Weirdest Online Moments

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
? She doesn't have any SDS guaranteed CB's. If you mean 4H+K, it does guarantee some strikes but not a CB. Everyone can and will mid P hold in that stun at threshold expecting a CB. I use it to my advantage and hiC throw ;)

I may be notating wrong, but it's either 7/8/9H+K - the "overhead" kick resulting in a SDS, regardless of what's before or after and yeah I know 6P+K can be held. My thing is: Kasumi's SDS seemingly granting more combo follow-ups since the opponent isn't knocked back.

This is regarding Alpha's raw FLT + P (you have to be in closer to execute FLT + K). Given the distance after any float, not :~: (PPPPPPP, 6KP, 4K6K, 8K), If you do a raw 66P, all you get is knockback granted space for Alpha and most everyone looks for P afterwards. This is why 66P IMO is most effective as the ending move of a CB starter - especially, since opponents are mid happy (3K, 6P+K)


Well-Known Member
I ended up fighting a lagabusa who decided it would fucking hilarious to pick dojo and spam teleport shenanigans to the point where i ended up getting really fucking mad and decided to abuse rachel's untechable heel in lag.

He called me a cheater and reported me and said some bullshit about how i have to abuse lag to win. Oh my lord and he went off saying i have your ip and all this other bullshit. Ughhh. Fuck i hate playing this game online and he began calling me a scrub cause i picked alpha once and i said once you know how to deal with her she's really not that good. and wow people on this game needs meds.


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That moment



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I did that last night! A good 90+ minutes just watching!

Something did happen though. I had a mirror and took the opponent's win-streak! The fight we had was fantastic, but this guy said: "Now, leave me alone!" *blank stare*

Nothing wrong with it. Like for friends for example, they can jump in the lobby and watch if they want. Random people I have never seen however....*Looks at pic*. Basically that.

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with it. Like for friends for example, they can jump in the lobby and watch if they want. Random people I have never seen however....*Looks at pic*. Basically that.

I know, but the implied tone was: NOW LEAVE ME ALONE! like I was picking on or bugging him! Btw, this was a ranked match! *shrugs* (I get "picked on," too, for obvious reasons)

Princess Kasumi

Well-Known Member

I know its the wrong tread to post this but I wanted to show you how much this guy wanted "Marie Rose" look-a-like.
Atleast I find it


Well-Known Member
Somebody kept doing unsafe stuff and I kept throw punishing them. Then they said "glad to see something other than grabs tor once." I just replied "throw punishing." They said I relied on throw punishing to win. I said "don't do unsafe stuff." Then to that they said "well I didn't really want to stoop down to the same level"

:/ what?

Edit- Also I swear to god every single Rig main I have ever come across has been a douchebag, Every. Single. One. I'm sure there are nice Rig mains out there but I have not found any
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Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
Somebody kept doing unsafe stuff and I kept throw punishing them. Then they said "glad to see something other than grabs tor once." I just replied "throw punishing." They said I relied on throw punishing to win. I said "don't do unsafe stuff." Then to that they said "well I didn't really want to stoop down to the same level"

:/ what?

Edit- Also I swear to god every single Rig main I have ever come across has been a douchebag, Every. Single. One. I'm sure there are nice Rig mains out there but I have not found any

Ah, the retaliation retort never gets old! I've had it said and done to me so often it's not funny! Throw punishing! "I like this human! He understands!!" XD (Sucks I can't play that game anymore! :( ) I go Alpha every time I suspect a Rig select! Shame, aint it?


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Most of the ones I met were either Hayate mains that complain about grabbing or some dude complaining about Leon in Dojo or Airplane field. Like dude, I have no chairs nor tables nor walls. You are using Christie and Leifang and you picked those maps, go sit down in an electric chair or something.
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Well-Known Member
I was just in another lobby and after I used Phase 4 two times this one guy said "I'm tired of seeing Phase Bitch I'm out of here" and left. Same person also said that Hayate is a crappy character and that the best Hayate player on psn told him so.

Also "schoolgirl" gets censored in the game chat. Was talking to someone about Alpha's new outfit and it turned into all asterisks. "school girl" is fine though. :rolleyes:

Darth Lotonic X

Active Member
Somebody kept doing unsafe stuff and I kept throw punishing them. Then they said "glad to see something other than grabs tor once." I just replied "throw punishing." They said I relied on throw punishing to win. I said "don't do unsafe stuff." Then to that they said "well I didn't really want to stoop down to the same level"

I like the "You juggle too much" one as well. How dare people play fighting games the way they are meant to be played!

Intelligent Alpha

Well-Known Member
I was just in another lobby and after I used Phase 4 two times this one guy said "I'm tired of seeing Phase Bitch I'm out of here" and left. Same person also said that Hayate is a crappy character and that the best Hayate player on psn told him so.

Also "schoolgirl" gets censored in the game chat. Was talking to someone about Alpha's new outfit and it turned into all asterisks. "school girl" is fine though. :rolleyes:

Well, TBF, maybe he fought alot of P4s! I get that all the time and you hardly ever see any - good - i stress - GOOD Alphas! Yet, players see mine often, but I'm garbage; yet, better than the good ones! (Not the ones I fought from here!) lol

Seriously, Alpha had this problem where she was new and immediately came online - that's what started the online bitch-fest! Now, you see it with every new character that comes out! This is ironic for her since she was so hated in DOA4. You really don't see that many serious users though! We're a niche bunch I guess!

The chatbox is fucked up! If Genfu has to be split - and I hate having to put "f/y" for fuck you, but that's normal. Other harmless words getting censored? Yeah, it's fucked up!

@Darth Lotonic X:

Let me preface this by saying, this has nothing to do with me playing Alpha; however, I don't think tag is "supposed" to be played in a certain manner! When I play tag, I don't juggle. I can't, but I don't want to either. You can utilize your partner without hitting switch every two seconds! And it's bad enough a few characters can do massive juggles by themselves (including Alpha, but those "crazy" ones in appearance are quite basic)

Quite often, when I go into a tag match, I hear: "You play it like it's solo!" I won't lie, I do, but it proves my point. There's no one way to play tag! I don't even use my main like she's "supposed" to be used - maybe this is why people are pissed off. Just thought I'd throw that out there!
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