DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round Naotora IFC Max distance glitch....

@KasumiLover69 Same here, it would be a pity if they didn't.
It doesn't seem too bad tho, if it happens from a PL, it steals away 10 damage points, while normal ground IFC is worse, 20 dp gone.
Oh my god! Nikotsumi, it does happen after a max distance PL.... :-(
@Leifang I hope they fix it when Mai is released, it's kinda disappointing that it just occurs for no reason. @Nikotsumi I didn't think of that! :-0 I'll go check if it happens in that case
I saw that, that's weird though. TN needs to fix that.
Now I wonder if the damage is reduced even when doing it at max distance after a PL...


Aug 21, 2016 at 4:37 PM
Posted by KasumiLover
A glitch i found: If 2P+K~K is done at max distance the first hit will not have any damage done and will deal less damage. First one is max distance, second is a normal distance one with full damage. TN please fix....

UPDATE: This also occurs after a max distance power launcher, please be wary.... Based on what the damage shows, a PL with this glitch will lose 10 damage, while a normal ground Ii Family Creed 5K will lose 20 damage.

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