I am better than both Yohei Shimbori AND Tomonobu Itagaki. Muwahaha!
NEXT-GEN Cliffhanger Dangerzones: https://youtu.be/CkEkIb1bn-Y
Viewer Guide:
0:00 "Team NINJA, Team NINJA, Team NINJA"
0:30 "Overthrow Team NINJA?" Precisely

0:48 Sing-Along with applicable lyrics
2:22 "Nicely Done"
2:40 "Hurry up! Get back to it!"
2:46 DOA7 won't succeed without MEEEEE!
3:00 Nyotengu: "Dance with me, Zero Two!"
3:03 Team NINJA, you and Kasumi are OUT!
4:13 Aha-HA-HA-HA I have a plan indeed!
4:40 "Awesome counter!"
5:53 Game Set *BOOM* (mic drop) XD
7:03 6 HARDCORE is the ambition we share
7:18 Gen Fu the "Wily Veteran" (he's mad old) XD
7:45 He's falling off the edge today! LOL
9:15 WOOOAAAH! Didn't see that hold coming!
9:29 "There it is! KNOCKOUT!"
9:42 Nothing is next. The video is OVER! XD
10:00 We can make them see all the things DOA can be! AHA-HA-HA!
Crossplay: https://youtu.be/1iUdZcz-Ens
Break Hold community poll: https://youtu.be/pOcFebL9Q-U
Features for the next DOA: https://youtu.be/b3MjUiuweyg
How to design better stages: https://youtu.be/f93kwW7pttc
How to fix the meter system: https://youtu.be/_ensQFEGHSo
How to fix the wall game: https://youtu.be/Ahg_-AcnPPU
DOA fighting game designer playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ4KscFO109zKX2t1J2Hl5H5LjDtJ6aue
DOA6H (Hardcore) doa6u doa6 doa7 doa5lr gameplay versus rant review fighting game developer new company director producer rules ideas fix ranked match online lobby pvp games dead or alive 7 6 online ranked match nyotengu computer rant critique intro movie cinematic song theme opening trailer gmv amv music soundtrack rant rating ranking nyotengu broken top characters overpowered op unbalanced best fighters competitive rant nerd geek weeb steam store corporation honest thoughts before you buy problem with problems issues feedback opinions
nyafighter8101 nyamiyamafighter fightersupreme doafighter3 アイン Ain ein デッドオアアライブ5 ラストラウンド Deddo oa Araibu Faibu Rasutoraundo dead or alive 5 last round comparison character select theme walk out in intros perfect top plays compilation ost original soundtrack チームニンジャ team ninja 株式会社テクモ tecmo 株式会社コーエーテクモホールディングス koei tecmo amv gmv
doa dead or alive チームニンジャ team ninja 株式会社テクモ tecmo 株式会社コーエーテクモホールディングス koei tecmo 死んでも生きても (doa translated) vs デッドオアアライブ6 Deddo Oa Araibu Shikusu DOA6 デッド オア アライブ エクストリーム3 Deddo oa Araibu Ekusutorīmu Surī DOAX3 デッド オア アライブ エクストリーム ヴィーナス バケーション DOAX venus vacation doaxvv ryona gravure デッドオアアライブ3 Deddo Oa Araibu Surī DOA3 デッドオアアライブ4 Deddo Oa Araibu Fō DOA4
デッド オア アライブ ディメンションズ Deddo oa Araibu Dimenshonzu doad dimensions nintendo 3ds
cutscene cinematic movie ending credits cgi animated story mode reveal compilation all scenes chinese japanese dub tag extended trailer story modes last round ultimate plus デッドオアアライブ5 アルティメット Deddo oa Araibu Faibu Arutimetto dead or alive 5 ultimate arcade doa5ua doa5lr last round launch ryona ost soundtrack music theme uncensored english voice 4k hd 元福 Yuán Fú ゲン・フー Gen Fū Fu
デッド オア アライブ 7 セブン Dead or Alive 7 Seven
アイン Ain ein
霞 かすみ Kasumi
女天狗 Nyotengu
mugen tenshin clan psp port reboot canceled doa++ doa6++ mod producer dev developer top ten 10 virtua fighter can't no overkill doa doad dimensions characters playstation vita xbox 360 original exclusive tomonobu itagaki ninja gaiden tag battle creator owner tekken yosuke hayashi doa2u pc online vs versus danger zones interactions coup betrayal music video anime movie soundtrack song murder killing petition revival kickstarter doa2h 2 hardcore version dreamcast arcades playstation 2 ps2 doa6fe fighters evolution doa6++ mod 6++ news confidence exclusive interview e3 2018 2019 usurp xtreme venus vacation prism doaxvvp movie hiring darling in the franxx fanservice vf5r virtua fighter 5 6 ultimate showdown revo vf6 sega Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio