Jul 20, 2019 at 5:21 AM
This is a small DOA6 guide to help people out if they're interested in Hayate and would like an idea on how to approach learning him. This guide is mainly for letting you get your "feet wet" with the character. Feel free to message me if you have any questions pertaining to anything. Cheers!
Join TopTierFighters here: https://www.patreon.com/toptiertips/overview
For Directional Notation:
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Each number represents the corresponding direction. 1 for "Down-Back", 9 for "Up-Forward", 5 for "Neutral" or no input, etc. Quarter-Circle Back = 214, Quarter-Circle Forward = 236, Half-Circle Back = 63214, Half-Circle Forward = 41236, etc.
CH = Counter-Hit
BT = Backturned Stance
W! = Wall Splat
DZ! = Dangerzone Splat
For Input commands:
P = Punch
K = Kick
H = Hold/Guard Button
T = Throw Button
S = Special Button
P+K = Strong punch
H+K = Strong Kick
H+P = Alternate Way to Input "Throw"
H+P+K = Alternate Way to Input "S"
Check out the TopTierTips Guide Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFIZOxrRW44&list=PLV4Z7LoRwodBYCiMNOVwLGY75qkNNlNTv&index=2&t=1s
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Look out for further DOA6 guides in the future!