Wall of Shame


Well-Known Member
So this MissWhisper invites me out of nowhere and I join its just her and xkilla562x. I Leon them for a bit then they say if I don't stop backing up they'll kick me.

Keep in mind I'm not like running away the whole match or anything. I'm literally just backing up here and there to have room for leons slowass moves lol.

They also spent the entire time doing the usual "you just spam grabs/mid holds" complaints and I'm like 1) grappler, 2) stop spamming the same mid ps lol

Seriously she said

"Ur weak that's why u back up :)"

I'm like why did you invite me? XD

Then they tried to talk so much trash on the few times they did win lol

And fkr the last 20 minutes or so I was texting a friend and so not really paying attention, you know obviously just standing there not fighting back so they get a little win streak going and talk shit how I suck etc lol.

By buddys is finally ready to get on Xbox so I put the phone down pick up the controller, wreck them when they already had two rounds on me then head out apologizing for being afk. They of course go "oh look he's running away after winning once"

Its like bitch I obviously wasn't even there XD. I wrecked you for like 12 matches straight then suddenly stopped fighting back for a few matches then wrecked you for one last match and headed out, how in denial ARE you?
I've come across a lot of people like this and I really hope they're all children. I know it's just a game but to imagine fully grown adults walking around with these mindsets and zero self-awareness scares me a little


Well-Known Member
I've come across a lot of people like this and I really hope they're all children. I know it's just a game but to imagine fully grown adults walking around with these mindsets and zero self-awareness scares me a little

Yeah I mean I could understand if I was performing the same during their little win streak but I was literally afk just throwing out random attacks while texting on my phone to help my Buddy with his account XD


Well-Known Member
Just came across Ant1998 whatever.

Was playing him for first match then he cheesed me for the win (he's a rush down ryu, juggle force tech teleport repeat.). So I put the controller down and played on my phone for a bit while watching how he just rushes in and juggles without thinking. He calls me a turtler for backing up from his Ryu (lol).

Few other people join and play him they call him a spammer he laughs it off. I eventually decide to put the phone down and actually play him again after seeing how he plays. I win.

Now he starts talking trash lol. I play a couple more matches then exit to lobby and suggest he learn to adapt because he's hapless if he can't juggle.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so xDiamondDustx89 definitely belongs in the Wall of Shame. She started calling me out for a laggy bastard and lucky piece of shit on the mic after I defeated her countless times. Then afterwards the trashtalk began in the text chat. This was on PS4 by the way.

I lost my USB so I can't upload the screenshot of the text chat, but here is a transcript of what happened (left out comments of other people chatting):

xDiamondDustx89: Laggy idiot your nao is awful
Me: Ok
xDiamondDustx89: No did you see as soon as i won 2 rounds it started lagging like crazy
Me: You're the one on wifi, so it must be on your end.
xDiamondDustx89: His naotora knows nothing but low counters and the mash
Me: I'm just better and u r jelly
xDiamondDustx89: Looooooooooool
Me: I play live tournaments, come show up in France
xDiamondDustx89: Yes online red bar tourneys. And if i do go to france ima slap you
xDiamondDustx89: Silly myself dont need a character for that. He used to like this on x1 one as well but with manligi ji

I have sent @xDevious and @Dark-truth my screenshots, so this isn't some made up bullshit. :p


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Okay, so xDiamondDustx89 definitely belongs in the Wall of Shame. She started calling me out for a laggy bastard and lucky piece of shit on the mic after I defeated her countless times. Then afterwards the trashtalk began in the text chat. This was on PS4 by the way.

I lost my USB so I can't upload the screenshot of the text chat, but here is a transcript of what happened (left out comments of other people chatting):

I have sent @xDevious and @Dark-truth my screenshots, so this isn't some made up bullshit. :p
I have the proof right here, to prove Jaimy is not full of bullshit, lmao. XD



Premium Donor
What a fool she is. I like how you didn't even need to put much effort into your replies to get further rise out of her. XD The bad WiFi definitely must have been on her end, because I played you guys in lobby and hardly had lag, even though we're so far apart.


