What makes a character "cheap"


New Member
I always hear people call certant fighters "cheap"... I never understand this. What makes a fighter cheap in your eyes? I always felt like the people complaining about a cheap character is because they can't defeat that character or because a newbie can just pick up a controller and maybe beat them with ease while you have been learning the in's and out's of a "non cheap" character. I'm just confused by that term and always have been. I say if your good with a fighter then your good with a fighter. To say someone's not truly good because they use a fighter someone may think is "cheap" is just a insult to that player IMO.


Well-Known Member
A cheap character to me is someone who is fast, has high damage output, and is fairly safe or hard to punish....all in one character. No one in DOA really makes me think of them that way though, everyone is fairly well balanced.

The First Person that Came to Mind was Kokoro..... but her Damage isn't that high.

Anyway to me..... a Cheap Character is someone who's got Abilities or Tech that has no Counter Mechanic to stop the player from abusing it..... even if the Game is perfectly Balance I still consider it cheap for a character to have Free Reign to do any one thing without some way of me being able to condition them to stop some how.


New Member
I like reading everyone's opinion about this because I feel like everyone has their own thoughts on what is considered "cheap". Sometime I feel like the word is just thrown around without a valid reason or explanation.


Premium Donor
Cheap = minimal in expense or value.

Nowadays, people throw the word around so casually that it's synonymous with the definition of players who are "on-point" with fundamentals and/or the character(s) they prefer using.
Exactly. Even Sweet Revenge refers to his Gen fu as cheap, but only jokingly. He's just very skilled with character he's chosen to play as.


New Member
Seems like I'm not the only one who thinks the word is just thrown around. Wasent sure if anyone thought like I did about that because I keep reading on different sites about it... it makes it seem like using a character your good with but others think is cheap is a bad thing. I'm not down with insulting a players choice of fighter just because someone thinks its "cheap". That makes me mad.


Well-Known Member
This is the one and only definition of ''cheap'':


An alternative might be:

:3::P::P: > :3::3::P: > :3::3::P: > :6::6: > :1::6::P:

I actually think Alpha'a B.U.R.S.T. is pretty cool......

Unless if I'm wrong about how the Hold Punish System Works...... I think a Throw will only get a Hi Counter Bonus if it lands on the Active Frames of a hold (the first 18 Frames) not on the Recovery of a Hold ( the last 12 Frames)...... itz intetesting because Alpha's B.U.R.S.T. is i22..... meaning if both the throw and the hold are done at the ssme time..... theres no Hi Counter Bonus.


Well-Known Member
I don't have anyone who can be called cheap. It's the player who plays cheap.

But if you insist, I think I should say it's Jann Lee and his backward elbow thrusts. It's quick, it has decent damage, it makes you fly and plant your head on a wall. AI sure love to spam it as soon as you get closer.


Well-Known Member
Its why I don't like Street Fighter..... some characters can just do Certain Things and you literally have no way to punish them hard enough to make them think twice about trying to do it again.
That's in general for 2d fighters. Like I hate how in the anime fighters you can bumrush for juggles basically without consequence. I get "oh but there's burst/breakers" yeah but you can only use those once or twice making them totally useless since they just keep rushing regardless.

rachel- cheap knock off of halo in doa4
Except without the actual strengths, strings, damage and reach that made spartan such a tank to begin with.

I don't have anyone who can be called cheap. It's the player who plays cheap.

But if you insist, I think I should say it's Jann Lee and his backward elbow thrusts. It's quick, it has decent damage, it makes you fly and plant your head on a wall. AI sure love to spam it as soon as you get closer.
Dragon gunner is cheap as fuck. There I said it.