DOA5 E3 Version Q&A

Arnell Long

Active Member
The best part about DOA5 is that in its early stages, it's better than DOA4 in its entirety. Lets just hope it stays that way and isn't tampered with in the way DOA4 did before release.


Well-Known Member
You know what makes the CB even scarier? You can choose NOT to do it and go straight for a launch or continue your mind game, which will throw off your opponent even more >_>

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
The thing with DoA is that even if you get a hit in if it didn't stun you don't get really get to press your advantage because everything is negative anyway. If you do get the stun you still have to work to get damage because you still have to avoid the hold.

In ANY other fighter once you are hit that is the end of it. Only the aggressor can mess up their opportunity with the exception of MK as once you have enough meter you can break a combo but it's ONLY if you have meter. In SF you have the revenge meter but that is more to regain lost damage and attempt a comeback. In SC once you are hit the damage is yours and there is no way out as well as KoF. In VF you may not get the entire string for the damage but assuming I hit you with ANYTHING (exception of sweeps) I am at advantage. The opponent can still side step and have an option but the aggressor is in FULL control of the situation.

In DoA the aggressor isn't in control. If I hit my opponent with PP not only am I at disadvantage I didn't even get a stun so I can only throw out something random or give the fight back to the defender. That alone turns of many people because you have no way to assume control as the attacker.

Stuns are not advantage because it doesn't really limit the defenders options. They still have GREAT options to escape even while being hit not to mention they get damage if they guess right. That is UNHEARD of in ANY other fighting game. "So you mean if I stun my opponent he can counter me at any point AND get damage on me?"

Now with DoA 5 they have helped to address that situation very well. They have gave stuns that can't be escaped or stuns that have to be struggled out of. Now the aggressor has more control when they are aggressive as opposed to the defender having so much power.

Now they have pretty much every move on NH and block at disadvantage. This is probably due to the stun system because "technically" you have advantage but you don't because of what was stated above. Since you also get stuns in a very normal manner and they come often because of the way the string delay is with the "is he going to finish that string or not" style someone will be stunned.


Well-Known Member
The best part about DOA5 is that in its early stages, it's better than DOA4 in its entirety. Lets just hope it stays that way and isn't tampered with in the way DOA4 did before release.

If DOA5 changes for the worst, at least we know who to blame. Manny and his crew have made it very clear they do not want the same DOA5 most of us want.

Asbel Lhant

If DOA5 changes for the worst, at least we know who to blame. Manny and his crew have made it very clear they do not want the same DOA5 most of us want.

Um if you can, you think you could go into detail as to what is it you and Rikuto need for this game to work in tournaments and what is it that Manny and his crew are saying to ruin the chances of it being tournament worthy?


Well-Known Member
Internet troll detected. >__>
watch ya self, if you're calling anyone here a troll it ought of be you. People already know you for making no sense lately. Trollin the internet, nigga this is one forum. I don't troll the internet, I come to voice my thoughts and opinions.


Well-Known Member
Um if you can, you think you could go into detail as to what is it you and Rikuto need for this game to work in tournaments and what is it that Manny and his crew are saying to ruin the chances of it being tournament worthy?

Just read my Good, Bad and Ugly post compared to Manny's latest. In short, Manny wants DOA4 all over again, we want a good fighting game that might actually have a shot at being featured at most majors.


Active Member
I remember DoA4 and how good it was looking before the delay. Tech traps, frame advantage, stuff like that. It kind of feels like DoA5 could take that sudden turn for the turrible.

Im 19 how old are you? My point. Go get a life.

What does this have to do with anything? You should learn how to communicate without resorting racial epithets.


Well-Known Member
I remember DoA4 and how good it was looking before the delay. Tech traps, frame advantage, stuff like that. It kind of feels like DoA5 could take that sudden turn for the turrible.

What does this have to do with anything? You should learn how to communicate without resorting racial epithets.
What does anything racial have to do with that quote?


Well-Known Member
I remember DoA4 and how good it was looking before the delay. Tech traps, frame advantage, stuff like that. It kind of feels like DoA5 could take that sudden turn for the turrible.

