Do not put DOA characters in The King of Fighters XV | Letter to Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja | DOA6

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Feb 18, 2023 at 10:49 PM
Posted by NyaMiyamaFighter
Guest characters come to you. You do not descend to their level because you are superior to them.
Make DOA6 Ultimate (Hardcore?) before attempting a reboot.
Video Texts (edited):
DOA is the most unique in comparison to every other fighting game
(the characters, the gameplay, the stages, the controls, the graphics, etc). Do not put your extraordinary characters into an unremarkable game.

To me, letting DOA characters crossover to another universe would make
Dead or Alive seem as though it's lost all the pride and integrity it has left. I know I'm literally like the only person on earth who feels this way.

Make a Dead or Alive 6 Ultimate. Focus on fighting (ground combat) and balance this time.
DOA6's gameplay is heavily centered around quick launching and high juggle
damage. No more capitulating. No more trying to be like other fighting games,

because those others are NOT good and not worth MY time. I admire
DOA because I like intellectual combat, not braindead and broken
Marvel vs Capcom, Blazblue, DnF Duel, Tekken, Dragon Ball Fighterz NONSENSE!

If you do not first perfect the fighting system in DOA6, you will not be ready
to produce a reboot that is worth taking seriously, and it will utterly fail.
I need a de-esser. Ugh... :/
You see 4 Tengu icons at the top because I have a 4-win streak at this current time in the session.
Ramblings/Rant (old):
Developers keep releasing games with broken gameplay and limited PvP options because people accept everything that is handed to them. They don't complain or speak up. I may over-complain at times, but at least I am doing SOMETHING to bring about change.
Most people are ignorant and don't analyze things as thoroughly as I do, while others are scared to disagree.
95% of gamers wouldn't know a good game if it poked them in the eye. They settle for MEDIOCRITY!
This is why companies keep releasing lame, disappointing video games.

I really cannot believe how anyone enjoys DOA5 and DOA6. Play DOA5, and you get mixed to death. Go on DOA6, and you can't fight for 5 seconds before someone throws out a Break Hold to cover their mistakes or an all-or-nothing Break Blow to snuff out ANY standing strike you have, so you don't even want to engage your opponent!
The flow of the action is constantly being halted by the poorly implemented meter system.
Even though DOA6 is for scrubs, people are so small-minded that they automatically think DOA5 is a good game just because it's a direct contrast to 6--because it's hard. No, 5 is TOO hard. It's not fun at all!
A game CAN be hardcore and fun at the same time. 5 doesn't achieve that balance.
*The Ugly Problems with DOA6:
*Featured Video of Mine: (DnF Duel x DOA)
*GMV Playlist:
*The BEST GMV playlist:
NyaFighter8101 FighterSupreme DOAFighter3 steam patch update competitive pc patch notes doa7 7 rant review dead or alive replay rewind koei tecmo official nyotengu vs eliot versus top 16 finals kof15 dead or alive 6 crossover guest mod hack dlc reveal trailer japan lobby match online
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