What makes each character unique ?


Lisa: acrobatic high/low crush attacks at range; a grappler that works at medium/long range off the GB pressure game from dropkicks and moonsaults.

Hayate: the whiff punisher with the deep stuns. Using minor GB to set up backdash/throwing mix-ups.

EDIT: Tina: all about the high counter throws and hold baiting. In fact, the IGN wiki has some great descriptions, but only for a few characters.


So... hmm... I guess Kokoro is a hybrid character... and uh... Eliot is... uh..

I would say Kokoro is more an offensive character than hybrid. Her defensive options are pretty limited (unreliable low and mid crushes, no advanced holds or parries, no offensive holds and her basic holds don't guarantee decent follow-ups). A lot of her moves are critical stun on normal hit and she can land sit down stuns pretty easily, resulting in quick critical burst setups that everyone is jealous of. Couple that with her high damage and she's earned the descriptor 'hits like a truck' as well as various slanderous names like 'Cockwhorehoe' :mad:.

Her pressure game comes from strike throws and heichu stance mixups opening opponents up rather than pure speed like Kasumi. Her safety also helped her offense but the next patch might change that.

Regarding Eliot, from what I'm told the best way to describe him is 'shit'.


Well-Known Member
eliot is indeed shit but as far as playstyle goes he is mostly juggler/grappler hybrid with some solid defense on the side with his parries and i9 to shutdown opponents offense. his entire game is to get a launcher to take advantage of his long damaging juggles. his instant 3p refloat is key to attaining that damage since not only does it add damage but also great for wall carrying into dangerzones for even more damage.

which is why he can also be considered a grappler thanks soley to 236h+p which is his launcher throw and on hi-counter into his most damaging juggle you'll be looking at damage that rivals all the grapplers most damaging throws on hi-counter, throw in potential dangerzone damage and you'll be looking at nearly half your health vanish just by one of these so the health reduction in the new patch will benefit him just as much as the true grapplers


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
Brute said:
If that were true every character would play almost exactly identical, meaning that any player who is competent with one character could pick up and use any other character to the same effect. And yet we rarely see that. Players who are adept with multiple characters have put time into training them independently and learning their specific strengths and weaknesses, which they all have.

People like to be melodramatic so that they have an excuse to whine about something. The characters in DOA each function uniquely, just like they do in every fighter except Dropkick.

To an extent, yes. But the underlying issue is still the universal need to play the stun game, which limit many character specific meta games...aka individuality. Once this issue is fixed, you will see a far greater use towards character specific traits and techniques.

Matt Ponton

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Standard Donor

It's a fighting game called divekick. Roster of two characters. Both function exactly the same. Complete balance.

The game has more than two in the roster now, and each has different jump heights and dive speeds.


Active Member
Meh. I like DOA being free of projectiles or arm extending to the size of a football field.

On the other hand, it would certainly give an explanation for why attacks are making contact around a foot away from the opponent lol.


Do we need a character who works with distance, like Dhalsim ?
Would it be interesting or no ?

I'd say that would be Hayate. 66K and 3H+K have to be two of the longest ranged attacks in the game that can lead to serious damage. That's why I say Whiff Punishment is Hayate's gimmick.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that would be Hayate. 66K and 3H+K have to be two of the longest ranged attacks in the game that can lead to serious damage. That's why I say Whiff Punishment is Hayate's gimmick.

Great, I wanted to know what was Hayate's (and each character's) individuality in this game, and you provided me a good answer.

What other "individuality" in other 3D fighting games don't we have in DOA ?

A character "flying"/with exaggerated jumps ? Well, La Mariposa is supposed to cover this, I think they should work even more on that aspect of her gameplay. Otherwise, a "parkour" fighter would be great for that.

What about a character working excessively with walls/ceiling/danger zone/environments more than anyone in the cast ?


Active Member
Great, I wanted to know what was Hayate's (and each character's) individuality in this game, and you provided me a good answer.

What other "individuality" in other 3D fighting games don't we have in DOA ?

A character "flying"/with exaggerated jumps ? Well, La Mariposa is supposed to cover this, I think they should work even more on that aspect of her gameplay. Otherwise, a "parkour" fighter would be great for that.

What about a character working excessively with walls/ceiling/danger zone/environments more than anyone in the cast ?
Um...for working excessively with walls/ceilings/danger zones, i'd hafta give it to Hayabusa, because not only does he flip off walls, but his signature move, the Izuna Drop, changes for ceilings and walls.

Lesee...we have the Bruce Lee clone, the light and heavy wrestlers, light and heavy "brutal beatdown" characters, 4 ninjas, a high flying muay thai user (think Adon), but then there's characters like Elliot, Kokoro and Lei Fang, who don't really fit into a category, as they don't really stand out in a unique way. In a fight, Kokoro and Elliot wind up being extremely similar in how people play them, while I don't even know what to make of Lei Fang.