The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
Pretty sucky pack. I really don't like these themed outfits that are always inappropriate for over half of the cast.

Kasumi, Ayane, Kokoro, Hitomi and Helena's outfits are hideous. The rest are ok, but I'm still not down with the whole school theme.

There are a hundred other costumes I would have preferred to see. Especially when Momiji and Rachel are still missing a lot of their original outfits.

All in all a lazy and uninspired pack, I'll pass on this one.
Get you're shit together TN. No more themed outfits please.


Active Member
While I agree with all the complaints so far (yours especially about the stupidity of "themes" instead of character specific costumes made a lot of sense, Squizzo) I'm also forced to admit that this pack in particular seems to offer much more variety than all of those offered so far since DoA5 came out.

I'm not saying this is an acceptable standard of quality for costume packs, but if all costume packs released so far were AT LEAST like this, I think by now would be much less disappointed than I am.
Still disappointed I guess to a certain extent, but way less than now.
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Aven Kujo-Gin

Well-Known Member
The costumes are good, is not what we want/need, and of course I'm not going to buy, I usually like for my characters to wear a real fighter costumes, but we have seen much worse things from TN(Santas, bunnies, infinite swimsuits, etc...)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So disappointed!! Not again fetish wear, for just the girls... Mila's and Christie's are a little tempting though. But I won't buy any of these, just to make a statement.


Well-Known Member
If I get one more female related costume without getting Zack's threadz back, I'm dropping this game cause' all I see is fanservice galore. Like wtf is going on with all these skirt and dress fetishes?


Well-Known Member
Next time when asking for preorders in 5U+ or 6 or any succeeding title, lets bombard requests for men to be the center of their focus. Regardless whether the look works for them or not. (Since most preorder DLCs have little to no variety at all)

Rachel the fiend Slayer

Well-Known Member
Dropping a game because your fav char didn't get a costume yet? Sorry, but that's kinda pathetic (and over exaggerate). I'm not dropping a game I like because I did'nt get my way with costumes
Next time when asking for preorders in 5U+ or 6 or any succeeding title, lets bombard requests for men to be the center of their focus. Regardless whether the look works for them or not. (Since most preorder DLCs have little to no variety at all)


OMG but seriously that is never gonna happen, what makes you think that wouldwork? It probrably wouldn't work even if the peoplw who would do that weren't a minority


Well-Known Member
Actually I really like them me too, TN this time included different outfits for girls, with a mix between old outfits, new ones, and new with old concepts revised (like the winter school uniforms from DoA2 for DC/PS2). In addition they brought back the old Helena's ribbon that many fans wanted.
Why did you taunt me with cruel lies? :(

Helena's does not look that good, but I'll give it a chance. It was the weird frills and vest that killed it. They should've just given her the under skirt thing as a while dress. Personally, Helena should have gotten Rachel's or Lisa's. I would've liked that a lot better. Also, Helena is in dire need of garterbelts. IMO Lisa looks the best. Guess I found my tertiary.

Also, mre Ein and Leon plz. Actually, more everyone that does not have boobs.

EDIT: Helena's would look FIFTY times better if it were longsleeved.
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Well-Known Member
Dropping a game because your fav char didn't get a costume yet? Sorry, but that's kinda pathetic (and over exaggerate). I'm not dropping a game I like because I did'nt get my way with costumes


OMG but seriously that is never gonna happen, what makes you think that wouldwork? It probrably wouldn't work even if the peoplw who would do that weren't a minority

But that's because your main happens to be a woman. I may main as Helena but I do play as the guys (Bayman, Bass, Leon, Eliot, Jacky) and want costumes for them too.

If it's a means for them to get recognition that way, why not? They have fans themselves. People just need to push it through. Nothing is lost when trying. We didn't expect the Fighter Packs and in the end, it just got granted.
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