Wall of Shame


Active Member
Concerning grap3's post LIL_CHRIS_1991 is WAY more salty than him, believe me, beat him three times and I got several messages even in one of them calling me "motherfuckin cocksuking spamming scrub." And he wins spamming OH's at distance with Lisa.

btw... I have encountered some guys that they only SE and Throw (mainly with Kokoro, Tina and Leifang) one of them sent me hate messages saying that my "playstyle is terrible and I suck big balls."


Well-Known Member

On 1/31/2013 at 5:35 AM
ChIpMuNkNiNjZ wrote:

cheap little fuck get a life

On 1/31/2013 at 5:47 AM
ChIpMuNkNiNjZ wrote:

dont play like a bitch with repeating combos theres aname for that "noob" or "newb" which do u like

On 1/31/2013 at 5:54 AM
ChIpMuNkNiNjZ wrote:

your just a cheap fool i watched you mirror match a s- and be cheap there so fuck u kid.

Short story to my responses. I basically told him he would of lost regardless of how I played.


Active Member
Dammit, I wish I would've seen this thread earlier, all the speak of lag will have made an interesting entrance.


You know this stuff is kinda funny but it works both ways

I played a lot of SCV - I played Natsu

This other Natsu owned me

SO I sent him a message and Said "Hey GGs Can you give me some pointers on what I need help with"

His response "F&^k off Noob and learn to pay better"

to which got him a block. But players who win can sometime be DB's too b.c. the last time i looked neither DOA or SCV are at EVO which = both communities need to grow.


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Well-Known Member
I was playing a few lobby matches couple mounths ago watching scrubs going at it (one Bass player was constantly taunting like a retard lol) and notice one of them didn't use Hitomi in her full potential (none of them did), but thats when I had to show how to use her and Ryu of course the right way (Chaos way :cool:). Meanwhile, I was specifically dominating everybody (lost a few matches but I came back shitting on them again) received a positive message from the same dude who used Hitomi poorly and received a hatemail from a angry dickhead.....XD


I said: U MAD??!!
After that he didn't send anything back to me XD

I should of said "learn how to play you fucking pussy" LOL

Dutch Samurai

Active Member
No you shouldn't have... People like that arent worth the keystrokes or the button pressing. Don't lower yourself to that level.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I thought this would be the worst game for hate mail... but it's even worse than I expected. Some of these messages are just too much. I've gotten a few of them, one from that Xui Tan Sour person... that's the one I remember the most. He was terribly laggy, and I faced his Pai, against my Sarah. It was a great match, despite the crazy lag. Came down to the last match. I punched low twice, and it happened to register again in the lag, then I did a mid and it K.O.ed him. He proceeded to send me a message saying something like "lp lp lp hahaha. i'm putting this on youtube. then you celebrate after that? everyone will laugh" or something bizarre like that. Guess he thought I was taunting because I flipped to the other side of him by accident as I was still attacking due to the lag. I sent him one saying he must have been on acid because I had no idea what his issue was, said good game to him and that was it. He started sending more, I responded then just blocked him. I've gotten others telling me I use a cheap character... I mean really?

Dutch Samurai

Active Member
Yeah, I don't get how people read so much into an inadvertant move. Even if there's a taunt or two, I don't mind. It's just a game. No need to act like an idiot.