What if DOA3 had a mostly new cast like Street Fighter 3?


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Just a fun hypothetical discussion - but what if DOA3 had been more of a character reboot?

Take a look at this.

Why did Bayman come back in the Dreamcast version?
Itagaki: The fans got angry at me saying, "Why isn't there a Bayman?" For us, the story of Bayman has already ended, but for the fans, they still loved us as a single character. I thought it was bad to replace the characters with a kind of selfishness. If it weren't for that voice, I might have replaced all the characters in "DOA3". I don't like compatible characters, but if a fan asks me to put out a compatible character, I can't help but put it out.

Why Hitomi became so popular Team NINJA's character theory
Hitomi appeared in "DOA3", but it was supposed to be the leading role when planning to replace all the characters.

Itagaki: There was such a plan. She is a karate user like Ein, but she had the concept of making karate an easy-to-understand and easy-to-use character, not just a major martial arts system. If Ein's strength was her point, Hitomi's point was a little more girlish, soft and speedy. I think that kind of ease of handling led to her popularity today.
Source: Team Ninja Freaks Pages 152-153 https://archive.org/details/doahistoryteamninjafreaks/page/n151/mode/2up
Kindly translated by penmaster3000 here: https://www.reddit.com/user/penmast...story_of_doa_hitomi_bayman_leon/?ref=readnext


DOA History Book, pg 58 https://archive.org/details/DOAHistoryBook19962015/page/n57/mode/2up

If you poke around, DOA3 actually has 24 character slots and references several cut characters by martial arts style.



What do you think DOA3 would have been like if we got these 9 characters instead? What the world have been like without 3.1 Bass? Maybe we could've gotten an entirely different game if Team Ninja didn't have to crunch for the Xbox launch? Who knows, but it's fun to dream...

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Premium Donor
Tbh, I feel like had we gotten those extra characters, the roster would have a much more varied vibe, especially if they would have been males. I feel like as far as the girls, we have a pretty decent female roster but the male roster is severely lacking since there's hardly any differentiation and the overall male roster is quite dull compared to SF and Tekken's male roster which are way more colorful and varied. Besides Eliot and arguably Brad(personality wise), the guys are virtually the same: stoic, serious, and older males, no real eye catching traits while the girls mostly all have varied designs and traits that could easily carry them if the game was all female, the guys feel non existent in comparison

If those two designs at the bottom are what we lost, I'd definitely be open to having them since Bob gives me Jeffrey vibes from VF, he would have definitely been a fun addition to the game and could be something of a rival to Hayate in the vein of Ryu and Sagat, plus his design is quite interesting, the blood definitely shows he'd probably be brutal and his design is simple but fearsome

Jackal design wise imo is cute, he reminds me of a more human looking Blanka and his design catches me more since he'd be the first half male human half beast in DOA since everyone now is all basically just humans physically besides Nyo who just has wings attached to her model.


Active Member
Just a fun hypothetical discussion - but what if DOA3 had been more of a character reboot?

Take a look at this.
Source: Team Ninja Freaks Pages 152-153 https://archive.org/details/doahistoryteamninjafreaks/page/n151/mode/2up
Kindly translated by penmaster3000 here: https://www.reddit.com/user/penmast...story_of_doa_hitomi_bayman_leon/?ref=readnext


DOA History Book, pg 58 https://archive.org/details/DOAHistoryBook19962015/page/n57/mode/2up

What do you think DOA3 would have been like if we had 9 new characters instead?
I can say with confidence that if Third Strike's cult following is anything to go by, it would probably have sold poorly without returning characters (but still be played at tournaments for months on end).


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Hitomi as the new main protagonist of DOA... and modeled after retired AV superstar Hitomi Tanaka.

I personally wouldn't mind it, but holy shit, the outrage...


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Speaking of outrage,...
View attachment 38041
View attachment 38043
(He calls himself a Hitomi fan. I almost forgot.)
Points for theorycrafting. I had a few wild ones myself...

Like Maria possibly being Victor Donovan's sister who never approved of her marriage to Fame Douglas. Or Honoka being Donovan's secret weapon to wipe out the Mugen Tenshin once she's taken back to the village. Or Marie Rose having a history with NiCO and - for some reason - the both of them have to pretend they don't know each other.


Well-Known Member
If the team did pull a SF3 route or even a Tekken 3 route in terms of roster (if done correctly), I'm not sure if it would be successful. Hitomi would still be popular, regardless if she was replacing Kasumi, though that would pissed off her fans and Ayane's (including me). And looking at the what-if roster, the only person would be returning is Hayate who was Ein in DOA2 or they may decide to bring more back. Looking at "Pro-wrestler" character, that would be a waste because you might as well just bring back Tina as a legacy character since her goals were always changing each game.