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SH2 Remake has inadvertently exposed how inaccessible SH games are on modern consoles, SH1 is stuck on PS1, SH2,3, and 4 are all stuck on PS2. There's that awful HD collection (that only has SH2+3) on 360/PS3, and the only SH games on PC are 4 and 5, the bad ones that no one likes :/
Playstation's HORRIBLE state of play was a woke joke. I was laughing my ass off the entire time. Marvelous had a better presentation.
Damn, AI can do some good in this world too.

Classic track, but the video is just too neat.
Someone's clearly a fan of Macross and Mospaeda.

The influence is all over the place.
I caught some Gunbuster too.
AI is programmable to create high quality content with the right hands. These artworks could easily surpass modern gaming companies.
Watched the Marvelous Games showcase, no Senran Kagura or Hinomaruko to be seen :( But the new Rune Factory spinoff looks dope and DAEMON x MACHINA is getting a sequel so that's cool
The only Senran Kagura that your going to see is Senran Kagura: New Link, if you were hoping a new Senran Kagura game from Marvelous Games... Keywords don't have hope because this happen back in 2022 from Marvelous (English website) which Senran Kagura isn't part of the website:

^Thats unfortunate. We need a new Senran Kagura game. I heard Estival versus and Peach Beach Splash are very buggy on PS5 and never got patched.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Shame for PS5 owners, Estival is easily the best mainline SK game out there; large roster of characters, combat is crazy deep, incredibly fun PvP, hella modes that you can tackle solo or co-op, it's just a great game overall, I can't talk about Peach Beach though, never played it
I saw a DMC panel of talks with the history of Devil May Cry from Capcom, and they were talking about the battle music from DMC1. Apparently some of the music samples were first used in SF: EX PLUS Akuma's theme (GOD HANDS). I never heard of Akuma's theme SF EX version til now so I looked it up. When I heard the song it blew my mind how Devil May Cryish it is:

Damn! :O That's awesome. SFEX+A has always had one of my favourite FG OSTS, rivalling SSF2's even, and God Hand being one of my fave tracks (Garuda's Stronger is even better tho). Never made the connection with that track and some DMC tracks but it makes sense now that I think about it. DMC1's battle theme rocks (especially love the version of it for Trish's MVC3 theme).
Capcom sometimes re-used or remixed some of the themes (or parts of it) from some of their games and use them in another, another example is this one which sounds very similar to the mission 1 theme from DMC3:
something's up with Omega Force
team ninja literally put mai in DOA6 and fan doesn't like the game
Yes! It should have been a new game physical edition, and it should come out once per console generation so you can see huge leap in graphics. There's enough DLC in 5LR to tie down the player for 5-10 years, there's literally nearly nothing new in DOA6 so it flopped and they took mai off 5LR in a determination to get players in 6, and lied about it saying license ran out.
Homelander in MK1 is literally just Injustice 2 Supergirl, not that I mind, Supergirl was one of the more fun characters in Injustice 2 so her making a comeback in this form is fine
DWA's Women's Champion Leifang and the DWA Women's Tag Team Champions Team's Up against La Mariposa and M.I.S.T.'s Kokoro & Kasumi-Alpha!
Well, I hope that prices regarding games and microtransactions won't get expensive at least for a little while!
Riot comes in with League and making a good HoF Faker skin for Ahri for 250$ and double the amount for his signature alongside it probably saying something like:
Might learn Asuka, I actually like her in tekken 8 alot. I think since I also like Tamaki's Aikido in DOA, it made me appreciate Asuka's in tekken more since it's actually graceful aside from the punches xD
@samuraihachi: Ironic that you like those two, seeing as those are the very two characters I see being the most likely candidates to be the new main protagonist and antagonist of this brand new saga in the Tekken storyline. Asuka is going through a slow burn learning about her heritage, and Reina... well, IYKYK.
Yeah Rule34 - I mean, their awesome personalities and gameplay are what got me to play them lol. I certainly wouldn't mind either Asuka or Reina being the next protagonist.
As a Kazama player (Jun during T2, before Asuka "took" the mantle and Jun's moves revamped in TT2), you will like Asuka and her aggressive playstyle. I say I have more fun with her in 8 than any other game she appeared on.
Random Shower thought: DOA6 ground game could of worked if characters did more damage
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
So we all know that DOA6 ground game is trash, because it gives too much agency to the player that's on the ground and not enough to the player that's standing , which is a strange power dynamic, but this could of worked if DOA6 was a 2 touch game, if characters did so much damage that it made sense for the grounded player to have that much agency, then DOA6's current ground game would be a better fit
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
early DOA pretty much did this, DOA1 and 2 barely have any interactions on the ground, but the dmg is so high that you only get 1-3 grounded interactions per game (assuming ppl are playing optimally) so it's barely an issue, DOA6 has hilariously high scaling and low dmg so the amount of time you spend on grounded interactions is amplified by alot and calls attention to it'self
The one thing I agree with Geoff Keighley on, is that there are some games that wouldn't sit right with a game formula being used everywhere, and i'm glad he pointed out that Genshin is one of them.

