I really enjoy ur akira and ur music ! Please keep up your good work (o^^)o
Im glad you like my music choice.
Yeah I don't like that remix is either. I know their goof balls and all, but still I was like this this is bad. I still haven't heard their latest album.
  • Raansu

Ya I just listened to some of the songs...Seems like bring the pain was the only one remixed and I don't like what they did to it at all, but whatever. With that said it was weird hearing songs I haven't listened to in like 12 years lol.
Yeah mindless is still around. They re-released Tight and called it Tighter which it is. Then the left rights released an album in 2010 or 2011.
  • Raansu

holy shit mindless self indulgence...is that group even around anymore? I haven't listened to them since I was like in my early teens.
Video is laggy cuz uploads are low quality to fb.
Hah, you saw that match? I had to go and was using it as a hail mary tactic. Funny as hell.
Dang it we need to play. I've got to learn some of these setups.
I remember catching one of these at Gill Hustle's stream. Wish you threw in the one where you had Hayate locked into a ground punch loop and almost won XD Any idea why your videos come out laggy?


Jul 12, 2013 at 6:20 PM
Posted by Sly Bass
Poking matches mainly. Get in, get damage, and get out.
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