his strings, plus all of my own. There are a ton of other reasons, but the truth is, this game is actually really inaccessible, so it's easier to pick on what we can call weak points rather than admitting that we suck. It's easier to yell at a man for not taking out the trash as quickly, than admit that you think he's messin' around on you.

I could see Master, maybe since he's poured everything into this series and still pouring his heart out! Mad props, Manny Rodriguez!

He likes it too much. This, though, is why i think that if we work on making the game more accessible, it'll take less flack. People like him talk of the beauty of the game, and suddenly people want to play more. Once again, i'm always trying to figure out how to make this game more accessible, so if anyone wants to take another go at it (i've had people contact me before), i'd be more than willing. Personally, if we could learn to live with the net and started to take advantage of it to teach and play together more and get this community more active, we have a chance at the accessibility problem.

EDIT: And before anyone says this is the most accessible DOA with all it's information presentation, i disagree. Before, getting the few details that mattered was hard, but now we just plain have information overload. The solution is to cut features and characters, but that would kill it. Instead, i think the real solution is to handle it like we handle everything else of the sort (like real martial arts). DoA's most appealing attribute, to me, is that it is like real martial arts compared to the rest, and perhaps we should start being honest and treating it that way. Sure, it's just a game, but DoA takes the 4 ranges (outside, kicking, punching, and trapping) seriously. You have to try to get to your range, also taking the other person's height (reach) into consideration. And if you're blessed enough to see what someone's doing, you can grab his attack and use it against him.
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Well-Known Member
^^ A kid who moans like a grown woman! I'm done! And yeah, Chapstick! That's my boo! I'm just as crazy as the rest of ya'll! XD

She has the body of one, too, but not the mentality. Real age is probably 2 or 3, but if you go into the physical changes (accelerated aging) and taking the lack of mental maturity into consideration, we're actually looking at a naked woman between the age of 10 to 14 (at least we have culturally acceptable baby pictures which are usually showing bear bottoms, so this conclusion is even worse). That said, things are missing, you could argue she's not even human anymore. Fortunately, and TK noticed this, completely naked is not strong sex appeal (sort of ironic, but i won't go into, in public anyway, why it's not), so it's not really advocating pedophilia, so she's not really worth making a big deal over. That said, as a community, we need to learn to accept her for who she is, and understand that an outsider is going to loose their mind when they first learn this fact. But on that same note, Nintendo should be shamed for Krystal (she arguably killed Starfox as a series, because starfox has been blasted as "furry culture" ever since), and SEGA for Rose.

EDIT: I just thought of a perfect idea for TK or TN to teach the game: new training mode with a brand new character. Perhaps the final boss of teh game having a flashback, but being unplayable (as an excuse to have every type of move). This would be tutorial mode, and basically you start off with being able to jab and only jab (and blocking to keep his punches at bay) with the instructor moving back and forth to teach range. Starting with lesson 2, you'll be able to move forward and backward, and it can also become a 2 player (offline) experience to keep it fun and entertaining. As you get to lesson 3, you learn about kicks and how they reach further (a colored square illistrating the ranges should be used) and do more damage, but are slower (generally). Lesson 4 you learn about sidestepping. Lesson 5 you learn punches and kicks with directions to hit different targets (1 mid and 1 low only since the jab is already high), and their quirks regarding speed and range. Lesson 6 is holds. Lesson 7 is throws. Then to advanced moves and so forth. At not point teaching more than 5 inputs at a time. That way they can get used to all the information without information overload. Then, at the end, allow individual characters to be selected to repeat said courses where their moves actually apply. If they code it right, it could become universal enough not to be a lot of work to make it work with all characters.
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Well-Known Member
Y'know what, I'm not having the Marie argument again



Well-Known Member
She has the body of one, too, but not the mentality. Real age is probably 2 or 3, but if you go into the physical changes (accelerated aging) and taking the lack of mental maturity into consideration, we're actually looking at a naked woman between the age of 10 to 14

Just a sidenote, but I don't understand the reasoning here: Alpha-152's body is exactly the same of Kasumi, so we should assume that she physically own the age of a 19 years old (same for Phase 4). About her mental maturity (and so a sort of "mental age"), this is not classifiable under human standards just because Alpha-152 doesn't act as a human but rather as a wild beast driven by the instict. From my pov she is not few intelligent because want destroy everything without stopping to think to what she is doing, she simply doesn't care neither take in consideration other options related to her peculiar nature.
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