Well-Known Member
What a fool she is. I like how you didn't even need to put much effort into your replies to get further rise out of her. XD The bad WiFi definitely must have been on her end, because I played you guys in lobby and hardly had lag, even though we're so far apart.
Honestly it wasn't lagging at all, not noticeable anyway. It almost felt like offline and could react to almost everything. It was just a lame excuse. And it is indeed true that we barely had lag when we played, speaking of which, we should play with each other again soon. I enjoyed our matches last time! :)


Premium Donor
sounds like a very scrubby nao player giving all good nao players a bad name.

I bet she's the one that disconnects in rank matches when she's losing.
Who does that? It's not that serious, if I lose, I lose. There's not much you can do but accept it and get ready for the next challenger, right?


Well-Known Member
Who does that? It's not that serious, if I lose, I lose. There's not much you can do but accept it and get ready for the next challenger, right?
People used to do that in the DOA4 days. You would lose or gain Grade Points in every match. It was basically Lobby and Ranked combined: Earn and lose GP in lobbies. If you were to disconnect in DOA4 before the match ended, you wouldn't lose any points and the winner wouldn't gain any points.


Premium Donor
People used to do that in the DOA4 days. You would lose or gain Grade Points in every match. It was basically Lobby and Ranked combined: Earn and lose GP in lobbies. If you were to disconnect in DOA4 before the match ended, you wouldn't lose any points and the winner wouldn't gain any points.
Wow, I'm glad I wasn't around during the DOA4 era, that GP system seems quite harsh XD especially that disconnect exploit...


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm glad I wasn't around during the DOA4 era, that GP system seems quite harsh XD especially that disconnect exploit...
Yeah I'm glad they split up ranked and non-ranked matches, makes people less salty when they lose. Otherwise there would probably be a lot more people in the Wall of Shame.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I refuse matches when I know the person and I have a weak connection. I tried to play online yesterday and fought someone named Kurai Kirito. The connection was absolutely awful and they kept coming up when I did a Ranked search so I just stopped playing. Hard to say if were very good but Zack doesn't suffer as much in lag as my Hayabusa does. Didn't feel like dealing with it. I did win the match I fought them in, though.


Well-Known Member
I refuse matches when I know the person and I have a weak connection. I tried to play online yesterday and fought someone named Kurai Kirito. The connection was absolutely awful and they kept coming up when I did a Ranked search so I just stopped playing. Hard to say if were very good but Zack doesn't suffer as much in lag as my Hayabusa does. Didn't feel like dealing with it. I did win the match I fought them in, though.
Yeah in those cases like yours I understand but most people only cancel because they are afraid to lose it takes like 40 minutes to get 1 fight for me


WindofDarkness says:
If you were good you wouldn't have been beaten 30 times by your own main.

I then decided to spam mid counter for a match and won xD He says I need training but the matches were always close. I didn't leave and cry like the average person would I was trying to learn from my mistakes like a TRUE fighter who's ego isn't as ridiculous as some in this community.


Well-Known Member
WindofDarkness says:
If you were good you wouldn't have been beaten 30 times by your own main.

I then decided to spam mid counter for a match and won xD He says I need training but the matches were always close. I didn't leave and cry like the average person would I was trying to learn from my mistakes like a TRUE fighter who's ego isn't as ridiculous as some in this community.
I mostly play in US lobbies because they tend to be more friendly to me even if I'm a red bar to them. Eu players are always more aggressive and rude.


I mostly play in US lobbies because they tend to be more friendly to me even if I'm a red bar to them. Eu players are always more aggressive and rude.
Hi Friend.

Yes my lobby finding has been terrible, full of rooms with no bars showing and so i've not been eligable to join any of them.


Premium Donor
WindofDarkness says:
If you were good you wouldn't have been beaten 30 times by your own main.

I then decided to spam mid counter for a match and won xD He says I need training but the matches were always close. I didn't leave and cry like the average person would I was trying to learn from my mistakes like a TRUE fighter who's ego isn't as ridiculous as some in this community.
Yeah don't worry about him, he's just being a total dick. A true good player is respectable and doesn't berate you for losing to him, and the fact that these were CLOSE matches too really irritates me that he had the nerve to say something as shallow as that. Stuff like that is a good way for me to avoid playing you at all, I cannot stand stuff like that.