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Random Shower thought: DOA6 ground game could of worked if characters did more damage
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
So we all know that DOA6 ground game is trash, because it gives too much agency to the player that's on the ground and not enough to the player that's standing , which is a strange power dynamic, but this could of worked if DOA6 was a 2 touch game, if characters did so much damage that it made sense for the grounded player to have that much agency, then DOA6's current ground game would be a better fit
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
early DOA pretty much did this, DOA1 and 2 barely have any interactions on the ground, but the dmg is so high that you only get 1-3 grounded interactions per game (assuming ppl are playing optimally) so it's barely an issue, DOA6 has hilariously high scaling and low dmg so the amount of time you spend on grounded interactions is amplified by alot and calls attention to it'self
The one thing I agree with Geoff Keighley on, is that there are some games that wouldn't sit right with a game formula being used everywhere, and i'm glad he pointed out that Genshin is one of them.

There were moments of a timeline having too much Souls-like games, too much Battle Royale games, but there could be a timeline where there's too much Genshin-like gacha games.
See, most Souls-like games off the genre usually has some differences between each company that made them.

However Genshin-type games all have this samey look. (Wuthering Waves, Star Rail, ZZZ, and Genshin obviously). I sound like a Mihoyo/Kuro games hater, but I genuinely believe games like these got carried by cash.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
it's all just fickle trends my man, 15 years ago ppl were saying the same thing about multiplayer FPS's and 3rd person cover based games, now it's all about live service and open world gacha, they're hogging the spotlight for now but eventually we'll move on to the next big thing, no need to worry
It's kinda crazy how after 1 year of SF6, nobody is talking about SF5 at all, no fond memories, no nostalgia, no "man this new game sux, im going back to the previous one", none of that
The competitive scene is the one who we can thank for when it comes to receiving the CE edition (a.k.a S4) of SFV, imo only after that did the game become good and they were the ones who kept the game alive up until then. With SFIV it was different since the game was good for the majority of its lifetime (some are disliking Ultra these days but from what I've seen not too many) but V was lackluster for the most part.
A lot of fighting games were lacking in content due to the main focus being on e-sports and little on the casual fanbases and while there were games like the Blazblues and Guilty Gears that had that as well as SCVI (while it might feel slightly less compared to SCII-IV at least it had something for the casual fanbase too) it still felt like fighting games had the least amount of stuff in them since the early 2000's.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
@Awesmic I miss Falke to, would miss her alot more if her cane didn't have a hurtbox but w/e, this is SF not Samsho

@ChaolanLegacy I understand, but I still feel like if your game is so lame that it needs a competitive scene to keep it afloat and relevant to people, then something has gone terribly wrong
5/25 Happy Birthday Hitomi

Man I wish Tomb Raider Remastered had auto save, the amount of progress i've lost because I quit out of the game w/o doing a manual save is bonkers :/
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Yeah with all the updates they made to the game that should have been a no-brainer. I was playing the PS1 versions on my PS3 a few years back and I ruined my day a few times because of that, but thanks to that I'm hyper vigilant about saving now when I play Remastered, lol.

Got it on Xbox, wanted a physical for Switch too but it's LRG >_<' and theres a $200 FOMO CE to boot.
actually base game and deluxe editions of physical are retail only the CE is via LRG.
I'm buying 2 copies one for PS5 and one for switch I want Lara portably as well.
Yeah, the lack of autosave is an unfortunate downside of old-school games.
That’s incredibly sad. May Kabosu rest in peace and be remembered forever.
She was a good doggo. Forever will be remembered as one of the bright spots on the internet hellscape.

Weirdly tho, the doge image always reminds me of DB now because of his avatar when I started posting here, lol. (or was that before or after the fat koopa?)
Agent Smith in Multiversus? now I don't give a crap about Multiversus, but I do give a crap about playing Agent Smith in a fighting game, might have to give this thing a shot
Mobile/gacha games usually start off pretty mediocre until the developer team finds their footing and has a clear vision on what they want to achieve with the game both in terms of its gameplay and when it comes to the overall package, either that or they end up closing down the more interactive/all servers after a couple of years.
However, it is undeniable that the quality of these games is getting bigger and better these days given that the market is also getting bigger and better with time.
Hmm... I'd say that One Piece Odyssey is pretty solid, though yeah, that menu title screen is dope haha!
Apparently RE1 is getting a remake (?)

If it's even true, for all that is holy please make a separate full Wesker campaign.
5/18 Happy Birthday Shizuku

Assassin's Creed monetization gets even more absurd with every entry, pay an extra 40$ on top of a 70$ game and you get 3 days early access and a season pass :/
This is why a good strategy can be to wait to see what content they'll be putting in a SP and just buying the stuff that gives the most bang for your buck, while potentially catching a 20-30% sale on the base game as well if you're lucky enough.