FSD EXCLUSIVE: Perfect Legend interviews Team Ninja (Part 2)


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I met up with Perfect Legend at UFGT7 and we talked a bit of DOA. I asked if he had ever gotten responses to his follow-up questions to Team Ninja and, to my surprise, he did but hadn't posted them anywhere. I asked him to forward them along so we could post them on FSD and here they are:

1. Are there attacks or attack strings in the game that the opponent can't hold out of like in DOA3.
For example Hayate's :8::P::P: string if you were hit by the first part you couldn't hold the second part.
We felt as if this be a bit harsh on the beginners so we left these out. The only character who can do attacks such as these is Tengu. As you know, Tengu is a boss character. He’s big and a bit slow, but since he is very powerful and has quite a bit of momentum behind him, some of his combo strings are not hold-able. In Tag-Team matches, we have left some of these strings where, after a guard-break, you tag you partner and then do an attack from there on.

2. When you are knocked into a wall and now you are in wall critical state in DOA:D are you able to totally avoid being attacked by using slow escape aka hitting buttons and directions. In DOA4 you could do this and most of the players including myself weren't a big fan of this. Actually this is by far the only problem with slow escape because of how much it effected being knocked into walls.
We have left this the same as DOA4. We purposely did this because we felt that we didn’t want to make the game so one-sided, and thus went ahead and balanced the game out this way. I think that the slow-escape tech is something that only the best players know and something they can only use as their advantage. But then again, to hear this from you is a really valuable opinion to us so we will definitely think about it because we want to make each fight deeper and more exciting.

3. Were there any changes to how critical works? You said for 25 frames the opponent can't move? What does this mean exactly. Are they not able to Hold or Slow escape? Does it eliminate those options? Does this apply to all critical states or just some?
In the previous games we had the same system. After you get hit and you are in critical, you can’t do any holds for a few frames. For most criticals you weren’t able to hold or slow-escape for around 6 frames. This is the average time you were prevented from doing anything, and it depended on the type of stun. Some of the bigger stuns disabled you from holding or slow-escaping for around 20-30 frames. In DOAD there are new stuns/criticals after you get high-countered and some of these will have their own frames in which you’ll be disabled. I think that you’ll find that you’ll see more variety of these critical situations than you had in DOA4.

I think you may have misunderstood about wall crumples making you unable to hold for 25 frames. This is actually not the case, rest assured! You’ll be able to hold quicker than this. For example, in regards to adjustments for the wall crumples, we have, for example, made a juggling tech such as Ein’s 3KK not be able to land 100% (among others). If you use the Skill Info menu you’ll be able to read the frame data and use this as a guide when you’re playing.

4. Since the old DOA2U ground hit is back does this mean it stuffs wake up kicks when they are coming out from off the ground or does it mean you have to hit them before they decide to get up kick?
It’s really more of a timing thing. If your timing is correct you will be able to hit them as their kick is coming of the ground.

Also does this stop opponents from being able to tech roll or can they avoid the hit by tech rolling?
You won’t be able to stop opponents from tech rolling. The reason we disabled this is that we didn’t want to give the attacker the ability to keep piling up combos on the guy who is on the ground. That’s why we made the guy on the ground invincible. This is one reason we disabled Tengu’s down attack that follows his combo.

Also can you still tech roll into a get up kick or must you have to stay down then get up kick?
The latter (stay down then get up kick) is the way we made it in DOAD. I think this gives you more opportunity to strategize your tech rolls.​

Oh and when you hit someone with the DOA2U style ground hit, afterwards are they able to still perform a get up kick or does it force them to get up?

Can you keep hitting them with DOA2U style ground hit when they try to perform get up kicks or are they allowed to get up afterwards?
The conditions for this depend on each character so I can’t really say this or that for sure, but for the most part I can tell you that it’s the same as DOA2U. One more thing is that (the same as up to now) you’ll be able to mash buttons to get up quicker so it’ll be harder for your opponent to keep laying down attacks into you while you’re on the ground.​

Sorry for so many questions about that; the okizeme, haha.
Nah, that’s cool. One thing that we understood is the fact that all of you feel very much the same about criticals, down attacks, and okizeme. We may not be able to answer very single one of your wishes, but please keep attacking us with your suggestions.​

5. Also about sidestepping? How does it interfere with the purity of DOA? It adds more defensive options to the game thus balancing out attacking and defending even more and adds an entire dynamic to the game which will be very much appreciated by the players. In DOA3 we saw this implemented a little bit and it was greatly appreciated. Please at least give us more evasive sidestep attacks for each character. Gen Fu (:8::8::P:) has one that is very useful for example.
One thing I have to mention is that we didn’t have any online modes in DOA3 so we couldn’t tell as to the effect sidesteps had on the game. We realized that this was an issue for the first time after seeing so many players online because DOA2U was the first DOA game to have online mode which was able to connect so many DOA players together across the world. The biggest mistake we made in DOA3 is that the increased side-step techs were way too strong and too easy to pull off, thus making it too advantageous for one player and hell for another. Since we made this online mode in DOA2U a tool to that can connect players across the globe and give them an awesome DOA experience, we didn’t want these side-step techs ruining everyone’s online gameplay experience. After considering the game balance with side-steps in DOA4 we came to the conclusion that was…well, DOA4.

OK then, for DOAD, we also contemplated about having side-steps in there as well. We thought to ourselves as to what the actual core and bedrock of DOA is and how players would perceive the game when picking it up and start playing. I think that our intention for the game is fairly obvious when you pick up and start playing. As you know, the thing that really separates DOA from any other fighters out there is the Hold system. Using the side-step to evade an attack would make our intention behind the Hold system very blurred in a sense and would not make the Hold stand out so much in the gameplay. What makes the Hold system as fun as it is has to do with the high risk and high return that it exhibits, and we wanted players to feel this. We are taking the same approach with the back-dash and some of the other basic movements. But rest assured, because this doesn’t mean that we have dropped the idea of the side-step completely. We are always thinking of how we can incorporate what our fans say and how we can match that to DOA so we are glad to hear your voices.​


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Standard Donor
6. How have you handled the way Guard breaks work in this game? In DOA4 there were a lot of useless guard break attacks because for example Jann Lee would have guard breaks where regardless of how much advantage he is supposed to be the opponent could recover before him and still punish him even though he hit them with a "guard break". Also slow escape made it so guard breaks were useless in some instances because of how accessible it was. At least allow the one using the guard break to keep a small amount of advantage but when its to the point where the opponent recovers before the player guard breaking them then it is a bit ridiculous.
In this game we have made it so that there can be more clarity between experts and other players. It is more the case that this time around players who know what they are doing will be able to counter against the Guard Break. This will be set at the same level as DOA4. If we were to perhaps make this more geared towards the expert players based on slow escape it would be a little difficult for everyone else to catch up. If we were to make the Guard Break more advantageous and if you were able to get in a combo after the Guard Break any easier we feel as if players would stop using the guard in the long run which would make for some boring fights. This is something we found after we experimented with some bigger Guard Breaks. Also, it would make the game less fun if we were to decrease the amount of Guard Breaks techs as well, so we are adjusting the balance of this at the moment. If this turns out a bit strange we will have to take a different approach moving forward.​

7. In DOAD every character has the same amount of health correctly? We have heard rumors how the boss characters have more health than everyone else in the game.
In Versus all characters have equal health. In Single Player some do vary so try it out and see ^^​

8. Are you and the rest of Team Ninja/Tecmo-Koei interested in giving out prizes for events for major tournaments in the fighting game community. For example the Evolution Fighting Game World Championship annual tournament held every year and their circuit of tournaments leading up to that major event?
All of us here at Team NINJA want to see all you guys excited about DOA. All I can say is that we’ll think about things that we can do really seriously. We’ll keep you updated.​

9. Is there a way for DOA:D to be shown on a television so that at an event everyone is able to watch was is going on via one screen instead of having to look over the shoulder of players who are playing?
Unfortunately you can’t do this with the retail version of the hardware. When the Champions were down here in Tokyo we had to look over their shoulder and film that way as well so I guess you could see some good action in that way.​

10. Ah a feature in the game that I forgot to ask about. In DOA2/DOA3 there were certain throws and holds that lead to guaranteed follow up attacks that you could not escape with a hold or by slow escaping. Examples of this are: Jann Lee's Dragon Gunner into side step middle attack, Ayane's :4::F+P: to :4::P:. Kasumi's :6::6::F+P: into her old :6::6::P: from DOA2U and DOA3 which is no longer in the game by the way.

The way we feel is its a big enough risk to try to grab or hold someone and when we pull it off that the reward is very good, but now it no longer guarantees us a safe inescapable follow up we have to guess as if we were attacking the opponent who is in critical state. If anything how come its not inescapable on counter or hi counter. I can sympathize for them to be escapable on normal, but counter and even hi counter. Players like to be rewarded for having a correct read.

The question is how come this was changed?

When you have to balance the game out you need to watch out not only for the power that certain move but also the way this move fits in with the rest of the movesets and the impression it gives to the player. Going back to DOA4 and using that as an example, you have Ayane’s :4::F+P:, :4::P: combo. The reason this was balanced to be more of a counter was that it would become a tech that everyone would use over and over, as well as the fact that it would land long mid-air combos on your opponent, which would give a bad impression to your opponent. In terms of Jan Lee’s Dragon Gunner, if you did this in DOAU you and added a crouching dash to the string you could take about 80%+damage off your opponent. The reason we adjusted him this was to give the impression that he was a striker. If you also look at Gen Fu’s unique holds, they have been adjusted for versus play. Even so he’s pretty tough I think. Don’t mess with Gen Fu! Because of things as I mentioned above and the fact that this is DOA we’re talking about, we need to think how we can balance the game holistically and take into account things other than techs and versus play. Fundamentally, we have decreased easy to land inescapable techs, but have added some techs that are included in inescapable combos. I don’t want to spoil it too much for you though…

Thanks Carl!​


Active Member
I hope you guys can really convince Team NINJA into putting sidestepping back in. I don't see how it was too strong. You couldn't sidestep everything. When it came to attack strings you can only sidestep the first two or so attacks.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
SS moves could probably work too. I can't get Alpha 152 to SS anything *~*.

But this interview seems like they are saving big changes for another game perhaps . . .


This was a seriously depressing read.

They really have no idea what the hell their fans want...

So it's ok for Ninja Gaiden to be hard but god forbid we get a decent fighter with depth.


Well-Known Member
This was a seriously depressing read.

They really have no idea what the hell their fans want...

So it's ok for Ninja Gaiden to be hard but god forbid we get a decent fighter with depth.

Ya know, that is actually a good question to ask next week.


Well-Known Member
I think the designer here is still playing a little coy, as there are allusions to inescapable techs that are not specified. At some stage it would be smart for them to come out with what they are so players can determine if they are the same as what will inevitably be discovered.

He was also open to looking more closely at Guard Breaks and Sidesteps in the future.

Good work Carl for getting this info. Hopefully this can lead to some more questions people can put to Team Ninja at E3 and DID.


Well-Known Member
If enough people that cared about 3.1 show up to D i D, TN will get a pretty big wake up call. I'm hoping Sorwah or Grap3( can't remember if grap3 is going or not) or someone brings 3.1 and an xbox. I wish mine didn't blow up a couple months ago. I really need to stop procrastinating and get another one.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Mr. Wah and VP are definitely going. I don't know if my presence is justified or if I can get the time off. If I do, I'll probably end up yelling at Team Ninja.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't make sense to nerf everything so that you HAVE to rely on holds in every situation

To me it just seems like TN doesn't understand their own game and have a scrub mindset on everything. Reading through it just seems like they saw all these tools and felt they were cheap and unfair and they want the casuals to be able to compete and not feel cheated, but in reality the hardcore are the ones feeling cheated.

They need to realize that no matter what they do, the casuals will never understand the in depth tools of a fighting game unless they put in the time to learn it. When I first started playing doa2u, I didn't know anything about how the game played, but it never stopped me from having fun. Eventually I started getting more into the game and started learning frames and the more in depth stuff. Hopefully we can help them understand this at D i D that taking away tools is not helping the game. The casuals are going to buy it and play it regardless and never know the difference as long as there is fan service and costumes are stuff, but start taking away tools and you are going to piss off the crowd that actually plays the game.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Wah and VP are definitely going. I don't know if my presence is justified or if I can get the time off. If I do, I'll probably end up yelling at Team Ninja.

I feel the same way. I believe Sorwah and VP share the same opinions I do and will get what everyone here feels across to TN. It probably would be best if I didn't say anything to them since recent events have made me really angry and I just want to bitch slap them lol.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go out on a limb, but I wonder if Team Ninja based all their data on gameplay specifics from watching the televised U.S. tournaments?

I mean I think DOA as a fighter is more prominent at a higher level in the states right? They said that they were observing things through DOAU but, well IDK.

Like I said before, what happens in Dallas is going to be very interesting so hopefully the stream will be available.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I honestly expect nothing more at Dallas than Team NINJA being put on stage to say hi to everyone, and a quick Q&A about who was the person who shot the woman in the head at the end of DOA4 and such. Even though I will attempt to try, I don't expect them to be willing to have a sit-down interview with FreeStepDodge.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Going in with low expectations is good, however I am hoping something great comes out of it. Especially since DOA is on so many fighting gamers' radar atm.

Not to mention that a lot of you guys are deciding to head out and show your stuff. I'm excited for just that alone.


Well-Known Member
All the more reason for players to collect an organised set of points, and hand them over in a good looking, printed document. Seriously, that will impress them.

Also there is a lot of pressure on the Dallas crew to include other people in the community into the contact process with Team Ninja - Sorwah, have you asked if there will be a player dinner or something like that you could attend?

I share Gill Hustle's optimism about it, that at least a variety of views and types of DOA player will be present.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
All Team Ninja need is the truth about their game, and why it is not perceived highly not only by us, but by the fighting game community as a whole. It is time that the series involve and step in the right direction.


New Member
Excellent interview! I must say that Carl asked some excellent questions.

To me it just seems like TN doesn't understand their own game and have a scrub mindset on everything. Reading through it just seems like they saw all these tools and felt they were cheap and unfair and they want the casuals to be able to compete and not feel cheated, but in reality the hardcore are the ones feeling cheated.

They need to realize that no matter what they do, the casuals will never understand the in depth tools of a fighting game unless they put in the time to learn it. When I first started playing doa2u, I didn't know anything about how the game played, but it never stopped me from having fun. Eventually I started getting more into the game and started learning frames and the more in depth stuff. Hopefully we can help them understand this at D i D that taking away tools is not helping the game. The casuals are going to buy it and play it regardless and never know the difference as long as there is fan service and costumes are stuff, but start taking away tools and you are going to piss off the crowd that actually plays the game.

You touch on one of the biggest challenges Team Ninja faces I think, pleasing both the casual fan and the hardcore competitive fan. Truth is although the hardcore fighting fans form the critical basis for sales success, no fighter can succeed on that fan base alone.

You say causal fans will buy it anyway, but that's only partially true. Sure some will buy it for just "fan service and costumes and stuff" but not necessarily enough to make it a big hit.

Casual fans are not "dumb" fans.
Those casual players have to give the game good word of mouth just like the hardcore fans do in order for their friends etc. to say, ok, I've got to pick that game up.