There were moments of a timeline having too much Souls-like games, too much Battle Royale games, but there could be a timeline where there's too much Genshin-like gacha games.
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Genshin got compared a lot to Breath of the Wild prior to its release but what it ended up being is basically the open-world (a)rpg's Nioh, yeah, its obvious that some things are taken 1x1 from BoTW but it has enough new stuff to it that makes it feel different, like combat is faster and more oriented around team comps, elements and their reactions with weapons not breaking after too much use.
As for their looks, it seems that these Chinese game companies make anime-like games look relatively similar, since games like NIKKE and Granblue look vastly different. Mihoyo ended up becoming big after Genshin, they weren't making millions of dollars prior to it. The prior game to it Honkai 3rd while it does quite well in China and SEA it wasn't and still isn't nowhere near as big as Genshin and HSR.
Genshin came out during the start of COVID during the longest quarantine periods and iirc it was the only "big" open-world rpg releasing at the time, so that did help a lot but as @Camel with 2 thumbs says this is going to be the hottest thing on the market for a while until the new thing comes around the block, heck some Genshin-like games have already fallen off like Tower of Fantasy did.
It's kinda crazy how after 1 year of SF6, nobody is talking about SF5 at all, no fond memories, no nostalgia, no "man this new game sux, im going back to the previous one", none of that
@Camel with 2 thumbs The 2015-2018 period for fighting games as video games was relatively rough where there was a period of indecision for most companies whether to go full esports, especially for some games that definitely weren't big or respected enough for that, go for the casual fanbase or try to go for both, also iirc SFV was also a rushed product, released earlier than it should've been.
This was also during the time when Capcom was moving out of its Crapcom phase very slowly, during which their fighting games ended up suffering the most, given how SFxT and MvCI ended up dying not too long after their releases and also with them almost making the same mistake that they did around the end of the arcade days by making too many fighting games after SFIV's success.
Overall, the 2012 to 2018 period for Capcom won't be fondly remembered by their fans at all and it is good that they are back on track for the most part.
I've finally got Karate Outfit for Female Characters in Tekken 8, which is perfect for Reina cosplaying as Heihachi.
5/25 Happy Birthday Hitomi

Man I wish Tomb Raider Remastered had auto save, the amount of progress i've lost because I quit out of the game w/o doing a manual save is bonkers :/
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Yeah with all the updates they made to the game that should have been a no-brainer. I was playing the PS1 versions on my PS3 a few years back and I ruined my day a few times because of that, but thanks to that I'm hyper vigilant about saving now when I play Remastered, lol.

Got it on Xbox, wanted a physical for Switch too but it's LRG >_<' and theres a $200 FOMO CE to boot.
actually base game and deluxe editions of physical are retail only the CE is via LRG.
I'm buying 2 copies one for PS5 and one for switch I want Lara portably as well.
Yeah, the lack of autosave is an unfortunate downside of old-school games.