Final Fantasy Thread


Well-Known Member
By the way, how did everyone actually like Noctis? :)

After musing about it for a while, I think he is actually my favorite protagonist of the FF series.
I love that he is a badass fighter, one of the most powerful in the series actually, and royalty and still he doesn't act like it. He isn't arrogant, he isn't brooding (like Versus XIII days indicated), he isn't aggressive. He is generally a gentle, sometimes a bit shy and insecure guy. Only around his friends he's really outgoing and unguarded. He is a bit spoiled and pretty lazy, he also has a good sense of humor and he is kind of a dork. I know some people complained about him whining/having emotional outbursts at some points in the story but I thought they were actually very relatable. He had it very tough. This was one if not the darkest FF yet. And most of the time he was actually positive and a bit oblivious. In the end he had truly grown and...
!Big fat ending spoiler ahead!
I felt so bad for him, when he sacrificed himself without second thought though you could tell he was afraid and got stabbed to death by all former Lucian kings including his own father. :(

He will definitely be my main in Dissidia. :)

Lol I'm actually in the middle of writing mine! XD

Personally I think he's a great character, He seems to have real reactions to things instead of just being completely brooding all the time. And I'm happy about that because he can laugh at jokes etc and isn't this emotionless character. Also he needs some more outfits because the ones he has there's only a few that I like really.


Well-Known Member
No one else has to say anything about Noctis...?


He is okay. Not very remarkable to me. No hard feelings.


Premium Donor
No one else has to say anything about Noctis...?

I haven't played the full game yet but he's my favorite character in the FF universe, I think it was last summer that you linked me to this thread and I discovered him? XD I wish I could say he'll be my only main in Dissidia final Fantasy but I'm already gonna use someone else for two long reasons.:cool: I've watched said character's gameplays thoroughly on YT for a while and he looks like my preferred playstyle.


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I still remember the PShax community opened up the Duscae demo and there was data summonings of Alexander, Phoenix, Odin, Cerberus (changed into a sniper rifle name on the full game), Diabolos, Hades, and Ark. However it was scrapped entirely and no one here nor Square Enix decides to mention it at all.

I swear, with all the royalty thing going around, Alexander would of been one that made A LOT of sense, along with Odin and Ark.
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Well-Known Member
By the way, how did everyone actually like Noctis? :)

After musing about it for a while, I think he is actually my favorite protagonist of the FF series.
I love that he is a badass fighter, one of the most powerful in the series actually, and royalty and still he doesn't act like it. He isn't arrogant, he isn't brooding (like Versus XIII days indicated), he isn't aggressive. He is generally a gentle, sometimes a bit shy and insecure guy. Only around his friends he's really outgoing and unguarded. He is a bit spoiled and very lazy/sleepy, he also has a good sense of humor and he is kind of a dork. I know some people complained about him whining/having emotional outbursts at some points in the story but I thought they were actually very relatable. He had it very tough. This was one if not the darkest FF yet. And most of the time he was actually positive and a bit oblivious. In the end he had truly grown and...
!Big fat ending spoiler ahead!
I felt so bad for him, when he sacrificed himself without second thought though you could tell he was afraid and got stabbed to death by all former Lucian kings including his own father. :(

He will definitely be my main in Dissidia. :)
I didn't answer cause pretty much everything you said I also what I think. However I wouldn't say he's my favorite as I do not have one. I still have to think about a few things, though he's likely one of my favorites.


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On a technical note, things started to die down after FFXII. It's not the type of catering to it because there is some elements to it for the hardcore fans. It's the fact that FF has been changing too much on it's core element and emphasize more towards a certain appeal. FFXII was a good game but they should of kept the same pace from FFX there on (FFII all the way to FFX was perfect), just needed to dissolve turned-based element while keeping FF true to it's form. Anything before FFXII was massively good to be exact. (I mean like I said, FFXII was not at all a bad game because it was really good in it's own way, but it hasn't been the same and change is not always a good thing.)
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Well-Known Member
You didn't even play the game. XD
True, I only saw him in story and gameplay videos.
Who knows, maybe when I'll play it my opinion will change.
As I said, take my opinion on this game with a grain of salt... Nothing beats playing a game or watching someone near you (like a relative or a friend) play it.
Online videos just feel different. While watching a story on a video is more or less the same feeling, playing the game is not so yeah.

But I'm still pissed about the cut content, the scummy DLC and the product placement.

On a technical note, things started to die down after FFXII. It's not the type of catering to it because there is some elements to it for the hardcore fans. It's the fact that FF has been changing too much on it's core element and emphasize more towards a certain appeal. FFXII was a good game but they should of kept the same pace from FFX there on, just needed to dissolve turned-based element while keeping FF true to it's form. Anything before FFXII was massively good to be exact. (Like I said, FFXII was not at all a bad game, but it hasn't been the same and change is not always a good thing.)

To me, XII feels more like an evolution of Vagrant Story than an evolution of Final Fantasy.
Vagrant is still different in the fighting system but they have so much in common. I know it boils down to Yasumi Matsuno but FF never had traps identical to the ones in VS, among other things that just feel like VS.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
FFXV is a flop in Japan. :(

Final Fantasy XV down ~56% from FFXIII, lowest singleplayer debut since FFV.