Team Ninja and Shimbori have a vision for DOA5. Myself, Rikuto, Manny and Chosen1 (at the very least) have provided feedback (most of which is based on the E3 build). They're definitely taking the feedback to heart and are trying to appease the competitive community while still maintaining their vision of DOA5.

The question is, who do they listen to more and what suggestions actually make it into the game.

For instance, Manny clearly dislikes CB and wants to turn it into DOA4 mechanics (adding to the guessing game), while myself and Rikuto think it's a great addition, but should be adjusted to hopefully improve on what we saw at E3.

Likewise, according to Manny, "...hitomi is still safe and most of her moves set leaves her at around -2 to -4 frames and is sometimes at advantage.", but in actuality 80% of her move list is unsafe. So while I might say Hitomi needs to be safer, clearly Manny thinks she's safe enough.

If Manny gets the game he wants, we'll have a limited competitive scene. If Rikuto and I get the game we're aiming for, I think we'll see some solid tournament attendance. So... yeah. We'll see how the game evolves, but at least we know what feedback is coming from where.

Asbel Lhant

Team Ninja and Shimbori have a vision for DOA5. Myself, Rikuto, Manny and Chosen1 (at the very least) have provided feedback (most of which is based on the E3 build). They're definitely taking the feedback to heart and are trying to appease the competitive community while still maintaining their vision of DOA5.

The question is, who do they listen to more and what suggestions actually make it into the game.

For instance, Manny clearly dislikes CB and wants to turn it into DOA4 mechanics (adding to the guessing game), while myself and Rikuto think it's a great addition, but should be adjusted to hopefully improve on what we saw at E3.

Likewise, according to Manny, "...hitomi is still safe and most of her moves set leaves her at around -2 to -4 frames and is sometimes at advantage.", but in actuality 80% of her move list is unsafe. So while I might say Hitomi needs to be safer, clearly Manny thinks she's safe enough.

If Manny gets the game he wants, we'll have a limited competitive scene. If Rikuto and I get the game we're aiming for, I think we'll see some solid tournament attendance. So... yeah. We'll see how the game evolves, but at least we know what feedback is coming from where.

I read both of you and Manny's feedback and this is what I have to say, how are you and Rikuto going to convince TN to take what you guys say, rather than Manny? This can further damage DOA's rep and all that excitement and playing the Alpha Demo and E3 build, just to get this to become a competitive fighter, will be all for naught.Can you guys get some solid evidence to show TN, that if they listen to Manny and his crew, things can get bad?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
If Manny gets the game he wants, we'll have a limited competitive scene. If Rikuto and I get the game we're aiming for, I think we'll see some solid tournament attendance. So... yeah. We'll see how the game evolves, but at least we know what feedback is coming from where.
If we get a good game, people will compete. Manny doesn't want that; he wants a limited scene so he has limited "competition" since so few will be playing. He'd rather have the small scene and remain the "Scrubs' Champion," especially if there's money involved.

Can you guys get some solid evidence to show TN, that if they listen to Manny and his crew, things can get bad?
We already have DOA4.

Arnell Long

Active Member
If DOA5 changes for the worst, at least we know who to blame. Manny and his crew have made it very clear they do not want the same DOA5 most of us want.

I do not want a rehashed DOA4 with a 2012 AE patch. What we have now with DOA5 is a game that actually grants players advantage in more ways than one. When you mention DOA and 100% guaranteed, it becomes laughable. Now that we are just that, why would anyone want to change such a promising foundation?

"Talking to Manny for sec" who I have nothing against, but if Critical Bursts are considered "repetitive" to you, then we could say the same about "Izuna Drops" after every punch counter. Now, you could say if the player knew better they wouldn't punch so often which is true, and I could say is a person doesn't want to get hit with a CB, they should learn to properly slow escape with the absence of misread counters.

Pretty much every Fighting game that matters has a repetitive script, while only changing ever so slightly when need be. Check out some high level Tekken videos and you'll get a clear idea of what that means Manny because judging from your Article, I'm wondering why would you think CB's are unnecessary? Because that's possibly the best added addition to DOA is ages...perhaps ever if carefully tweaked.