VF Character theme help


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, so with DOA5 Last Round coming in 2 weeks I decided to go with character themes instead of stage themes. But I already know which character ones to go with aside from the VF characters themes.

Any recommendations?


Active Member
I usually keep the VF characters as stage music option, so then atleast there is a chance to ever hear it (Even though its almost all bad).


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Standard Donor
When I did assign themes to the VF characters, I did the following:
:akira: - "Fallen Leaves"
:jacky: - "Natural High" (Jann Lee DOA2 theme)
:pai: - "Mayflower" (Leifang DOA3 theme)
:sarah: - "Four Thousand" (Gen Fu DOA3 theme)

But now, I just keep them set to STAGE, mainly because there are some stage themes I do like the music too and if I'm fighting the AI on random and a VF character pops up, I have a greater chance of listening to stage music.


Well-Known Member
I use these as my VF themes

:akira: - Graceful Sounds (Sakura Stage Music)
:sarah: - True Beauty (Tina's DOA theme
:pai: - Mayflower (Leifang's DOA3 theme)
:jacky: - Knock You Down (Dead or Alive Stage Music)

I feel KYD fits Jacky the most since I heard some of his VF themes and they have a similar feel to them or atleast IMO.

EDIT: plus, it's great to go YEEEEAH! to that theme in general haha

Star Outlaw

Now that LR is out, there are DOA1 themes to choose from as well. At the moment, I'm going with:

:jacky:Jann Lee's DOA1 PS1 theme, Heated Heartbeat. That or Vigaku.
:akira: Gen Fu's DOA1 PS1 theme, Fastbreak, OR, Fallen Leaves (which seems to be a popular choice for Akira along with Graceful Sounds).
:sarah: True Beauty. It just seems to match her general "cool girl" personality. I would use it for Tina if I didn't think Tina's DOA3 and DOA1 themes suited her more.
:pai: Going with Leifang's DOA1 Arcade theme.The Fist of TAIKYOKU Blows up. Previously I used Secret of Kung Fu.

The DOA1 themes sound more like classic VF themes, since both games were made on the Sega Model 2 arcade board. Jann Lee's Lonely Warrior theme sounds a LOT like Sarah's VF2 theme.


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Jacky - Natural High (Jann Lee's DOA2 theme)

Akira - Four Thousand (Gen Fu's DOA3 theme)

Sarah - Blazed up Melpomeme (Helena's DOA2 theme)

Pai - Grand Style (Lei Fang's DOA2 theme)

Although when I upload matches with the VFs, I usually mute the music and put in VF tracks. Makes it so much more epic, especially with VF2 music.