Debut sales of mainline FFs since the Playstation era:

[PS1] Final Fantasy VII - 2.034.879 / 3.277.776

[PS1] Final Fantasy VIII - 2.504.044 / 3.501.588

[PS1] Final Fantasy IX - 1.954.421 / 2.707.301

[PS2] Final Fantasy X - 1.749.737 / 2.325.215

[PS2] Final Fantasy XII - 1.840.397 / 2.322.541

[PS3] Final Fantasy XIII - 1.516.532 / 1.905.979

[PS4] Final Fantasy XV - 690.471 / NEW

It's all Raitoningu's fault! D: She f***** Japan (with her trilogy)!
Grunt: "I need to get a plane to Japan ASAP! :3"

That's a pretty decent amount at least. Haven't seen a PS4 game sell that well in Japan for a while.

Yet more proof that console gaming is dead in Japan.


Premium Donor
That's a pretty decent amount at least. Haven't seen a PS4 game sell that well in Japan for a while.

Yet more proof that console gaming is dead in Japan.
Now if FF15 was a thirty minutes to an hour play and save session arcade game you'd have a lot more revenue up there, arcades are too popular over there XD


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
I'll give more detailed thoughts on Noctis once I've beaten the story but I'm not really impressed with him as a character beyond combat capabilities. The only characters I've grown to like on a specific kind of level are Ardyn and Prompto, they seem to be the only two characters who had good voice acting an fairly unforced moments of "I must feel this way because it is who I am." Yeah Prompto has a few down moments (mostly in chapter 10) but his VA really did a good job reflecting that while everybody else is basically forcing themselves to seem sad or upset. I'm just flat out impressed with Ardyn's VA, I legitimately like the character despite Ardyn having so little interaction in the story (so far, I'm still only on chapter 11 or 12, haven't booted up the game in a day or two but I'm definitely not in a position to return to story mode quite yet).
Ignis isn't all that great either up until he redeems himself (in my eyes) in chapter 10 when he gives his speech.
Gladio is just an oddball when it comes to personality. One minute he is the King's Shield and loyal to a fault, the next he wants to kill Noctis, and in combat he loves Noctis to death despite wanting to kill him. I don't get it.
Honestly not impressed with Lunafreya, Gentiana, and Cindy (actually not so much).
Aranea I like but that is primarily because I think Dragoons are the most badass job in the entrie series, so she gets those points and she really saved my ass by showing up as I entered combat with two Red Iron Giants at level 39.
I can't really talk too much without putting spoilers in but I also haven't beaten the game yet so there is still time for me to actually like Noctis. A lot fo what makes me like a character is personality, Noctis just really lacks it while Ardyn and Prompto just ooze with personality.

I'll tell you what though, I am some kind of idiot because I decided to take on the Costlemark Tower at level 42. Baaaaaaaaaaad idea, I'm currently in power save mode against two Red Iron Giants and my party is dead and I'm almost out of Phoenix Downs and quickly running out of potions (I only use those when I go into Danger). I've been trying to force a summon because there is no way I can do enough damage with two coming at me at once. I decided I wanted to go Royal Arms hunting and this is coming back to bite me pretty hard.

BTW a very easy way to beat Ronin, Yojimbo, and the boss of Balouve Mines in the spoiler I found while fighting the boss of the mines (Arusaka was it?).
Just hold block against them to parry them and be ready to dodge their unblockable aoes. As long as you block they can't hit you (while you have MP) and they have a lot of parry options. The aoe has a long startup that is easily recognizable but it is unblockable (but with the right timing you can dodge through it). There is one attack where they will drop from up high that you can parry, be ready to mash attack if you do, if you aren't successful you may go into danger or outright die.
I am kinda pissed off at how easy it is to kill them now that I figured that out. I beat that boss at level 35, that's how braindead this strategy is.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Guys, I don't know how I missed that before, but there was actually some kind of prologue to FFXV, that Square Enix advised people to read before the game. They released it for free here:

I just read it and it is actually really interesting. It explains some stuff before Noctis and his friends leave Insomnia. It also features Iris, Clarus (her and Gladio's father), Regis, Cor and Drautos and Libertus from Kingsglaive.


Premium Donor
Guys, I don't know how I missed that before, but there was actually some kind of prologue to FFXV, that Square Enix advised people to read before the game. They released it for free here:

I just read it and it is actually really interesting. It explains some stuff before Noctis and his friends leave Insomnia. It also features Iris, Clarus (her and Gladio's father), Regis, Cor and Drautos and Libertus from Kingsglaive.
That's convenient! I'll give it a read right now while I'm eating some KFC


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
That's convenient! I'll give it a read right now while I'm eating some KFC

I actually thought especially you might enjoy it. :) It details Noctis a little more for you and there's even Iris in it. XD You'll be good to go once you got the game. :)

Here comes a funny gamespoiler, guys. So only look at it if you played or have played the game for quite some time:
Lol, I never noticed that Aranea slaps Noctis out of danger. XD




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Funnily enough Square Enix must've thought: Enough of shirtless Gladio in FFXV, let's make players cover him up for the rest of the game. D: at about the 2/3 mark of the game. And that I did. Such a shame, really. :/


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Ahem, speaking of Gladio...

He sure did enjoy his reading here, I guess.


I wasn't expecting this, not to mention that Iris and Talcott could have walked in anytime xD

Is this real? XD I mean the magazine cover?

On another note: