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Slowly re-learning DOA6 Nyo and im reminded that she has a bnb that works on every character in the game except for Hitomi and Kokoro, whaaaaaaaat :/
lul, inputs?
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
stun 3P SSS 2K 2T

for some reason Hitomi and Kokoro fall out of the third S multihit and the combo drops, weirdly enough if you just land raw CH 3P the combo works just fine. but yeah, that combo works on characters that are lighter than them and it works on characters that are heavier than them, so it's not a weight issue, probably just some weird character specific jank that'll never get fixed
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
ah, homie who made KITE and Mezzo Forte is back at it again, 2 shows you watched for the explicit sex scenes but stayed cause the animation and the story were actually really good (at least KITE's story was good, I don't even remember what happened in Mezzo Forte)

let's see if this new series will follow suit
Sometimes I think about 2014 me 10 years ago when I first joined FSD at 16 to now 2024 where I'm 26. The changes in me and knowing what I know now just seems kind of euphoric at times xD but I'm ready for further evolution
"the appearance of certain characters have been altered/removed" is a line you find multiple times going through Capcom Collection 2 change list, which to me just screams "look, some of these designs could fly in the 90's, but it's 2024 and we don't want to get in trouble"
That has been a problem since Capcom Arcade Stadium where they removed Rising Sun from E. Honda's Stage in SFII. Capcom isn't just altering/removing content from classic titles, but also remakes (example Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster).

These changes are reason, Capcom shouldn't get involved with gaming, and let third party developers/publishers (mainly Double A like Honey Parade Games, and Indie).
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
The Rising Sun removal I get, since there's alot of complicated feelings towards that imagery and Capcom just not wanting to deal with it is understandable, as for what designs will be altered/removed, we'll just have to wait and see

that said im putting money on it right now, Gunrock and Galuda's Powerstone ending art will most definitely get altered lol
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Dimitri's Midnight Bliss is one thing we do know is getting altered since they specifically mentioned it in the change list, and that's I am a little down on, since Midnight Bliss is so iconic, it makes sense for Dimitri, and I just find it hilarious, but if Capcom wants to label it problematic and change it then oh well, it's their game, they can do what they want, all I can do as a consumer is buy or don't buy
This #ThursdayNight belongs to the #DOA girls!
The Persona fanbase really building a stronghold to try and get future Persona games to either be about college students in Japan, or high school students from the west (guess because majority of the other ones were Japan HS students).

For whatever reason, the HS students west pushing wants it in either New York City or California. I'm not sure why it has to be specifically those two lol. World's a big place.
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This is starting to sound a lot like Super Sentai going from adults with established careers in their mid-20s to high school students during the Heisei era in Japan.

I think they should just take a risk and center it around adults.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Its not just Persona, these days more than ever there seems to be this growing desire for anime media to focus less on the HS experience and focus more on the mid-20's and beyond adult experience

I'm guessing alot of this comming from the fans who grew up with anime in 90's are now hitting their mid to late 30's and want something more relatable from their beloved medium
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Not to say that grown adults can't relate to the HS experience, but when 99% of a medium seems to focus on that one period of a person's life with little to no variety, it can get stale, so some more diversity in that aspect would be welcome for many anime fans

okay maybe 99% is a bit hyperbolic, but we all know a the vast vast VAST majority of anime zero in on that late teen stage of life
PS5 Pro is the goofiest console ever, 700$ for a slight PS5 upgrade with no disk drive and barely any exclusives despite being 4 years into this generation? miss me with that nonsense
Back on FSD and social media. I have been a ghost for about a month or two so i'm catching up to everything gaming related. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day.

Also does anyone have The First Descendant?
After my PS4 controller's batteries died, i got a cheap knockoff controller to use but it had such TERRIBLE input detection that it made playing ANYTHING impossible. I had more fun smashing the controller with a dumbbell than I EVER had playing games with the thing...
I only got a knockoff brand over a proper $ony branded controller since it was the ONLY thing available after $ony moved on to PS5.
The PS5 Slim is now available in my country but as far as I'm concerned, there's STILL no exclusive games that make the purchase worthwhile...
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
what brand was the controller? cause some 3rd party controllers are actually pretty decent, PDP and Logitech are good,, Hori and MadCatz are okay, but then you have that bottom of the barrel stuff which you should avoid cause it's just throwing money into a void