Which platform has better competitive community, PS4 or Steam?


New Member
Hi people,

I am deciding whether I should buy DOA6 on PS4 or Steam. I would really like to hone my skills by playing against some good DOA players out there. Therefore, I hope to choose a platform that offers me ample opportunities to do so. Considering the fact that TN did poorly on Steam for DOA5LR, I am hesitant to try it out on Steam, but maybe they improve the system this time. Also, the net code as well as potential cheating (1 key combo etc.) on Steam somehow concern me as well.

Nevertheless, I would like to hear from the community to get more informed before I make any decision.
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Premium Donor
A good chunk of competitive players you'll find on ps4 since that's where a a large bulk of the community lies. Steam has a lot of competitive players as well but there's actually quite alot of pro players on steam who also own ps4 as well and play between the two(This was very prevalent during LR since PC had a much better netcode than ps4 since it used the arcade set up, but at the cost of all matches being ranked due to lack of lobbies).

Unless you have a good gaming PC I would start with ps4 since once again a good amount of the playerbase resides on ps4, the only con about PS4 is the potential for a netcode like LR and of course the inevitable toxic players and such in the ps4 community. Steam may have a better netcode so that may be better but it might also have that bot thing as well.


New Member
PC could always use more players. There's also a lot of potential for modding on PC, DOA5LR has a lot of cool content creators that create costumes and graphic mods.

While modding and costume creation are definitely pluses, I am currently looking for a platform with good netcode, fewer bots, and more competitive players.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Come to Steam and do core fighters on PS4 and Xbox. Thats what I'm doing.

EDIT: I have never run into a bot on steam and the netcode on LR PC is way less laggy than PSN. A 3 bar on PC feels like a 5 bar on PSN. I was that drastic.

Dr PaC

Well-Known Member
Im sure Steam will have better netcode since that's where our Master Race resides, but more of the common folk (and most DOA players) will be found on the PS4. Im keeping my fingers crossed for cross platform tho.


Well-Known Member
PS4 will have the majority of the overall community. I'd say the core of the more competitive players seem to be leaning towards getting the PC version though. I'm getting both, but I also worry about bots/scripts on PC. I'll start on PC, but the minute I start seeing bots crop up, I'm out.