What was the point of her new moves?


Well-Known Member
The feints are almost completely worthless. They dont avoid anything, and serve no psychological advantage because opponents just rushdown regardless, so it can't be used as a dodge or a feint.

Then she got a machine gun punch that has hilariously convoluted input only to result in a move that does less damage than one or two of her regular punches.

If the feints could dodge stuff or the machine gun punch could be done as its own move then all would be fine.


The feints are OK, but no they wont work against mashers, they are for better opponents that don't mash. The machine gun punch isn't worth a damn, I can handle the execution on stick fine, it's not like just frames in VF or anything. She isn't a very strong character in this game, the lack of a mid circular is a pain, too much crying on her in DOA5 led to this. The 2 new characters in this DOA just got hit with nerfs, funny how that seems to happen to the new characters in the DOA5 series...


Well-Known Member
The feints are OK, but no they wont work against mashers, they are for better opponents that don't mash. The machine gun punch isn't worth a damn, I can handle the execution on stick fine, it's not like just frames in VF or anything. She isn't a very strong character in this game, the lack of a mid circular is a pain, too much crying on her in DOA5 led to this. The 2 new characters in this DOA just got hit with nerfs, funny how that seems to happen to the new characters in the DOA5 series...

I'm okay with her being more balanced (she had an infinite, for craps sake), but giving her two new moves that are literally useless was just dumb.


Well-Known Member
The feints duck high, and the mgp is part of a mix up and the followups are one of her best launchers and a punch that gives you +7 (?)


Well-Known Member
The feints duck high, and the mgp is part of a mix up and the followups are one of her best launchers and a punch that gives you +7 (?)

If it was really meant for mixup, then shoulda been able to do it whenever, not only off a canceled mount from feint and like one punch string.


Her mix ups are kind of limited in general, she has a very vanilla tool set. Offline she'll be much better than online since the frames hold up, but you have to work hard not to be predictable with her few favorable options. Not sure how much of an offline scene there is for this, i'm assuming it's kinda small like VF.. 2D gets the biggest numbers for offline, on the west coast at least, but I digress..


Well-Known Member
If you stun someone then use 4p as your second stun you can finish the string and go for CB or cancel into k to get a quick relatively high launch, cancel and throw if they hold, cancel into those punches that can't be held after the first hits into the 6p or p follow up.

6p is + and a p will get you pretty close to the same height as a CB launch after that many stuns. I'm pretty sure you can get p6p > p+k afterwards.

It's 1 more guess than it is to get CB, and 4pp or 4p > cancel > P+K are both mid punches, so I'd still go for Cb, but it's not as terrible as you make it out to be. 1 positive, is that the feint/cancel ducks high, so every attack from cancel crushes high (not a tackle cancel)


I also like 7p as a stun extender, because you can cancel the followup punch into feint stance or just use the punch or knee followup plus it is an unshakeable stun, so they are forced to hold if they don`t want to be launched for great justice.


Well-Known Member
There was this cool looking CB setup I found with the new 1K but basically the additions in 5U are all smoke and mirrors to make some people think Mila's not an even bigger pile of shit now. I think TN should play more VF and see how feints should be done.


Active Member
There was this cool looking CB setup I found with the new 1K but basically the additions in 5U are all smoke and mirrors to make some people think Mila's not an even bigger pile of shit now. I think TN should play more VF and see how feints should be done.
elaborate on this cb setup?