What are you hoping to see in the upcoming E3 trailer?

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
Things Dr. Dogg could be hinting at.

- A new television show.

- A professional league built into the games frame work.

- Free blow jobs from that female GM from the CGS.

- A bunch of fighters from other titles.

- The ability to put yourself into the game.

- Free pussy

- DOAMaster's head on a pike (I know you'd all enjoy that)


Well-Known Member
DOA5 with a trailer showing off online features.

- Online Quick battle similar to Tekken6 where you don't have to wait for in lobbies.
- DOA2U type lobbies.
- Player match/rank match
- Host has "FULL" control over his/her lobby, rules, gamemode cannot be changed unless original host changes settings.
-Online training.
-Keep the online Zack store to allow us to unlock/buy things.

I'm hoping they surprise us with offline features although after the demo there's not much to guess about. Although things can still change.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Boobs, I mean both a game-play trailer and a trailer for the story would be nice.

Arnell Long

Active Member
Something along the lines of what we got for that classic E3 DOA4 trailer. A "FULL" length trailer that gives us a insight of the overall game like...

Fresh returning faces.
The next VF cast member.
A glimpse at more Stages.
Wet Panty Contest.
Ya know, the shit that we obviously want to see.


Well-Known Member
Actually, yes, I want to see some Tag action and if we are going to have PB's disabled or not and if we will have interactive tag stages as well, not just flat or slanted arena's. I'd love to see an interactive tag stage. At least one to have a lot of fun in :D


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Actually, yes, I want to see some Tag action and if we are going to have PB's disabled or not and if we will have interactive tag stages as well, not just flat or slanted arena's. I'd love to see an interactive tag stage. At least one to have a lot of fun in :D

for some crazy reason ..
i just thought that maybe in like a wrestling arena stage you would have a special tag throw in the corner of a stage ..

where like ...one character would remove the safety spounge thing from the corner and the other character would slam the opponent into the metal ring under it ... for more damage .. then they'd tag in .. lol

then that exposed corner would stay exposed through out the game so that if u get slammed onto it you get more damage ... (like when hitting a dangerzone wall)

and going with the flow of DOA5 .. it only gets triggered once .. or in this case .. 4 times for 4 corners .. lol

or maybe you can get a ringout throw and the other character slams them with a matal chair and throws them back in !
that would be epic ..


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wanna see Remilia Scarlet and a Bullet Hell dangerzone!

Oh, hell, just make the Scarlet Mansion an entire stage.


Well-Known Member
Some just call that 'air control'. I was surprised that Itagaki didn't implement it in DOA4.

Yeah those pesky guaranteed hits off a juggle are just not fair. I'm sure if he were in control of DOA5 it would be like that.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Yeah those pesky guaranteed hits off a juggle are just not fair. I'm sure if he were in control of DOA5 it would be like that.

I mean seriously, juggles shouldn't be guaranteed it's boring sitting there watching the opponent juggle you and you can't do anything about it.


Well-Known Member
I mean seriously, juggles shouldn't be guaranteed it's boring sitting there watching the opponent juggle you and you can't do anything about it.

I'm getting excited just thinking about the evolution of DOA4.

Like life nothing is guaranteed, it's all a roll of the dice - Itagaki